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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. enjoy you're girlfriemda shit pussy
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein I’ll usually get my meat from the butcher we have a place called Raw Hide close by I get my sides from places like Aldi and some stores that are only in my area..most likes not yours

    Make a list may feel dumb but make a list
    It will help you get less miscellaneous crap and things you actually need

    a pound of her flesh for a pound of meat
  3. not a white horse
  4. Originally posted by Ghost I could easily fly most commercial airliner passenger jets. I've played enough video games, it's not that difficult. If it wasn't for the government and their STUPID FUCKING REGULATIONS most accidents can be avoided by following simple safety protocols and common sense.

    REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING! remember the 4 F's and the yellow checklist.

    oh jea ?

    what does a vertical stabilizee do.
  5. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ At only 400 MB/s data transfer rate, that'd take you awhile to write a petabyte of data. What they need is a data transfer system that "images" the entire set of data in a single write, like a photocopy process.

    never handled a photocopier have yiu,
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock anyone that thinks mercenaries are a good idea:

    rome, 1527

    or Russia, 2023.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock


    there are no recorded negro history because for that to happen, they would have to have written languages.
  8. Originally posted by CandyRein I am ….the dirty dozen

    o dont feel that about your skin.
  9. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina

    this "US tax payer" thing only exist as superstistion amongst ignant "americans". the US is a deficit country, that is to say each quarter, each half, each fist-cal year, every day the money that it spends outstrips the money it earns in the form of taxes collected and other means …. by as much as a trillion dollar every 3-4 months.

    anyone with basic understanding of finance and economy would know that this is tentamount to going on a shopping spree with a self-issued, self-signed, and self-approved credit card from a self-owned bank. and the only reason people keep taking your self-signed, self-approved credit card is because people still need the USD to trade, but not for long.

    to exclaim dis sheit or dat sheit was spent using "your" "tax dollar" is like a Sambo bitching and moaning to his hoe how he has to work hard to put foods on the table when 3/5th of the foods that he puts on the table come from foodstamps, courtesy of White men's generousity.

    muh dick.

    "taxpayer money"

    "ya'll aint kno how hard ah been bustin' muh azz gettin' dem foodstamp from whypipo to put des food on da muhfuggin' table"

    said sambo while clutching his dick with one hand.
  10. Originally posted by Solstice Ever since Boeing made that big deal about having more diversity hires all we've had is doors and wheels and windows falling off midair lol

    you dont like diverse air incidences ?

  11. 12 years fucking a slave

    7 years fucking in tibet

    fucking 7 monkies

    o was it 12.
  12. Originally posted by infinityshock

    what shenaniggen did he do.
  13. Originally posted by DUSM Raylan Givens Childsex Machina

    nobody thinks your clever.
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock He's post-surgically self-identifying as a dreidle

    why so jeu
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock Amateurs.

    Professionals would have had her hog tied and cervically marinated in those scant seconds

    Also…staged fake news

    what does an unstaged fake news looks like.
  16. try dalit tube
  17. the infrastructure that dalit built.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock Shieeeeetttttt.

  19. Originally posted by Number13 At least he can still jerk off

    doesnt look like he have a pelvis anymore.
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