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Posts by Chios Honey

  1. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That looks like a Sasquatch's footprint

    putting the heel on Phoenix.
  2. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox I don’t know if they’re trying to take away squatter’s rights but if they are it’s absolutely not because they’re taking some kind of moral stand against lowlifes. It’s because properties are increasingly owned by institutional investors like Blackrock and other wealth management firms and they don’t want it cutting into their bottom line

    not to mention being sold to wealthy Chinese and Arabs who only buy it for "Tax" reasons. which creates a housing crisis. Im not anti squatter if someone moved in and took care of my shit and didn't steal my shit while I wasn't there and painted the place (same color) or redecorated in exchange. upkept my lawn.

    Blackrock isn't sending people to move in to squat. they're just buying land to rent to people. most likely they will end up having to rent it to section 8 or business to place employees as a perk.
  3. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster

    It's brand new and greek.
  4. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka Yeah you can squat and gain ownership but I wouldn't want to do that by myself. It would be way out in the countryside and need a lot of repairs and I don't want to put the years into maintaining a place when it could just be taken off me if the owner suddenly shows up and demands I leave. I already have a house and don't even want to live in N.I. It seems stupid to leave because it's a beautiful place but I grew up here so it isn't magical to me. I want to be an expat but the truth is my quality of living would probably be worse in another country and I'd have to deal with people staring at me.

    squatters Laws are being wiped from England I understand. and soon the USA. Most Squatters just move in and take care of the place who are gainfully employed but want to save money and see an opportunity.

    but meth heads like you and scron usually get smashed face and trash the place and punch holes in the drywall and or decide this is a good place to spray paint some nonsensical filth.

    this is why squatters rights are being taken out of the books. Drug users fucked it up for decent opportunist in a period of housing crisis. You and people like scron Fucked it up for others.
  5. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson it's only gay if you cuddle afterwards

    haha I remember that scene. Willem Defoe
  6. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 ive never sucked my teeth at anyone

    You watch this retarded shit?

    its like a ghetto version of Office
  7. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson As is spraying your eager face with my semens.

    Why do you people keep gaying up other peoples threads.

    Originally posted by aldra 'spraying' is the wrong word, it's probably more like emptying a vaccuum cleaner's bag

    however it's being done. like I said, dumping shit out another portal in the wake of the jet stream's.

    there is a photo of a 747 converted into a transporter and there are a bunch of beer keg looking drums with pipes connected to all of them.

    of course they could of been large mosquito abatement or fire suppressant
    but it could have been spraying other shit.

    Operation Popeye kind of proves it's been done. and in that news report, fewer sunny days and warmer overcast is better weather for growing crops. so maybe secretly they did this to help increase crop growth without alarming citizens who would fear a possible health risk.

    Also during the 1980s, the US made more food that it needed and sold to other countries. so it could have been used by the government to trade grain for keeping peace. which means the Military Industrial Complex was involved.

    I doubt it was done in secret for the best interest of public health.
  8. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Playing the drums

    on your nutsack with my foot kicking?
  9. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra you'd prefer to categorise the world based on highly subjective apocryphal religious texts?

    Which it originated from. This is a religious War and "God's people" Ruling the world however I strongly question them as real Jews.

    It's why I say don't use "Semitism" because even Esau is a Semite. he married Canaanites but so did Jacob. Judah was born from a Non Canaanite and only Ashkanazi (Khazar and another tribe) say your mother must be Jewish in order to be a real Jew. but Most other tribes like Sephardic stated the seed is of Adam. however many tribes have adopted the Ashkenazim rule of Mother. regardless Canaanite did not come from Shem. therefore they're not even Semites. but Goys come from Esau. Edomites white are Semites. Most of us Europeans are still Semites. so it's stupid to say Anti-Semitic. it is more of a symantic thing I suppose but it's the literal use. they should just say "Anti-Jew or Anti-Hebrew. but they went with Semite so it's silly and cringe every-time you hear it.

    It's also a matter of "Are you in fact a real Jew if you come from Russia or Germany. Your decedents were convert turks. the children of Ham not Shem.

    these are the Bolshies not real Jews or at best 10th Generation convert Jews. Im not taking away from them if they truly go to Synagogue and worship the true God of Abraham but they dont./ Most are atheist or they still worship the Baal.

    now that's by definition and rule.
  10. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked One dude is already bleeding in a crater, staring up at the sky. Makes the sign of the cross and then drone op obliterates his skull.

    I saw that on 4chan the other day. seems more powerful lately . dudes getting blown to pieces vs just shrapnel.

    There are no rules with Russians and Chinese. they wont honor Geneva Convention rules.
  11. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse im from st louis but yah we all hate chicago and think there should be northern and southern illinois basically

    So does the Great Basin region. they want to turn California into 3 states. South California, North California and State of Jefferson which could also bring in parts of Southern Oregon and North Western Nevada.

    these are not Liberal zones. very Red.
  12. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse i legit used to go to chicago to go to a hospital detox for like 5 days with methadone and benzos each day and it was basically a vacation from homelessness and awesome, but now looking back I woulda just wished i worked harder in a methadone program like i do now

    anything can work if u make it work

    Chicago is like San Francisco I understand. a Real lib-hub of libtardness
    Having police stand down after watching an actual shooting. Chicago is really out of its enviorment in a state like Illinois where it's fairly Good ol Boy just south.

    also CBBS was the first Bulletin Board I understand. first dialup. Chicago (Public Library) BBS and I know totse had a page dedicated as it did CdC BBS.

    its also where it was said (PBS Documentary) about WUO the Weather Underground began as a splinter group from the Chicago 7 hearings. 1970. They were the first Wikileak but instead of breaking into computers (not a thing just yet) with the FBI they physically broke into the offices and stole information on cases not leaked to the public just yet. I believe it linked Nixon to Watergate. "Deep Throat" which happened to be a man who died recently from Berkeley.

    anyways they used the Chicago Library BBS system to exchange information about what FBI office they would break into and where to make bombs or how to get the information on it.

