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"Every Single Aspect Of...." How much of this is true?

  1. #1
    Quence Houston

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Quence Houston

  3. #3
    Quence Houston

  4. #4
    Quence Houston

  5. #5
    Quence Houston

  6. #6
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    it makes sense.

    J'ews are about the most insular, xenophobic culture in the world outside of maybe isolated tribes in Africa or the Amazon with the advantage of having an extra 30 or so IQ points on average, and they have a long, sordid history of infesting larger, more productive cultures and diverting resources to their own ends.

    they've historically had a great deal of success with white European cultures because those cultures have been largely homogenous with a 'high trust' in their own kind. Eastern European-Khazarian J'ews (Ashkes) are very visually very similar to their host societies, which makes it easy for them to integrate themselves. once they're integrated they create enclaves and consolidate political, cultural and economic power within their own ethnic and religious (I guess tribal, more accurately, since it's not strictly either) centres by publicly decrying (ethnic/cultural) nepotism but quietly practicing it themselves.

    there simply aren't enough j'ews to fully run a 'white' society though, so they use their extant political power to ensure that their shabbos-goys are selected for traits that benefit the small group rather than the larger society - AIPAC vets new congressmen and senators on their foreign policy views and Bnai Brith sends them on those gay birthright to israel tours, ADL provides mandatory training courses to FBI and IRS agents etc..

    as a result, 'elected' and appointed officials end up being anathema to the interests of those they're meant to represent in areas that are of actual consequence while stoking division and societal conflict in relatively meaningless cultural flashpoints.

    "don't worry about starving while we send billions to Ukraine and israel explicitly for warcrimes, look at these retard trannies we created by fucking with the school cirriculums!"

    a small group has the most chance of prevailing against a large group by undermining its cohesion and trying to dissolve it in internecine conflict. and as usual, democracy is FAKE AND GAY.
  7. #7
    ner vegas African Astronaut
  8. #8
    Quence Houston
    Originally posted by ner vegas it makes sense.

    J'ews are about the most insular, xenophobic culture in the world outside of maybe isolated tribes in Africa or the Amazon with the advantage of having an extra 30 or so IQ points on average, and they have a long, sordid history of infesting larger, more productive cultures and diverting resources to their own ends.

    they've historically had a great deal of success with white European cultures because those cultures have been largely homogenous with a 'high trust' in their own kind. Eastern European-Khazarian J'ews (Ashkes) are very visually very similar to their host societies, which makes it easy for them to integrate themselves. once they're integrated they create enclaves and consolidate political, cultural and economic power within their own ethnic and religious (I guess tribal, more accurately, since it's not strictly either) centres by publicly decrying (ethnic/cultural) nepotism but quietly practicing it themselves.

    there simply aren't enough j'ews to fully run a 'white' society though, so they use their extant political power to ensure that their shabbos-goys are selected for traits that benefit the small group rather than the larger society - AIPAC vets new congressmen and senators on their foreign policy views and Bnai Brith sends them on those gay birthright to israel tours, ADL provides mandatory training courses to FBI and IRS agents etc..

    as a result, 'elected' and appointed officials end up being anathema to the interests of those they're meant to represent in areas that are of actual consequence while stoking division and societal conflict in relatively meaningless cultural flashpoints.

    "don't worry about starving while we send billions to Ukraine and israel explicitly for warcrimes, look at these retard trannies we created by fucking with the school cirriculums!"

    a small group has the most chance of prevailing against a large group by undermining its cohesion and trying to dissolve it in internecine conflict. and as usual, democracy is FAKE AND GAY.

    Very interesting post. Thank You.
  9. #9
    Hey, settle down with the antisemitic shit.

    Or I'll close this fucking Thread.
  10. #10
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Hey, settle down with the antisemitic shit.

    Or I'll close this fucking Thread.

    get hatecrimed, schlomo
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    If you want one word to describe the "left" in the 20th Century, and you can only have one word, it's "jedi".
  12. #12
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump If you want one word to describe the "left" in the 20th Century, and you can only have one word, it's "jedi".

    I don't think there's a genuine right wing (that isn't underground) in any 'first world' country
  13. #13
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump If you want one word to describe the "left" in the 20th Century, and you can only have one word, it's "jedi".

    guess what: it's the 21st century. get with the times. the left is more anti-Semitic than the right. the vile antisemitism in this thread pales in comparison to that spewed by the average leftist.

    ps jews are based
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Elbow guess what: it's the 21st century. get with the times. the left is more anti-Semitic than the right. the vile antisemitism in this thread pales in comparison to that spewed by the average leftist.

    ps jews are based

    The left are bitches to the jedis, and they don't even realise it. The left has been intellectually colonised, and agrees with all the basic precepts of neoliberalism, wokeness, white genocide, hypercapitalism, corporatism, and even zionism, though that is a hard sell. That's because the average gentile leftist is a brainless scumbag and social reject who merrily outsources his thinking to whoever comes along to tell him he is smart.
  15. #15
    The jedis literally play the same trick on the lefties they played on the Christians.

    "No, you are the smart people, the pagans are the ignorant ones. You're the good people, the rest of society is bad. So what if you have nothing, Jesus said to sell everything and give it all away. Suffering is good for your soul, therefore you are morally improved from being a socially and economically dysfunctional asshole. You will be rewarded for listening to us later on … er … you know … when you're dead. We jedis are smart, so if you listen to what we tell you to do, you are smart too. Words and feelings are more important than money or actions, so give us all your money and work for us, and we'll keep telling you how smart you are."
  16. #16
    Elbow African Astronaut
    disgusting behavior and abhorrent beliefs from socially maladjusted weirdos on the internet


    i am a good goy and i wont stand for this
  17. #17
    Elbow African Astronaut
    fuck i really want to be more infuriating but my head rly hurts and i don't have it in me. suffice it to say: jews good, antisemites bad and inferior.
  18. #18
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Elbow fuck i really want to be more infuriating but my head rly hurts and i don't have it in me. suffice it to say: jews good, antisemites bad and inferior.

  19. #19
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Hitler was right.
  20. #20
    Buff Billy African Astronaut
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