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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. if it has eh track then its not a bus
  2. Originally posted by infinityshock No one cares what you prefer

    You're getting what you get gived and you'll like it and thank your lucky stars it wasn't worse.

    your uncles have taught you well
  3. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alright. How about the kiss of death? You kiss Vinny and he dies. You walk away happy.

    which part of you're head am i camping without a permit.
  4. you will be ressurected
  5. lots sa knee grows in this fred
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock the mewling nigger fag that wrote that nonsense should make a thread here to tell everyone about how much it hurts to exist as a whiny bitch then i can tell the s­hitskin how good it feels to give them reason to whinge on in a perpetual existence of painful bottom bitchiness

    what ?

    the internet hasnt taught you that these people dont ever come out of their comfort zone to confront haters ?

    so naive.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock dont get in the way of the bus

    dont sleep on the tracks of a train
  8. Originally posted by ner vegas I hope Macron's deployed the army to Ukraine by the time I wake up.

    i dont think hes ever gonna really ship french local legion to the ukraine.

    i see the whole theatrics as an effort to create a push-and-pull force within NATO that will cause it to break apart and diminish US-german sway over europe. already fissures are forming between the block that would be down-n-willin' to send men over and the block of nein.

    france and germany has always been involved in this struggle to rise to the top of european pecking order as both used to be the powerhouse of europe at one time or another in european history.

    germany only rose to the top and became the economic and thus, political power of EU because it was backed by the US after the war as an "ehmerican" outpost in europe, and macron envisioned a new europe with france as the head of it and himself and his manly looking wife as the new emperor and empress of this new europa.

    and this is only possible after NATO has been disbanded and germany had its industry castrated, because unlike france that has loads of nuke powerplant, germany have none, and without cheap energy from russia germany is done.
  9. Originally posted by ner vegas

    unexploded 30mm grenade to the dome (head)

    when the doctor realises what it is he tells everyone to gtfo and pulls it himself

    nice dental implant
  10. Originally posted by ner vegas

    it proved that the palestinians are pretty mobile and free to move where they please.
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock A broken record is less broken than your asshole when I get through with joo.

    your just jelli my asshole can be broken.

    yours was never even whole to begin with.
  12. n sheit.
  13. negroes aint need no sun tang
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock Bend over that fallen log and squeel like a piggie to the banjo music and I'll give you a personal demonstration

    i prefer that fluffy bolster
  15. Originally posted by CandyRein

    What a beautiful family ❤️

    im flattered but tara, you have got to stop phantasizing about you and me.

    we're incompatible on a hardware level.
  16. Originally posted by CandyRein




    When I take my flexi rods out ❤️

    remember boys and girls.

    all des happiness is only possible thanks to slavery,

  17. Originally posted by Solstice I hope you get t boned by an old lady in a truck

    old lady with large penis
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock And kikes wonder why everyone hates them

    a broken record is less repetitive than you about jeus,
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock Vaginas attached to people

    no, that would mean having vaginas dangling around ones extremities.
  20. Originally posted by CandyRein


    Pretty as a picture
    Sweeter than a swisher ❤️🎵

    her nose is an unmistakeable proof of racial impurity.
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