    Chicago is Ground Zero for much of the radicalize version of the more peaceful liberals. New Orleans, NYC, Chicago, San Francisco etc the tech part actually evolved out of the chicago area. the first computer social media groups in action vs the colleges out of places Northern california. these guys blew up actor Dustin Hoffmans apartment. 3 of those fuckers died. One of the WUO members was a college girl who's father owned the apartment. there is a famous photo of Dustin Hoffman running down the street with his painting he managed to grab since the building was condem.

    Remember the film "All the presidents men" about "Deep Throat" (named as a joke after the porn movie-70s sexual humor)

    Dustin Hoffman is in it. it has fucking ties to the WUO. He plays one of the Washington Post reporters. Robert Redford plays the other.

    Robert Redford and Jane Fonda help support the WUO and even fiance apparently?

    The New Left ran with the New Hollywood. before 97% of this website was even born. I was just a 4 year old kid at the time. this shit continues on today. Regardless of Obama saying "I was only 8 in 1970- How can I have ties with WUO" its because he was clearly groomed in.

    his Mother was involved in the CIA just like comedian Dave Chappelle's mom help take out Patrice Lumumba in the 1961-65 war in Congo. CIA tried to put Mobutu in power to prevent Chinese buying up all of the raw material only to have Mobutu sell it to them and to this day, China has the contract to do so. complete failed attempt for Americans to get the raw material needed to keepgoing
  13. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Stop stop stop. There is a difference between Hospice Care and a Nursing home.

    Hospice is either at home where you have a live in nurse and family or at a Nursing home but it's in a different wing of the nursing home.

    Hospice means you're close to dying. You have Stage 4 cancer or you have advance Alzheimer disease etc..
    Hospice is not a great part of life unless you're content with dying and go peacefully. it's the shits (Old School sense of Shitty).
  14. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse totse911 of course

    I'll simplify it. Because it happened over a 6 months timeline.

    Some group posted they were going to hijack planes and crash them into the WTC, White House, Pentagon and State Capital building. March of 2001 is around the time I first saw it. not may or June as Alex Jones stated his FBI friends told him.

    Most people thought it was a joke like the John Titor post. I even went as far as making a 3D model of the WTC and mimicked a 747 model (I didn't model but got off the internet) and created an animation with smoke and the building collapsing.

    Then It happened. and there are a lot of things I have come across since then that seem evident of totse members most likely being involved. I never said Jeff Hunter was involved but then again he literally blacklisted me. and these guys are mostly Silicon Valley raised and into tech or come from Tech families which seem to support the DNC heavily.

    there is a ton of more shit but I wont go into it. Simplefy I got a "Thank you White House confirmed message" when I waited until bush was out of office. in 2009 I wrote to Obama telling him my story. I got a thank you response.

    What does Obama do. He hires Harper Reed from totse and had Bill Ayer ghost write one of his books. and released FALN member which is linked to Weather Underground aka WUO. Clintons pardoned Susan Rosenberg and like 7 other members. She in exchanged raised money through BLM to fund the DNC to help "Black Communities" instead of direct payments to black communities. or at least a portion of it.

    Bill Ayer also raised Chesa Boudin. who was named after Che Guervera a well loved character in the Totse community. His step father was Bill Ayer (Obama's Ghost and Speech writer) and his father was recently pardoned by Govenor Cuomo on the way out.

    just like all of these members of the radical left communist group, several work at universities across the country even several at Cal Berkeley. cal Berkeley is where NirvanaNet formed and Totse was a member of. Pro Communist though they claim to be Libertarians.

    its a mix of people. but the overwealming majority were clearly Far Left.
  15. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse hey wonzy can you plz get in here and clear a few things up

    what actually happened again?

    About what?
  16. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked My ex was into CNC but thats like diet rape

    hey be careful. she can 16 years it later like Masterson and get friends to say the same thing.
  17. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 folx?

    STFU Punk before I drive up to canada and make an international incident of it.
  18. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra 'Semitic' refers to the root language type, which is why Arabs are Semites and israel is by definition the most antisemitic place in the world

    it comes from the name Shem. the son of Noah. Arabs were the original jedis too. but forced to convert to Muhammed's religion in 628.

  19. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Originally posted by in da crawlspace - number sleven Why not use a regular coffee maker if you're going to pour your own grounds

    1 cup at a time is fresher and easier to make. you just scoop it in and set. the water is filled in the reservoir already.

    if I chose to have another I make another. I dont let half a pot of coffee go to waste
  20. Chios Honey African Astronaut
    Severe Thunderstorm Warning from TUE 6:47 PM MST until TUE 7:30 PM MST
    National Weather Service says there is a significant threat to property or life in Maricopa County.

    This alert comes from the National Weather Service in Phoenix, Arizona. It was issued at 18:47 PM on September 12, 2023 MST. It expires at 19:30 PM on September 12, 2023 MST
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