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Posts by Enigma

  1. Enigma African Astronaut
    I should!!! will u teach me ?
  2. Enigma African Astronaut
    also ur pic has a lot of rich people stuff like 4 different cheeses, fancy olives, etc I can't afford all that.
  3. Enigma African Astronaut
    charcuterie, I think I said Cutlery in the OP Lol that's what I meant!!!
  4. Enigma African Astronaut
    Saltine crackers, cheese slices, kimchi, liver with mustard, red onions, jalapenos.

    Kinda like a cutlery board I don't remember the actual term but a nice mixed. I could've added nuts but t I didn't feel like it.


    Nice rotation of flavors instead of my usual mixing everything into one homogeneous mixture
  5. Enigma African Astronaut
    I posted this in the wrong candyland thread earlier

    Hey CandyRein this is Candyman just telling u I Hope ur having a good day and I miss u
  6. Enigma African Astronaut
    Hey CandyRein this is Candyman just telling u I Hope ur having a good day and I miss u
  7. Enigma African Astronaut
    100 zoloty says she won't end up eating your ass no matter what you say to her, give her or do for her.
  8. Enigma African Astronaut
  9. Enigma African Astronaut
    You can literally get small spice jars of "smoky flavor" here in the land of the free

    DOn't forget who u called to beat Kaiser Wilheim & Hitler
  10. Enigma African Astronaut
    Folks the balls going around, the men touching each other in close proximity and the pure sweaty testosterone of a bunch of hooligans makes Instigaytor think back to when was a futballer himself.

    As for teams, he doens't have a favorite. His favorite part is being around hot sweaty men and their balls.

  11. Enigma African Astronaut
    Lotta people make it into their foreskin turtle neck thing but as all of you know I don't have that as a result of my foreskin being stolen by a local rabbi pro Bono back in 93 so I just use the cock/scrotum cave for this.
  12. Enigma African Astronaut
    I actually keep it in that warm cave between my cock and my ballsack. Been fermenting it for years, every now and then I give someone a little taste. It's quite sour (SO I'VE BEEN TOLD).
  13. Enigma African Astronaut
    Donald Trump when u come to the US you can have all the tasty carcinogens u want I promise, we live free here.
  14. Enigma African Astronaut
    arent they still trying to make it where you gotta be like 65 or older to smoke or some shit?
  15. Enigma African Astronaut
    Still I Think the creepiest thing has to be when they say their age and when its under 16 you immediately smile and go "hehe I like that."
  16. Enigma African Astronaut
    BradleyB is in the top 100 best posters on this website, just saying.
  17. Enigma African Astronaut
    Kinkou taught me how to be a heterosexual beta male during a 3 hour highly charged phone call.
  18. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk Because you are trying to talk to girls way too young for you and they get bad vibes from you I'm sure. They can probably sense what kind of shit you are thinking about. Go for 20's up and lower your standards and you could probably get one. An older dope head chick would definitely roll with you if you share your shit with them. I'm telling you man, your exact problem is that teen girls don't want to mess with a dude in his 40's. They know you're up to no good.

    He don't care bro. He's got porno brain
  19. Enigma African Astronaut
    Dte I wanna stretch ur limits
  20. Enigma African Astronaut
    So as many of you know I haven't had a drink in half a year. I never was big into the drugs, but I do them too. Anyway, I haven't done shit in six or seven months and I've noticed I no longer enjoy music.

    Before I loved to listen to patriotic music like the shit the militia listens to and gangster rap.

    Now that I am sober I don't enjoy them. Occasionally I get a jingle stuck in my head from a commercial or hearing it in passing but like I can't sit down and listen to a Gucci mane album from front to back. Even when I try to listen to some of my old favorites I find them extremely stale and unenjoyable.

    Have any of you noticed this?
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