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Posts by Quence

  1. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina i see you have neither the knowledge of georgraphy or lived in the tropics.

    I have relatives who live/have lived in China, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, and Malaysia. I’m well versed on that region of the world.

    NEVER make assumptions about Quence. Do You Understand?
  2. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Iron Ree

    Do you know who loves Spam? Polynesians. It’s like a staple food for them. They eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  3. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Kafka I hate being a girl sometimes.

    I hear ya, Sistah!
  4. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina nope.

    without sun or exposure to UV our skin is white as tofoo.

    The Japs bleach their skin and they’re generally fairer skinned than the Chinks. China gets LOTS of sunlight. It wouldn’t have a huge citrus fruit industry if it didn’t get large amounts of sunlight and heat.
  5. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock Too much hebe influence in today's society…supported by votes and cash from all kikes

    It’s likely why the government has never secured America’s southern border. It could easily stop illegal immigration within a month, but they’d rather send $billions to israel and ukraine to secure THEIR borders.
  6. Quence Houston
  7. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina *according to western (jeuu) "research".

    It’s likely based upon skin bleaching product sales numbers
  8. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy middle easterners and hispanic people just need to apply moisture cause they're within the "normal skin range" of beauty.

    Since when were dirty camel f**kers and filthy taco benders considered to be in any range of acceptable beauty?
  9. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock If their bank accounts were audited they would find generous shekel donation from the kikes


    I have no doubt they’re all greedily accepting blood money from aipac. And btw, anyone with half a brain understands that aipac should have to register as foreign agent since it lobbies EXCLUSIVELY on behalf of israel and never for the benefit of America.
  10. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock This is normal…they're all getting so many dollar donations from the kikes they have to suck the shriveled wangs of the hebes until climax…then swallow.

    Yuck! I did NOT need that image stuck in my head.
  11. Quence Houston

  12. Quence Houston
    Happy belated Mothers Day, everyone!

  13. Quence Houston
    I think that's a funny joke. I laffed and laffed and then laffed some more!
  14. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Kinks yeah well, most chicks hate me hardcore

    some dudes idk lol

    For the record, I don't hate you
  15. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Kinks idk, I figure it much healthier than nawt doin it

    I agree except for dudes who constantly fap to porn instead of trying to find a girlfriend
  16. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by ner vegas

    policy has nothing to do with the public interest

    Yes, that is a problem, but the scumbag politicians usually couch their legislation in some sort of speech that at least has a modicum of appearing beneficial to the average voter. But this ICC vs Israel nonsense clearly has NO benefit to the US and yet these spineless senators are screeching like someone is raping their mothers.

    It's insane.
  17. Quence Houston

  18. Quence Houston
  19. Quence Houston
  20. Quence Houston
    One of the best videos you'll ever see. It's HILARIOUS!!

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