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Posts by zok jr.

  1. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I use the shittiest keyboard known to man. This thing is straight out of the depths of hell and it requires constant adjustment and can take my punching and slapping nicely. It is a dark piece of technology only to be used for DARK WICKED PURPOSES. I cannot fucking WORK OR TYPE WORTH SHIT ON THIS BOARD. This is the wretched piece of plastic and metal that birthed FRONT PAGE FLUSH and a lot of my posts on rdfrn and since the summer.

    A mans soul is expressed through his keyboard, it is the focal point of any electronic system.

    I need a new one and the holiday season is coming up. POST SOME HIGH END BRANDS/NAMES/DEVICES. I want the BEST KEYBOARD ON THE MARKET. I need a new mouse too. My main purpose is GAMING and CLACKITY CLACKING (writing, research, business). The budget is $1000. Help me out here.

    I'm thinking about going with the classic IBM model M

    I don't know why but I really like that it has great a e s t h e t i c
  2. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny Seems like it would be worth trying it out to confirm or deny that suspicion no? Just stop and when/if shakes set in grab a bottle quick and figure out how you're going to fix that shit.

    Well yeah as much as I hate my life and want to die I kinda also don't want to at the same time. I did recover cold turkey from a pretty heavy benzo addiction though so I guess I am pretty resilient and might not seize up and die but who knows.
    Originally posted by Malice Oh please, you only drink after 8 fucking PM, you are not going to fucking die.

    I can drink wine like water and regularly have alcohol in my system throughout the entire day. Really should track exactly how much I drink. Never been a fan of moderation, do tend to have a strong tendency for extremism is several facets of life. A gallon a day would probably be around what I’d consider “heavy drinking”. Main physical side effect is that it makes me thirsty; seems to require quite a bit of water to process.

    wine = water.

    Just cause I drink after a certain time of day and still maintain a professional life doesn't mean I am not a severe alky. Are you still in SF? I am pretty close by lets meet and see who can drink the most whiskey without dying I guarantee I will win and still be mostly sober whilst you writhe on the floor in death throes.

    Originally posted by reject I wake up every morning fucking dying from dehydration. Most of my fluid intake is from alcohol. I have a cuppa tea when I wake up in the morning, maybe a glass of squash/apple juice in the afternoon if it's hot and I'm thirsty, and then alcohol from whenever I start drinking til bed.

    I only really drink water if it has codeine in it

    Yeah man the dehydration is real once I start drinking its straight whiskey/vodka for several hours and nothing else I end up stumbling to my water dispenser severa ltimes during the night and end up drinking 1-2 quarts and still dream of trying to find water its fucked.

    Originally posted by 180gr 10mm FMJ I drank between 6 and 12 Heinekens per day until about two weeks ago when I decided to switch to phenibut in an effort to quit

    It was too expensive and I got sick of being a fat fuck while barely eating anything at all

    I couldn't drink liquor because I would do absolutely inane and insane things that made no fucking sense

    I have drank three of those days but have managed to get to the point where the physical withdrawals are gone and I don't want to drink unless I've had a bad day at work or something

    My Crouton and caffeine intake are on their way up again though

    My mental health appears to be rapidly deteriorating but that's probably just the last bits of the withdrawal going away

    And i seem to have gotten a case of RLS

    Currently on 2g phenibut per day, .5g in the morning, 1.5g at night

    I will be put to the test this month though, I cant fucking stand Christmas and the boss has decided to blast old ass Christmas music over the loudspeaker 24 hours a day for the last few days, and coworkers say that it will go on all month

    You might think 6-12 beers is a lot but it really isn't. There is a point where you could drink 30 beers and not get drunk and then you have no choice but to switch to the hard sauce. Seriously beer is fun, stick to it. I don't know anything about phenibut except it has the word butt int it. hehe butt.

    Originally posted by yum I was an alcoholic for probably 10 months to a year drinking at least 5-6 nights a week and having s drink or two in the off days to settle the nerves. The day after I'd only have a drink or two I'd shit 5 times and feel like a cold crawling bag of shit. I'd shake and shiver sometimes too and have to send people to the store for me so I could move well enough to leave the house. I would take pills and do cocaine sometimes and of course smoke weed erryday 420 blaze up bro. Really, the first thing I did to get over it was changing lifestyle first. Stability and responsibility definitely help. Hanging out with people with drug problems as opposed to alcohol problems helps too. Now I drink like once a week but my body responds badly to it and sends me into niggersquaw firewater mode. My buddy just started naltrexone and said it's awesome, saved his life and he has no urge to drink anymore. He had to go to rehab to change his lifestyle, once that changes its infinitely easier to stop
    Yeah man sounds like you had it pretty bad but I am pretty sure I am worse. I don't have to send people to get liquor for me but only because I never run out I always make sure I have a steady supply for fear of death. I have stability and responsibility I work full time and go to school full time but all the rest of my time is spent drinking. Like I am already done with a fifth of evan willaims (ugh) tonight and still 90% sober and wanting to drink more though my body is like plz no I can feel it. I literally cannot get enough water in me I am pretty sure I am dying.

