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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. randy, why do black people have the least talent
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein Now that’s what I call talent 💗

    an it aint come in eh melancholized vessel
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock wrong.


    as always.

    thats like saying meteors invented space travel. or fish invented submarines

    when was the last time you saw a bird dropping an a-bomb on a large population center.

    white men invented flying

  4. Originally posted by CandyRein It’s crazy im 40 and look like I’m in my 20s…I love being black 🖤

    low iq wench doesnt realize that this inevitably means she already looked like shes 40s while in her 20s.

  5. N!
  6. but somehow she felt the presence of da N
  7. Originally posted by CandyRein I’m ignoring all losers today..just a heads up ..PSA if you will


    Public Slave Auction ?
  8. i just realize how White candance owen is
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein I used to feel so bad when I told people no..I’m glad I grew out of that …

    Now it’s not hard to say no to people..I like to add a lil HELL NO in there for a lil razzle dazzle

    are you a smart person
  10. birthdays are racist.

    it deniggrates peepuh who traditionally, natively and culturally dont have a calendar.
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein Tara the Tiny Nerror

  12. Originally posted by Ghost should have asked to buy them at cost

    chinamen dont sell at a loss.
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock Have you finished playing hard to get

    am i too hard for you
  14. how hard did the mushrooms fight back
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock I'm starting to get the cravings for hearing a whiny bitch crying and begging to stop ruining his asshole.

    Cmere little fella…

    have you finished reading your contract ?
  16. Originally posted by ner vegas

    was looking for a stress test on that knife and found a guy with serious mental problems

    randy, what do you need a knife like this for ?
  17. Originally posted by infinityshock thats idiotic

    i go to get food by myself all the time for assorted reasons. the last time was when i felt the urge for brisket at the same time i had to read through a long-ass contract and someone at the same table would have been a distraction.

    if i wanted companionship id bring a chick. if i want to eat in quiet…i dont.

    whoa, what are you ?

    a child ?

    "ah want a brisket and ah want it now"
  18. a daughter
  19. i never knew how it end.
  20. went to the supermarket to buy cheap china vodka analog.

    noticed that it was past its "expiry" date by a few weeks. told the cashier about it in passing and she reported to her supervisor so they took all the expired kao-liangs off the shelf and apologized.

    i felt kind of pissed and couldnt help but feeling like i have just signed the death warrant for all those poor kao-liangs.

    ah should have just kept my mouth shut.

    gott damm mittt.
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