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Posts by Quence

  1. Quence Houston
  2. Quence Houston
  3. Quence Houston
  4. Quence Houston
  5. Quence Houston
  6. Quence Houston
  7. Quence Houston
  8. Quence Houston
  9. Quence Houston
  10. Quence Houston
  11. Quence Houston
  12. Quence Houston
  13. Quence Houston
  14. Quence Houston
  15. Quence Houston
  16. Quence Houston
  17. Quence Houston

    It’s so bad it is….

  18. Quence Houston
  19. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by Buff Billy I lay doubt upon this claim and continue to posit that race is a social construction with very little evidence by real science to back it up. If you accept there is a scientific definition of race, you must also at least accept it's natural evolution into "critical race theory" which I think is just as much of a bullshit science as the "science of race" itself

    Would this not just be biology? I'm also not accepting "genotypes" to be evidence of anything.

    It's probably just cultural, geographic and being closer to the equator cooks their brains and makes them chimp out.
    Because according to this guy, all science is fake and invented by the hebrews anyways so why are we using jedi science to make points about race? I don't trust that methodology. It's a house of cards built on quicksand (in the deserts of PALESTINE)

    Read this book

  20. Quence Houston
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ They abandon their own sh*tholes, then demand they can bring the bullsh*t that turned their country into a sh*thole over here.

    Bingo. Once they get citizenship and the right to vote they vote for pols who institute policies that turn their cities and states into dysfunctional turd world hellholes. See: Mexifornia, which is now majority minority and is burdened with 40% of its population being hispanics. In a state of 40 million people, that’s an awful lot of taco benders.

    But let’s not forget the white liberals who flee California like rats on a sinking ship. Many of them voted for the sh*tty policies that helped to turn the state into Mexifornia. They move to other states and continue to vote in the exact same manner.
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