    The problem with me is that I cannot really give up an addiction I just trade it for another. Alcohol has always been a love of mine but really became a major part of my life when I quit benzos. I have smoked cigarettes starting at age 14 and have quit for 3-4 years now only because I replaced it with vaping. I don't know what to replace alcohol with but I feel the only way to stop drinking is to find a replacement and before anyone says anything, no weed isn't a replacement it is the exact opposite of liquor for me and irs rarely enjoyable.

    The liquor is calling the shots now bud.
  3. zok jr. Houston
    Man why did my thread turn in to a political shitfest I'm just trying to have fun.
  4. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by The Dark Rodent Wow, is this Faggert still crying about his broken barbie doll?

    Hey TDR still alive too nice to see another zokleteer
  5. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Anal Scratch Hemorrage yeah, because 'hey everybody, mr big dong is here lets all just change our toilets so he can take a shit'. toilets are expensive, son, the most expensive part of the house besides the kitchen and the fallout bunker.

    You can get a pretty nice toilet for like $100 most appliances cost 4x that for like cheap ones.
  6. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Actor

    That shit is lit, fam.
  7. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I do, usually for a few days to a week as a check to make sure I still can without issue. With the level and span of drinking I've done I'd actually have expected some withdrawal symptoms. I've stopped cold turkey but so far the only thing I've experienced is super vivid dreams than can get pretty disturbing, but I mean hey, they're dreams. But no fatigue or shakes or anything. I also feel hungry all the time but I'm pretty sure that's just because I usually drink a good portion of my daily calories.

    Yeah OK, I drink every day can't remember the last time I didn't and am mostly drinking at this point to out of fear I might die if I stop.
  8. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht Been doing everything on laptops for the past several years. My last desktop has been relegated to file server duties. Currently have a couple chinkpads for daily use.

    Laptop specs?
  9. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by aldra

    on a petrol bastard bent again

    Wow I don't know what to say that was a crazy video it was like an emotional roller-coaster.
  10. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht Pretty much all the IT people I know are alcoholics. Long hours of largely thankless work will do that to a person.

    Also crippling depression.
  11. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny It goes up and down. In a bad patch I'll have 6-8 standard drinks on a weeknight and drink pretty much continuously on other days so I don't really know. Probably a handle and change in a week plus fixins. I've been cutting back recently but when I go out my friends have this thing where they try to outdrink me (most techies down a few IPAs and think they're tuff) and that can get ugly.
    Do you ever go a day without drinking? Just want to try to gauge my alcoholism.
  12. zok jr. Houston
    Tell us about your main rig! What do you run? what do you like/hate about it?

    CPU: 2x Intel Xeon E5620 (Quad core with HT @2.4GHz) overclocked @4GHz with dual Noctua NH-U12P for cooling.
    MOBO: EVGA Classified SR2
    RAM: 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR3
    VIDEO: Sapphire Radeon R9 290x 4gb still kickin it
    DISK: 4x Samsung 500gb 850 evo RAID 0 array, 2x 2TB WD Green for archive
    CASE: Some gigantic Lian-Li monstrosity on wheels
    PERIPHERALS: 2x Samsung U28E590D 4k 28" and a piece of shit Vizio 50" 1080p TV. Logitech G502 mouse, Velocifire VM-1 keyboard and some Logitech 5.1 speakers/Corsair H2100 headset for gaming.

    I like this system its a few years old but still a beast I game and render video and do 3D modelling and everything on this rig and it handles everything easily. The one complaint is that the EVGA SR2 board is a piece of shit. I understand its like a custom proprietary crazy board for extreme gaming and power or whatever but it is just something that shouldn't have gone to market. The enhanced SATA controlle3r can suck a dick, too.
  13. zok jr. Houston
  14. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht No idea but I'll just post what I'm listening to

    Nice I can jam out to this. Reminds me of shit I used to listen to years ago but can't remember due to alcoholism.
  15. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Malice “Visit to fight back against anti-white propaganda. Heil God-Emperor Trump!”

    I voted trump.
  16. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Come on, you're a security guy. Security people aren't one for declining a challenge Zok jr. onii-fam.

    Ganbatte kudosai, Zok jr.-kun!

    Also, if you can hack and code you must undeniably be a weeboo as well and accept otaku culture as superior to all other cultures. Except maybe white/nordic BUT i do love Japan and the silly Japanese people.

    Yeah I understood about none of those words. I do enjoy the occasional anime and Japanese culture but am not a weeabo by any means lol.

    I have a bit of experience hacking and cracking but really no coding I can shell script in bash and fuck around with javascript/html/css but thats not programming.
  17. zok jr. Houston
  18. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Malice This never happens to me. They have enlongated toilets to prevent this, btw.

    Even those are shit tbh.
  19. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie No problem, and today two years later i am somewhat moderately skilled at it lol. Emphasis on moderately.

    Cool well maybe I will enjoy it if I just remind myself that I am not genetically predisposed to not being able to do it or whatever.
  20. zok jr. Houston

    ok heres another one of my faves

    btw all songs I link require subwoofers or good headphones 50mm drivers minimum required

    ps how do you embed videos (nevermind i found it im only half retarded)
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