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Posts by zok jr.

  1. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm gonna start subscribing to Cat Fancy and send them glamour pics of my cat's pantaloons.

    Post last edited by mmQ at 2016-12-16T06:15:32.648234+00:00

  2. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by HampTheToker Did you ever get the mustard stain out of your shirt?

  3. zok jr. Houston
  4. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by yum I think it's just that sinbad always dressed like a genie. The shaq movie was obviously Shazam.

    What retarded amerifat thinks Nelson Mandela died in the 80s? Like why would he be a household name for dying in prison? Do you know how many civil rights activists have died in prison (Nawt enough amirite?)? No? Because no one gives a shit about the ones who died in prison. The black panthers who died in prison were all the most forgettable ones. Nobody remembers tookie and mumia anymore because they lost, the government won and they died. Fuck maybe mumia didn't die yet and everyone just thinks he did because he's so irrelevant. I wish that making a murderer weirdo died in prison so I wouldn't have to see his rapey hillbilly face all the time while hipsters feign moral outrage and pretend to know anything about the legal system.

    Well the Shaq movie was Kazaam. I swear though even before learning about this I vividly remember a Sinbad genie movie, its weird. He does dress pretty weirdly though but he has never dressed in the outfit that many people including myself remember him as a genie.

    The Nelson Mandela thing, well like I said it was pretty vague for me but I sort of recall him dying in prison but that one wasn't very compelling to me unlike this Sinbad one.

    99% of the Mandela effect shit is people not knowing how to spell but there is one or two intriguing things.
  5. zok jr. Houston
    My cat has felas. WTF he is 100% indoor idk wat 2 do
  6. zok jr. Houston
    At least for me wooo winter break time to fuck some sluts and drink pretty much the same amount of liquor I did during the semester since I am pretty much at max level alcoholism but at least I don't have to worry about getting up or doing anything the next day.

    Also my indoor cat got fucking fleas wtf.

    ITT lets celebrate winter break

    Also I have to take python next semester fuck you lanny
  7. zok jr. Houston
    Drink lots of liquor. You will be exponentially more depressed when you aren't drunk but for at least a few minutes during your drinking session you will feel totally normal or even better.
  8. zok jr. Houston
    Not sure if this belongs here cause I am not sure there is a conspiracy involved but it is pretty weird. So there is this kind of phenomenon thing called the Mandela effect. I just came across it the other day. Basically it is called the Mandela effect because many people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80s. I actually vaguely remember learning in school that he did indeed die in prison. In reality though he died in 2013.

    This whole thing is about people remembering things differently than they actually happened which, sure, is commonplace but coupled with the fact that there is a large volume of people who specifically remember something without any suggestiveness makes it pretty compelling.

    Now to the point, the main Mandela Effect that really creeps me out and chills me to the bone. Lets start with a story. Probably about 2 months ago me and a friend were talking about shitty old nineties movies. One that came to mind which I mentioned was that 90s movie with Sinbad where he was a genie. My friend corrected me saying "no, that was Shaq." Well I remember Sinbad makign one as well, thats pretty weird. I moved on and didn't think much of it.

    Fast forward to about three days ago I came across the whole Berenstein/Barenstain thing (which is also weird to me since I read these books as a kid and clearly remember the 'stein' name but it isn't as compelling.) While looking into it a bit more I found out there was a whole giant thing related to these phenomena.

    I found out that not only me but literally thousands of people remember a movie in the 90s where Sinbad starred as a genie and even remember scenes costumes the plot etc. THIS SHIT IS BLOWING MY MIND! There is literally no trace of this movie having ever existed! Someone even contacted Sinbad himself and he denies all of it.

    I don't know what to say seriously my mind is blown and I am about to go crazy and live under a bridge babbling about Sinbad the genie to passers-by.

    Anyways does anyone else remember this movie? If so please post anything you rem,ember about it and if you happen to have a copy I will literally pay you $1000+ for it.

    Also here is some more info its fucking spoopy:

    edit: sorry bout spelling/formatting I am pretty fuckin drunk
  9. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Zanick I drink a half a glass of vodka nightly, far too much given that I'm also on lithium. My liver is probably tallying the days until it's relieved of my toxic body. I wake up with bad headaches but they usually go away after a glass of coffee. Aside from that, I just can't make any late-night rides.

    Fuck outta my thread zanick you fucking faggot.
  10. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by cerakote I like drinking. Alot. Except I'm underage.

    I used to work at a gas station. Because I worked at a gas station and also like drinking, I'd do really fun and safe things like stealing 40s of Mickeys, 1.5l bottles of wine, 6packs of Steel Reserve, assorted beers, etc. I'd slam 4lokos while I was in the cooler, restocking things. I'd "accidentally" burst a can of beer and drink the rest of the fucker.

