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Posts That Were Thanked by Crispy

  1. Enigma African Astronaut
    OP is the best host
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Originally posted by Crispy Me too

    Bedtime playboy
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  3. Enigma African Astronaut
    I wanna fuck wariat's hat.
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  4. Enigma African Astronaut
    Hay be nice !~!~!~ I'm sensitive
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  5. Enigma African Astronaut
    ur a child snatcher
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  6. Enigma African Astronaut
    I just figured like if you're gay (which i'm not the more I thinka bout this shit) you're gonna want a really masculine man.
    If you're a lesbian you're going to want a really feminine woman.

    If you're a "heterosexual" tranny you're gonna want the gender mate typically associated with your selected gender.

    I think it's less gay (still kinda gay though) that people like scron and I (Co presidents of the Pride Boys of Zoklet) like femboys, trannies, guys with girl names, etc. Not a guy with a beard and a big Weiner (maybe he does IDK)
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  7. Enigma African Astronaut
    Men that are gay become the most outlandish bitches?

    Why do women that like women looking like middle age truckers?

    Why do gay men seem to desire trannies/femboys?

    If you like men wouldn't you like MANLY men?

    If you like women wouldn't you want a girly woman and not one that looks like she can win a barfight?
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  8. Enigma African Astronaut
    hey crispy u almost got as many haters as me!!! You're doing great!~!~!~
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  9. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Crispy Ar you wariat trying to get in my panties again

    Oczywiście nie jestem warcry. On (błędnie) sądzi, że potrafi mówić po angielsku.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Nice to meet you, Crispy.
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  11. Enigma African Astronaut
    Happy birthday CrispyC. When I was your age we didn't even have internet
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  12. Enigma African Astronaut
    OP takes bad photos.
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  13. Enigma African Astronaut
    at least I don't get butt ass naked and show children a childish hat I have on video
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  14. Originally posted by jerryb Only Jesus can help him now. He should start going to church, probably lots of girls there but the priest may frown on the iPad.

    Even the catholic priests are getting more underage action than Wariat.
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  15. Happy birthday :3
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  16. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Thx this post if you think its obvs Wariat can't discern between pornography and real life

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  17. Enigma African Astronaut
    I'm not gonna start on about non White people using miracle whip because I really dont' know. The Mexicans I used to live with don't use it, the blacks I fuck with well enough to look in their fridge don't use it, I know the Asian people don't use it so let's focus on who does use this shit and what it is.

    So you take your standard mayonnaise (which is awful for you as it is) and then add sugar and spices.

    Miracle Whip is a mayonnaise-like product first created in 1933 as a cheaper option than mayo. It has the same ingredients as mayonnaise, but it adds a number of others, including sugar,

    So basically it's got the fat oil based spread of mayo with a unique sugar base. IT's literally bad for you in everyway.

    Why would youw ant a sweet tasting ham sandwich? Why do you want mayo to be sweet? Fucking nasty.

    The only people I've met who keep this in their fridge are white trash, typically overweight. Very popular among the type of people who always have coke on hand. Slurpin up soda all day and eating miracle whip seem to go hand and hand to the same fat slug pieces of shit.

    THe most common I ever seen it was growing up with the poor kids from the low income housing, you know where they don't have a dad and have like 3-4 brothers and sisters from different dads and shit. They love this stuff also the kids who drank a lot of Kool aid, Xavier wasn't fully white but that half black kid drank purple Kool aid, smoked menthol cigarettes, watched basketball and ate miracle whip on everything. Dude was a walking stereotype since the age of 10.

    BAck to white trash, if I go to a barbeque and they have miracle whip sitting there. I guarantee there's gonna be hot dogs on the grill, it's like a poor people thing.

    I fucking hate that shit and if you like miracle whip and arne't white trash, please elucidate me on the possibility of that being real.

    Mayo is ok, I like it in tuna fish a lil or like when u make chicken salad it's aight, also u can use it to make a glaze over meats before you bake them, that's cool too, but dont' put a half inch spread on your sandwiches and shit especially if you're making them for your already heavy set kid that's just a fucking bad idea, also don't deep french fries into them that's like frying something in oil and then dipping it in oil, you might as well just give up on having a healthy body.

    I actually dont' buy mayonnaise because it's so expensive (8$ for a jug) and I use so little so I got like 10 mayo packs from when I went to the store and got a sandwich last that will probably last me the rest of my life.

    Wait till I make a thread about margarine.
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  18. Enigma African Astronaut
    If you don't know what a rape whistle is, they're a small whistle usually on a keychain or otherwise easily accessible spot. When a person is stranded in the wild or being raped they are generally advised to blow into the whistle repeatedly to gain the attention of others. The ease at which this can be done makes it possible to do it for long periods of time (for instance when hiking in the woods) and extremely loudly by even the smallest lungs.

    So this guy feeling that rape was a fucked up problem in our society makes a rape whistle. A noble thing trying to stop one of the most sexually destructive acts that can befall anyone both historically and in modern times.

    However, lets say that society shifts in a direction where there is less rape. This means that less people will fear rape so less people will go out of their way to purchase one of his rape whistles. As a rape whistle manufacturer this is extremely bad for business.

    So the man who started out creating rape whistles to comb at rape is now in a dubious position where he benefits from increased rapes.

    So while he started out wanting to end the horror of rape for all, due to his substantial propietery holdings in the area of rape whistles he's left yearning for the number of rapes to continue.

    Thus by setting out to end something he now feels it's his duty to his family's business and economic success to go out and rape.

    Let us reflect on the rape whistle conundrum and how it can be applied to many other aspects of life.
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  19. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Suggestion: creating BradleyCoin and investing in it.
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  20. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    the timeline-

    Crisolis joins the forum
    Fox starts noncing on her
    Crisolis quits the forum
    Fox deletes all evidence
    Fox then returns, admits to everything, and deletes all evidence again
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