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Posts by zok jr.

  1. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump say walla bro

    halal snackbar
  2. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Or possibly of Oriental features.

  3. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock You know, both Moses and Jesus were probably very black. You may not want to say those words.

    I was just trying to take a picture. I'M VIP!
  4. zok jr. Houston
  5. zok jr. Houston
    Why would anyone here want to send stuff to a child molester. Hell I might find another inmate in there and put a few bucks on his commissary just to fuck with the child molester guy not that most prisoners need motivation to fuck up a diddler.
  6. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Not gonna have that problem much longer lololol
    If only that were true. I mean I don't have anything against any one race in particular it just seems like some races have a larger percentage of shitty people in them than others.
  7. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I suppose you think you scare me, don'cha, kid?

    I don't see why you should be afraid of my question unless it is true and you are in denial or something. It is ok to be gay dude.
  8. zok jr. Houston
    My dads just lets me use his black amex card
  9. zok jr. Houston
    So you have like teh aids?
  10. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Zanick Hogwarts is a front for a criminal syndicate which coordinates ritual child sexual abuse. Its presentation is given to readers subjectively, through Harry's intensely traumatized, adolescent imagination seeking to insulate itself from his frightening experiences. Lord Voldemort is actually a former abducted child who escaped from Dumbledor's K-12 sex program and went to college in the US, where he studied criminal justice and eventually went on to graduate and went on to become a relatively prominent director in FBI activities. He worked to bring the issue of ritual abuse to light there, and eventually returned home to launch similar investigations in the UK. Harry's perspective of him is framed as a conflict of Hero/Villain through his identification with the ones who subjected him to orgies and mutilation.

    The best-selling series in history is a coded tome, guarding the secrets of a dark and horrible time in the history of our two civilized, Western nations that cannot be otherwise acknowledged in a way that lets us grieve or seek justice.

    shut up zaggot
  11. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm honestly surprised there's still a simple white majority in the US

    Yeah being in california I asumed its like 80% mexican, 10% black folks, 9% various muslims and shit and 1% white.
  12. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic That was a while ago but I'm pretty sure he got caught after the fact, or maybe on his way back. They went with a couple SUV's out back or something and loaded them up. He was a high schooler though so there's that, although he was fairly intelligent. A weird person, actually, he was obsessed with becoming some financial hotshot entrepreneur or some shit and didn't do any drugs or drink but was heavily into edm and selling drugs (which he also got eventually caught for) and looked down on all his friends for doing drugs. I remember when he got busted with like 100 ecstasy pills they made him go to some rehab program as part of his punishment and the dude had literally smoked weed once in his life and so they thought he was just doing typical addict shit and lying to them lol.

    *does a bunch of illegal stuff and gets caught for everything*

    yeah sure sounds "fairly intelligent"
  13. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Even when you cut the head clean off, the eyes will still move, looking around one last time. That's why they had the head roll down a chute into a bag or box. There's enough oxygen left in the brain to keep the person conscious for at least half a minute or so.

    What're you fuckin gay?
  14. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I remember that feeling. Bretty good, 7/10. The biggest upshot was that I could finally find people to do things with again, for like the 2 weeks leading up to finals no one wanted to do anything but cram. It was retarded, I swear people wasted more time cramming than it would have taken to just show up to class and learn the material.

    Anyway, what's your major?

    networking and security nothing to special or ambitious

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol my cat and I got fleas in november it fucking sucked dude, such a pain in the ass.

    one of the sluts you brought over probably brought fleas with her. thats how my indoor cat got fleas

    Yeah must've been. Better stop bringing basic bitches over

    Originally posted by greenplastic lol you should spray them with raid before they're allowed in the house

    Good idea I may have to do that

    Originally posted by mmQ No there should be complimentary raid for anyone LEAVING his place.

    no u
  15. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by HampTheToker He walks around with this HTC Desire 510 that I gave him recording videos that he wants me to upload to YouTube.

    You probably should he could become a youtube star and take care of your old ass

    edit: when you become old not saying youre old
  16. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by HampTheToker Driving me fucking nuts. Seriously. I gave him the bird the other day as he was walking away. Little asshole. He knows that if he's funny or clever, then I can't fuck with him.

    He ain't even seven, yet.

    lolol thats great lil nigga
  17. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by HampTheToker Well, damn.

    Hey hamp nice to see you again btw! Hows lil hamp doing?
  18. zok jr. Houston
    I definitely did lol at this though
  19. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ

    Thats definitely not Jermom
  20. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by HampTheToker And, is jerome, in fact, the UVA "Jackie?"

    I've always had my suspicions.

    What is UVA Jackie?
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