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Why I Sold My Land/ WWIII is closer now

  1. #1
    the Good thing about the land was the Water wasn't poluted as I first thought. it was out of the range of the Sierra Army Depot's former weapons testing (Which actually took place closer to Pyramid Lake)

    but I couldn't afford the fucking well. since Biden came into power, the fucking cost went from about 8k-12 for 120 feet to about 20k or more.

    the septic tank was gonna be about 4-6k when I bought it and now is over 7k. So Im looking for land with at least a waterline coming up to the property (sadly not a off grid) and a septic or sewer line already.

    I will dig a massive hole and place cistern tanks in it. a bunch of them. collect water because a nuclear war would pollute the shit out of ground water anyways. and this will be something Russia will target is pollute the shit out of groundwater more than trying to level cities themselves. they will nuke Yellowstone and try and trigger that. they will nuke over watersheds and large lakes to pollute the shit out of them. and they will be heavy metal bombs or nukes themselves.

    meanwhile, Russia asked North Korea to bring in soldiers to help them in Ukraine, and in return, Putin is giving them technology for advanced nuclear weapons. All because of Biden's dick move.

    Meanwhile, Israel is sending tanks to the Lebanon Border. shits about to spill over real fast

    Biden hasn't even offered an emergency meeting with Putin. he ignored Putin. this is it. Biden is the Anti Christ or a puppet himself.
  2. #2
    Shits getting real. if it doesn't happen it's just getting delayed. our world is too hot right now. it's not the Cuban Missile crisis and who cracks first (thankfully Russia)

    shit's real. I give it 3-5 years, tops. its gonna happen. unless Putin has a stroke and someone takes power and calms shit there is still the J'ews/Muslim crisis.

  3. #3
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    This is reminiscent of JFLC's later posting.

    You haven't been playing/watching Fallout. Nuclear war will be a really fun adventure.

    I don't guess there is any hope they will just kill everybody in DC and have mercy on the rest of us?
  4. #4
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Yellowstone would be a good idea but the point is plausible deniability like all the earthquakes. It goes against all kinds of international shit by doing it but everybody is doing it so they have a gentleman's agreement not to call each other out. I believe that will only affect as far east as Louisiana though.
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 It goes against all kinds of international shit by doing it

    Putin and his troops already committed War Crimes far greater than any other war since the start of the Geneva Convention was signed (At least openly about it)

    this dude gives 0 fucks about "International Laws" which will then be adopted by all other nations since all cards are off the table at this point.

    and all of this will be ignored by the Media because of the debate tomorrow. Perfect fucking timing. Israel feels abandoned by Joe; and Russia might find an opening in strategy while all eyes are on tomorrow's big debate.

    Biden is trouble. he's not even aware of where he is half the time. anyone could be feeding their policies very easily into him right now. say whatever and he just plays along.

    I don't know if trying to trigger a mega-volcano would work but you can trigger a volcano by throwing shit into it. I've seen a recent video on it. It didn't go well for those who threw whatever it was into the volcano. it just started erupting violently
  6. #6
    48 hours!!!!!!
  7. #7
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood 48 hours!!!!!!

    No. i give it 5 years max. Kim is gonna get cocky. he's gonna take their technology and probably use it on South Korea and remind us everyday he's "catching up" wich he'll believe in his saucy little mind.

    or not.

    its still going to get ugly as fuck.
  8. #8
    What happened to 2 weeks?
  9. #9
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood What happened to 2 weeks?

    it happened already just not a hot start. WWIII already happened.
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny it happened already just not a hot start. WWIII already happened.

    Nope. It will never happen. You've been saying '2 weeks' for the past 5 years. How many times will the failure of the nation state experiment let you down before you wake up?
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