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Posts by phenylpiracetam

  1. Been chewing cinnamon flavored gum instead.
  2. Got paid today so I went and bought some supplements. I got L-Theanine, Ashwaganda, Caffeine, Vitamin B Complex, Inositol, Gaba, Magnesium, beta Lipoic Acid, Valerian Root, and some Crouton.

    I'm taking the Caffeine, Vitamin B Complex, and Inositol in place of Energy Drinks.
    I'm taking the beta Lipoic Acid as a Nootropic.
    The L-Theanine and Ashwaganda is just to relax and also fight anxiety.
    The Gaba, Valerian Root, and Magnesium is to help Me sleep.

    The Crouton is for pain.
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Knock em out, get plastic ones. $2k in Mexico.

    No thank You.
  4. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Use Sensodyne to deaden the nerves. You can buy it off the shelf for $4.

    Good idea.
  5. Originally posted by Bradley Have fun nigga, I got an extremely high pain tolerance that comes with a chronic ailment and when I had my shit infected due to my tooth i forgot what they call it

    The bottom of the tooth that touched the root was hollow and it was causing infections so they were gonna doa root canal but my alcoholic ass waited too long to get it treated so they ended up popping that bitch out with this dental crowbar thing.

    Fucking worse pain ever when I had that shit. I started with anti biotics, oral gel numbing liquid, ibuprophen, and a swishing mouth wash for pain.

    Bor I would use the mouthwash, and just let hte mouthwash sit in my mouth for ten minutes, then I would put the oragel on and it would feel 2-3/10 on the bad scale and withina half hour it was 7/8 throbbing with breakthrough pain of 10-11 that left me biting a rag and rocking back and forth wishing I could just move past the feeling in my body and exist somewhere without the pain

    Then they crowbared that shit out and I couldn't be happier.

    They pulled My tooth yesterday and I feel loads better now. I'm in much less pain. My face is still swollen though.
  6. Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    You're missing out. People care.
  7. Originally posted by Bradley So I don't really like the coffee energy drinks, not for fucking 2.50 or whatever they cost. I'd rather have the straight chemical shit like soda base + the chemical stimulants



    My boy who I went shopping with said

    "Brad those monsters are on sale." and I said ya ok and he grabbed 4 of them and he a simple man so i said bro how much are those and he said fifty centers. I said no fuckin way. Sure as shit .50

    So I bought 16 of them, he got 4.

    Coulnd't be happier.

    Edit WHy are my pictures not working

    I got ten of those for fifty cents each the other day.
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker People care. You're missing out.

    Fuck you nobody cares
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Unless it's like this I have no interest

    Thanks, that was cool to watch.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson In England Bristol is a commonly used term to refer to breast.

    "Yah she's pretty ugly but she has nice bristols."

    lol I didn't know that.
  11. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Then go buy one.

    I need to save up. I bought a crappy laptop to use in the meantime.
  12. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina by the time it fail you'll want all of his as a revenge.

    for women are a vengeful and shallow creature.

  13. Originally posted by Kafka I resent my mum because she didn't just ruin my dad, she ruined my life too.

    I'm sorry to hear that.
  14. Originally posted by Kafka I wouldn't ruin a man financially unless he'd been abusive toward me. My dad married twice, was a millionaire before his first wife but didn't die one.

    My ex wife screwed things up for Me pretty bad not just financially.
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Secular society only promotes brainwash and evil and cannot separate materialism from the sacrament of marriage. I think this is pretty telling and the reason why 99% of people you meet on dating sites are exactly the same and are mindless secular sheep that only exist for the sake of the state and law, not for God and natural law and things like family.

    In that view a family can cease to exist by a government order and a divorce or marriage is just a legal state, like a contract agreed upon by two parties and GOD has nothing to do with it. Truly a deranged view of reality that has taken a strangle hold over everything

    The result of which is movements like MigTows, Mens rights activists, radical feminism and pedophilic, genderqueer, polyamorous and other such sexual immoralities all stem from this basic destruction of morality promoted by nation state globalist secular society

    It used to mean alot to Me I always wanted to get married and have a family but it turned out tragic for Me and I don't want to give another woman a chance. I'm just going to be single.
  16. Originally posted by frala I’ve watched that shit my entire life and I hate it with a passion. Like people just get married on a whim and have kids without any forethought and then end up in the absolute biggest fucking financial and emotional messes ever. Then it’s oh men are shit or women are batshit insane lol.

    Well ok pal.

    I'm glad I got out when I did. It could have been worse.
  17. Originally posted by Netflxchillr Gotta love how/when people (male or female) will make a poor choice in their partners then… ALL women- ALL men are bad.

    No accountability in/for “their” fuq’d up decision making.

    I just don't want to ever give a female a chance again. I'm just going to be single.
  18. Originally posted by frala Common law marriage is dumb so that. And yeah don’t be with women who are going to take your shit. Like find women who have their own shit and don’t rely on you. If you build something together obviously that’s different and those assets have to be split but what’s yours is yours and what’s hers is hers.

    I would never dream of taking half of Lanny’s assets. Fucking kidding me.

    I lost so much in this bullshit.
  19. Originally posted by Kafka Ig I could always get it annulled and not tell my family. But finding someone who'd want to spend so much on a wedding and rings just to spite my family and make me happy is another story.

    It's all a waste of time and money.
  20. Originally posted by Kafka I wouldn't trust any man I'm not blood-related to to be my next of kin.

    My Dad is My next of kin.
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