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Posts by Lanny Lanny

  1. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut

  2. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    This fucking offends me, You Pagan Fuck
  3. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Asian Andy was definitely the king of IRL. I was pretty into those streams back in the day, he would average thousands of viewers and it was nonstop chaos but I think Asian Andy's "Public Cringe" is the least entertaining form of IRL (which is saying a lot)

    there's also shock TTS IRL content and many other subgenres. It's a wild medium and I consider the scene dead these days, nobody does real IRL anymore

    Even the nerds these days are getting super saucy and sticky sticky with the knife. and looked J'ewish so the Arab clothing seemed clear to be setting him off.
  4. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    UC Berkeley coeds awoken by homeless intruder

    One of the young women said she woke up around 5:30 a.m. and heard noises in her backyard a short time later.

    She heard someone talking and thought one of her neighbors might be outside. It was too dark to see.

    A bit later, she was still in bed scrolling through TikTok when her bedroom door opened.

    A person "shuffled in" and walked toward her, but left after seeing she was awake, she told the judge.

    " I didn't think it was an intruder," she said. "I was confused."

    She said she was still half-asleep and initially thought the person who opened her door was a new tenant who was supposed to move in that day.


    ..But when she went into the kitchen, she found a homeless man wearing a blanket and walking around.

  5. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats No, can't be fucked to put anymore effort in.
    The wind blowing into my mic is part of the experience.
    Embrace how raw I am to you.

    Saucy in his older years.

    continue on then you lazy cunt
  6. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood okay boomer

    Not a boomer.

  7. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood What happened to 2 weeks?

    it happened already just not a hot start. WWIII already happened.
  8. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Problem Officer?
  9. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 48 hours!!!!!!

    No. i give it 5 years max. Kim is gonna get cocky. he's gonna take their technology and probably use it on South Korea and remind us everyday he's "catching up" wich he'll believe in his saucy little mind.

    or not.

    its still going to get ugly as fuck.
  10. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood we should respect all generations including Zoomers who are waiting around for their GenX parents to fucking die off

  11. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Hasbara? Haribo sounds like the company that makes gummy bears. OP didn't want to Google something I talked about yesterday so I don't feel bad.

    Well Hasbara (Hasbro) sounds like a company that makes board games out of the 1960s
  12. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 It goes against all kinds of international shit by doing it

    Putin and his troops already committed War Crimes far greater than any other war since the start of the Geneva Convention was signed (At least openly about it)

    this dude gives 0 fucks about "International Laws" which will then be adopted by all other nations since all cards are off the table at this point.

    and all of this will be ignored by the Media because of the debate tomorrow. Perfect fucking timing. Israel feels abandoned by Joe; and Russia might find an opening in strategy while all eyes are on tomorrow's big debate.

    Biden is trouble. he's not even aware of where he is half the time. anyone could be feeding their policies very easily into him right now. say whatever and he just plays along.

    I don't know if trying to trigger a mega-volcano would work but you can trigger a volcano by throwing shit into it. I've seen a recent video on it. It didn't go well for those who threw whatever it was into the volcano. it just started erupting violently
  13. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Can you See Canada from there?
  14. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Hey Fona, may I offer some advice? do what you're doing now with the video for documentation and note-taking but then dub over it with a calmer voice and no wind in the background. just take static shots and then narrate post-edit. free software for your phone.
  15. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Shits getting real. if it doesn't happen it's just getting delayed. our world is too hot right now. it's not the Cuban Missile crisis and who cracks first (thankfully Russia)

    shit's real. I give it 3-5 years, tops. its gonna happen. unless Putin has a stroke and someone takes power and calms shit there is still the J'ews/Muslim crisis.

  16. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    the Good thing about the land was the Water wasn't poluted as I first thought. it was out of the range of the Sierra Army Depot's former weapons testing (Which actually took place closer to Pyramid Lake)

    but I couldn't afford the fucking well. since Biden came into power, the fucking cost went from about 8k-12 for 120 feet to about 20k or more.

    the septic tank was gonna be about 4-6k when I bought it and now is over 7k. So Im looking for land with at least a waterline coming up to the property (sadly not a off grid) and a septic or sewer line already.

    I will dig a massive hole and place cistern tanks in it. a bunch of them. collect water because a nuclear war would pollute the shit out of ground water anyways. and this will be something Russia will target is pollute the shit out of groundwater more than trying to level cities themselves. they will nuke Yellowstone and try and trigger that. they will nuke over watersheds and large lakes to pollute the shit out of them. and they will be heavy metal bombs or nukes themselves.

    meanwhile, Russia asked North Korea to bring in soldiers to help them in Ukraine, and in return, Putin is giving them technology for advanced nuclear weapons. All because of Biden's dick move.

    Meanwhile, Israel is sending tanks to the Lebanon Border. shits about to spill over real fast

    Biden hasn't even offered an emergency meeting with Putin. he ignored Putin. this is it. Biden is the Anti Christ or a puppet himself.
  17. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    funny as shit (yeah I'm always late on things)

  18. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wait.. wouldn't they be the warmonger generation?

    You can change out whatever title you want. they called my parents generation the Silent Generation and their Parents the "Greatest Generation" and or Edwardian because King Edward came after Queen Victoria which of course the generation prior to that was the Victorian Generation. which is where we got our Homes from in honor of both Victoria and Edward
  19. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    His wife had VD from what I understand. Lilith. which so did he and so did the children they raped at Presidio where Industrial Light and Magic now exist.
  20. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I'm gonna get that brooch. I just need to figure out if I should get membership to a place where I can use a 3D printer and male help or if I should buy my own, if it could become a hobby.

    Buy one you fucking psycho. they're like 200 bucks these days for a half decent one. I actually have one. if you would have celtic my seed properly I would of fedEx you this one as a prize.
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