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Posts by Quence

  1. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Iron Ree The entire world population can fit twice in Texas with enough space for everyone to have a large property and tons left over you f**king bigot

    Not a chance, Brainiac. However, Apefrica is blessed with ENORMOUS amounts of land that could be incredibly productive agriculturally IF it wasn’t cursed with a population so devoid of intelligence that they’re still living in mud huts and eating cookies made out of dirt.
  2. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock Another example of Darwin providing his services to make whites a better race.

    On behalf of the white race…I applaud this nigger for removing a defective from the white gene pool

    Indeed, it removes someone with atrocious decision-making faculties.
  3. Quence Houston
    Kind of difficult to continue with a prosecution when their star witness utterly refutes everything the case is based upon.

  4. Quence Houston
    First up is this young white woman. She was a firm believer in race mixing and her area of expertise appeared to be pure unadulterated mudsharking. Shall we see how it all went?

    Hmm, seems like a relatively normal American woman

    Uh oh, something is afoot

    Oh no, this is not good at all. Stupidity combined with msm brainwashing has made an impact.

    Welp, the inevitable happened. But there is a silver lining: the half-breed criminal being formed in her tummy will thankfully never become a living being that can rape and murder people. Hooray!
  5. Quence Houston
    The problem is there are too many people in the US and wild natural spaces are disappearing. The last census said there were 330 million people, but that number is laughable when one considers all of the filthy illegals and legal immigrants in the country. There can be no less than 375 million people squeezed into America. There are 80 million people (not including illegals) living in the US who are foreign born. That's 12 million MORE people than live in the entire country of France. That's insane!

    Stop importing millions of sh*tskins, boot out the filthy illegals, and there will be plenty of space for both humans and apex predators.
  6. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by ner vegas ok


    I'm not one of those either, but thank you for giving me a slight upgrade.
  7. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by ner vegas did you just censor sh*t you turbonigger

    Yes, I don't like foul language. And I am NOT a negro!!!
  8. Quence Houston
    Thank you for your questions, Mr. Insane Alien Flying Frenzy (may I call you Mr. Frenzy for short?)

    Yes, bears can smell menstruation, but their sense of smell is so powerful that they can smell all sorts of things in tiny quantities and from long distances. Even bloodhounds, dogs so famous for their sense of smell that they're used to track missing people, don't smell as well as bears. It is estimated that a bear's sense of smell is about seven times greater than a bloodhound's.

    No, it doesn't scare me to see animals returned to their natural habitats.

    Do you know what scares me? Millions upon millions of sh*tskins from the turd world pouring into America.
  9. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock Embed works better

    How do we embed non-youtube video links?
  10. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina what do dalitmen do ?
    I believe they refuse to poo in the loo. That’s their major claim to fame.
  11. Quence Houston
    One thing stands out about Pajeets who move to America or Canada or Europe or Australia: they NEVER move back to India.

    And yet they love to expound on how wonderful India is.
  12. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock Linking. Ftw

    More linking or you don't see the links?
  13. Quence Houston
    As we all know, human life is very cheap in that godforsaken subcontinent. The Pajeet encounters many dangers and must remain vigilant at all times.
  14. Quence Houston

  15. Quence Houston

  16. Quence Houston
    I happened to think about this song the other day and *BOOM* it gets stuck in my head. I do love it.

  17. Quence Houston

  18. Quence Houston

  19. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Looks like Patty Hearst

    Who is that?
  20. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Donald Trump He turned 65 and wanted to retire from Dilbert anyway, and was saying he didn't care cos he has no kids and "fuck you money". So getting cancelled for saying something everyone already knows (that black people hate white people, there is no fixing that or black crime, and that white people should generally stay away from blacks) was actually his way of retiring.

    He's also bitter cos several times in his pre-cartooning work life he got told "you can't get promoted here, you're white.

    He's also a book writer person (I don't want to say author, author is a gay word) and says Dilbert isn't even in the top five of his professional achievements in life.

    Yes, he was essentially burned out on creating Dilbert strips every week. However, getting kicked to the curb by woke retards is not the way any honest cartoonist should be treated. And the reasoning behind his dismissal - actually speaking the truth about negroes - had to annoy the hell out of him.
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