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Posts by phenylpiracetam

  1. I want to get an Alienware Gaming Laptop but I don't know why. I don't even play games usually, sometimes StarCraft but that's about it.
  2. Marriage is for dummies. It was the worst 2 years of My life. I'm enjoying being single.
  3. I used to smoke so much but where I'm living at now I can't. I only smoke cigarettes. I might get some gummies. I miss taking a big rip off of a bong and rolling up a nice blunt.
  4. This is Me bitching and moaning; I have a severe tooth infection and it sucks.
  5. I used to spend hours on TOTSE but I rarely posted, I just would read.
  6. Hey guys,

    I'm going to get some Absolute Focus from Bright Brain. It has Adrafinil, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept, and Choline. It's absolutely great! Keeps Me awake and going with energy for hours and days. They have some other Nootropics on Bright Brain as well.
  7. Hey guys,

    I woke up this morning and the right side of My face is swollen from a tooth infection. I called and texted My Dad and He took Me to the Dentist. Before We went to the Dentist, My Dad took Me grocery shopping because We had enough time. I picked up My Gabapentin Script while at the grocery store. We went to the Dentist and they gave Me Amoxicillin. I have to take it for ten days. I'm going to the Dentist Friday after this to have a tooth pulled and to make a plan for Dental Care ongoing. We went to the Dollar Store and found Monster Cold Brew Coffee for fifty cents each. We bought ten of them. I came home and put all of the groceries away. My Dad gave Me a thing of shelves and I'm using it for My TV. It turned out to be a pretty good day because also whilst in the process I got My insurance numbers so I was able to go to this Therapist place and they are going to get Me a doctor to prescribe My Bipolar Medicine. I'm glad that My Dad took Me grocery shopping. I'm going to start brushing My teeth every day. Soon I will have a new doctor and I'm going to ask for Medicine to help with insomnia. Also I got some Advil and Tylenol and also some Primatine today. I went to the clothing bank and I picked up some new sweats and shorts and shirts and got a really nice rain jacket. Today started out bad and I'm in alot of tooth pain with 800mg of Advil as well as 1000mg of Tylenol and My teeth still hurt. I'm so glad I got Primatine today. It helps Me breathe easier as well as gives Me some energy. I'm going to change the way I take care of My teeth as well as get a new doctor to prescribe My Bipolar Meds. I am building a food storage area in My Kitchen and things are going well with that. Alot of good things happened to Me today what could have been really bad.
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