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Posts by phenylpiracetam

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The intimate community of life and love which constitutes the married state has been established by the Creator and endowed by him with its own proper laws. . . . God himself is the author of marriage. The vocation to marriage is written in the very nature of man and woman as they came from the hand of the Creator. Marriage is not a purely human institution despite the many variations it may have undergone through the centuries in different cultures, social structures, and spiritual attitudes. These differences should not cause us to forget its common and permanent characteristics. Although the dignity of this institution is not transparent everywhere with the same clarity, some sense of the greatness of the matrimonial union exists in all cultures. The well-being of the individual person and of both human and Christian society is closely bound up with the healthy state of conjugal and family life

    It was cool at first. Then it went so downhill.
  2. Originally posted by Kafka Are you male or female OP and why was it bad? Apparently marriage makes men happy and women unhappy. I don't want it either but wouldn't mind having a wedding to feel special to spite my relatives. I don't see how you can have a child with someone or own a house together unless you're married.

    I'm male. I was happy at first but She constantly cheated. I wouldn't ever get married again. I'm probably not going to have children. I'm living in an apartment on My own now and I'm going to be here pretty much the rest of My life. I want to keep being single. I'm not giving a chance to another female.
  3. Originally posted by RIPtotse Yah best bet is live in a state that doesn't recognize common law marriage and just never get married

    And yes prenups help but the succubus will still come out with some of your money and shit just likely a bit less than if u didn't get a prenup

    Marriage is dumb as fuck and any bitch that thinks different isn't worth marrying imho

    Marriage IS dumb as fuck and I agree.
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The meaning has not changed, only societies understanding of it has because they reject natural law in favor of national law

    My ex wife didn't respect the whole purpose of marriage and she constantly cheated on Me.
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Then if it's been degraded it's you that's misunderstanding the CURRENT true meaning when citing the PAST true meaning.

    The current true meaning of marriage translates to "you made a dumb"

    Thankyou. Pretty much agreed.
  6. Originally posted by RIPtotse And I'm still over here screaming prenuptial agreement

    lol should have thought twice.
  7. Originally posted by Bradley Did you lose a bunch of money

    Yes I did and I lost my time. I lost alot of stuff. At the end, I ended up homeless for a short period of time.
  8. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The good thing about marriage is you can look forward to the divorce.

    True dat.
  9. Originally posted by Bradley Who are you BARON von REHAB ( Heir to the Rehab Fortune) ???

    I can't smoke in My apt and I don't have another place I can smoke. What's this Heir to the Rehab Fortune?
  10. Originally posted by Instigator What are you some sort of dick van did too much?

    what's a dick van?
  11. Originally posted by Obbe What's stopping you?

    My landlord.
  12. Originally posted by blackbird Build a weed fort out in the woods so you have somewhere private to smoke.

    Good idea. I'm going to a concert maybe on Sunday and there will be alot of people there smoking.
  13. Originally posted by phenylpiracetam Hey guys,

    I woke up this morning and the right side of My face is swollen from a tooth infection. I called and texted My Dad and He took Me to the Dentist. Before We went to the Dentist, My Dad took Me grocery shopping because We had enough time. I picked up My Gabapentin Script while at the grocery store. We went to the Dentist and they gave Me Amoxicillin. I have to take it for ten days. I'm going to the Dentist Friday after this to have a tooth pulled and to make a plan for Dental Care ongoing. We went to the Dollar Store and found Monster Cold Brew Coffee for fifty cents each. We bought ten of them. I came home and put all of the groceries away. My Dad gave Me a thing of shelves and I'm using it for My TV. It turned out to be a pretty good day because also whilst in the process I got My insurance numbers so I was able to go to this Therapist place and they are going to get Me a doctor to prescribe My Bipolar Medicine. I'm glad that My Dad took Me grocery shopping. I'm going to start brushing My teeth every day. Soon I will have a new doctor and I'm going to ask for Medicine to help with insomnia. Also I got some Advil and Tylenol and also some Primatine today. I went to the clothing bank and I picked up some new sweats and shorts and shirts and got a really nice rain jacket. Today started out bad and I'm in alot of tooth pain with 800mg of Advil as well as 1000mg of Tylenol and My teeth still hurt. I'm so glad I got Primatine today. It helps Me breathe easier as well as gives Me some energy. I'm going to change the way I take care of My teeth as well as get a new doctor to prescribe My Bipolar Meds. I am building a food storage area in My Kitchen and things are going well with that. Alot of good things happened to Me today what could have been really bad.

    I got a call from the Dentist place today and they had a cancellation so I went in and they pulled the bad tooth. It didn't hurt as bad as I imagined but it was still painful. The worst part was the pain from the numbing medication being injected. While the dentist was pulling the tooth, the tooth kept breaking. I can't smoke for 3 days so I went and bought some 4mg Fruit Chill flavored Nicotine Gum. I chew two at once. I kind of like them. While chewing the nicotine gum, I had another tooth break. It was the tooth next to the one that got pulled. So now I'm home, I can't go for a smoke or vape so I'm chewing nicotine gum.
  14. Originally posted by Bradley Op has acquired the status Septic

    Infected. Septic that's for sure.
  15. Originally posted by Kafka Are you okay? I'm sensing undercurrents… If you're drinking energy drinks you can use a straw so it doesn't touch your teeth, that's what I do. Finish all of the antibiotics even if it's already cleared. Ask for a fluoride toothpaste subscription.

    I'm okay, thanks for asking. That's a good idea to use a straw. I'm definitely going to take all of the antibiotics. I'll ask them about the toothpaste. Thanks.
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood nice

  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Why did you need daddy to take you?

    Because I don't have a car. It's kind of lame. I've spent most of My Adult Life without a car. I had a car a couple years ago but it got crashed. So I depend on rides from My Dad for this sort of thing. He also takes Me grocery shopping.
  18. I LOVE BRIONI FAITH!! She's My fav.
  19. Chess is Art. And I want to start Streaming on Twitch while playing Chess.
  20. It was one of the best books I started to read but I want to get a new copy and read the whole thing. It's a great book and helps Me have a better attitude.
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