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Posts by Quence

  1. Quence Houston
  2. Quence Houston

    It’s so bad it is….

  3. Quence Houston
  4. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Buff Billy I lay doubt upon this claim and continue to posit that race is a social construction with very little evidence by real science to back it up. If you accept there is a scientific definition of race, you must also at least accept it's natural evolution into "critical race theory" which I think is just as much of a bullshit science as the "science of race" itself

    Would this not just be biology? I'm also not accepting "genotypes" to be evidence of anything.

    It's probably just cultural, geographic and being closer to the equator cooks their brains and makes them chimp out.
    Because according to this guy, all science is fake and invented by the hebrews anyways so why are we using jedi science to make points about race? I don't trust that methodology. It's a house of cards built on quicksand (in the deserts of PALESTINE)

    Read this book

  5. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ They abandon their own sh*tholes, then demand they can bring the bullsh*t that turned their country into a sh*thole over here.

    Bingo. Once they get citizenship and the right to vote they vote for pols who institute policies that turn their cities and states into dysfunctional turd world hellholes. See: Mexifornia, which is now majority minority and is burdened with 40% of its population being hispanics. In a state of 40 million people, that’s an awful lot of taco benders.

    But let’s not forget the white liberals who flee California like rats on a sinking ship. Many of them voted for the sh*tty policies that helped to turn the state into Mexifornia. They move to other states and continue to vote in the exact same manner.
  6. Quence Houston
  7. Quence Houston
  8. Quence Houston
    I am pretty sure I could win this competition

  9. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Buff Billy Prove that race exists

    you're either human or you aren't

    (and niggers and kikes aren't)
    IQ distributions are heavily race based. This means that places like Apefrica, which never developed the simple wheel, and pre-European Mexihell, which never developed metal tools despite sitting on enormous metal deposits, have populations that are distinctly less intelligent than the white populations in white nations.
  10. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Elbow "Muh race realism", "muh HBD". Different names for old forms of bigotry, created in service of whipping out the skull calipers and deciding who is and isn't subhuman. Despicable.

    Nonsense. Bigotry is prejudice based upon racist beliefs. Racists believe that EVERYONE of a particular ethnicity behaves in the same manner or possess the same characteristics such as IQ. I don’t have that belief system. For instance, there are actually SOME negroes and beaners who have above average IQs and who do not behave like third world morons.

    However, as a person who prefers to deal with reality, I know that so few beaners and negroes possess normal intelligence that their numbers are completely overwhelmed by the masses of their ilk who seem to be almost functionally retarded. How do we know this is true? It turns out that blacks and beaners are incapable of creating countries that they actually want to live in. Millions upon millions of them vote with their feet as they desperately flee the countries their kind have created and instead try to enter white nations.

    The immigration numbers don’t lie. The turd world isn’t clamouring to enter and live in China or Africa or India or Mexihell. They are trying to move to America and Europe and Canada and Australia. In fact, they’re so desperate to get away from countries with people who look and behave like themselves that they’ll even risk their miserable lives to do so. Imagine the amount of self-hate (and low IQs) that requires.
  11. Quence Houston
    People often wonder: Why do the countries in Africa seem unable to develop stable first world societies with relatively low crime and good education systems?

    I don’t know….what could it be…

  12. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy but don't hate on everyone coming in undocumented. there might be some great minds that will turn this economy into gold.
    Ah yes, maybe there’s a ‘Dreamer’ or two who will stun the world with their brilliant insights.

    I don’t like the odds of allowing 10’s of millions of low IQ turd world mouth breathers into the country on the slim chance that 1 or 2 of them will turn out to be smarter than a turnip.

    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy Elon is a dirty f**king illegal. how did he get his f**king citizenship to the USA?
    Elon got his citizenship the legal way and he’s exactly the type of immigrant we want. There are a gazillion filthy taco benders squatting in America and you can be certain that NONE could do what Musk has done.
  13. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy As for the Topic, F**king h*ll. We all had to come over at some time. our families probably carried dirty diseases with them as well
    Are you actually trying to equate the Europeans who came over a few hundred years ago and created the greatest nation in human history with the turd world filth that’s crawling over the southern border? They’re not the same species.

    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy I'm just pissed He's not vetting the criminals and crazy f**ks coming in

    Hint: they’re ALL criminals. They ALL broke America’s immigration laws.
  14. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy What the hell, Biden is the weirdest f**king c*nt to ever run in office. I thought Bush was weird
    You must have missed the clown world that was presided over by Obongo. That dude was WEIRD!
  15. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Elbow okay roll your eyes at me, bigot

    Bigot?? I’m simply a race realist.

    Oh, also…

  16. Quence Houston
  17. Quence Houston
  18. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I'd rather have the Be Bad Tanyas.

    You don’t mean it!
  19. Quence Houston
  20. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Elbow This is stupid. Do you not like Mexican food? And who will clean our bathrooms?

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