    I got fired a few weeks ago because I stole a pack of cigarettes. Good thing it was an under the table job because I wouldn't be able to get another with "yeah i steal shit please hire me"

    Careful man it is a slippery slope.
  11. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by cerakote move to texas lad we dont have faggy commie laws here

    Yeah, I don't know about Texas but I am definitely moving out of California in the next two years. Fuck this place.
  12. zok jr. Houston
    How did you use it? Was your butt involved?
  13. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I just put together the PC build I listed (had the parts but hadn't assembled them). Playing KF2 with hardware accelerated gibs on, it's pretty hilarious. I didn't realize I was missing out on this dimension of the game:

    Hey that game looks pretty neat
  14. zok jr. Houston
    I swear to god marie im gonna fucking kill you if you dont call them minerals ill cut ur tits off
  15. zok jr. Houston
  16. zok jr. Houston
    if op is telling the truth then man that shit is not lit
  17. zok jr. Houston
    I used to love these threads on totse/zoklet. I am against stealing from other people but for some reason it always felt very interesting to me.

    When I was in high school I used to look for cars with cigarettes in them to and from school since I couldn't buy them. I would try the handles and have stolen a few packs. I feel bad now though as someone addicted to nicotine (not cigarettes anymore) but to wake up and find your pack gone boy that would be a bummer. I also used to hang out at apartment complexes and jump over the little wall to peoples little porch/yard area and take packs of cigarettes from there.
  18. zok jr. Houston
    Here is a solution just have anal sex with a girl every time whilst taking a shit and pee into her butt. After that its up to here to deal with your urine so problem solved!
  19. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic

    + lysergamides

    I liekd that a lot, actually.
  20. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny Damn son, that's kind of excessive for a multiple year old build. How do you blow that much money on a build and only just buy your first mechanical keyboard?

    Shitposting/contracting computer (early 2016 MBP):
    CPU: i7 @ 2.2 GHz
    RAM: 16GB @ 1600 DDR3
    GPU: Intel Iris Pro, 1546MB
    DISK: 256GB SSD
    MONITORS: Pair of 27" thunderbolt displays

    Gaymen PC:
    CPU: i5 6500
    RAM: 8GB @ 2400 DDR4
    GPU: GTX 1060, 4GB
    DISK: 256 Samsung Evo, 1TB WD Blue
    MONITOR: Shitty 27" 1080 workstation monitor I've been dragging around for years

    Considering upgrading to a newer monitor for games, not sure if the high refresh rate meme is worth it or not.
    I was making enough money at the time to not care about blowing $600 on a mobo alone I guess lol. I really didn't see the advantages of mechanical keyboards until recently tbh idk why. I am about to do a new build though not sure what I will do but it will probably be a lil cheaper since I am a poor student now. Then again aid disbursement is mid January.

    Originally posted by Sophie MY rig is a little out dated by now, but here are the specs.

    CPU: AMD FX-8020 octocore @4Ghz, got a big ass fan as well so i could OC to 4.5 without much trouble.
    MOBO: I don't remember.
    RAM: 16GB DDR3
    VIDEO: Sapphire Radeon 7880 2Gb, Mem clock at 5Ghz, GPU at 1200Mhz
    Disk: 1x 120Gb SSD, 1x 2Tb HDD.
    CASE: Sharkoon, with blue led fans. 180mm on the front 120mm on the bottom and 80mm on the back.
    Ah AMD CPUs you fell so far from grace. I have great hope for the new Zen architecture I might base my next build on that depending on if they turn out to be actually good or not.

    Also 80mm fan? lol is that actually a thing?

    Originally posted by inb4l0pht T460s has a dual core i5 (skylake), 20GB RAM, 512GB SSD, integrated graphics, 1080p display. I carry this around pretty much everywhere as it's the smallest and lightest computer I've ever owned. W520 has a quad core i7 (sandy bridge), quadro 1000M, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD and 2TB HDD, 1080p display. It's honestly still pretty good as a mobile workstation, though the graphics are weak by modern standards. Can compile a Linux kernel in about 20 minutes and run multiple VMs easily.
    20GB ram?? That is weird what do you have 3 slots and 8GB x2 and 1x 4GB SODIMMS in there? like how does that work?

    Originally posted by aldra

    mini-itx build I put together literally 2 weeks ago

    CPU: i5/6400 with Corsair sealed watercooling system
    Motherboard: Gigabyte Z170N (wifi)
    RAM: 16GB Corsair 3000mhz fancy LED shit
    GPU: nvidia/leadtek GTX 1070 founders/reference edition
    PSU: Corsair RM550x modular
    Harddrives: 1x 500gb samsung 850 EVO, 1x 500gb SATA mech drive (got both from broken machines at work)

    also got a Zenbook UX303U with upgraded RAM + SSD I mostly use for work
    Cooooool RAM I like it. LED everything I say. Also I had that same cooler on an i5 4690k build I had a while back but sold it cause my old bitch was more powerful and sexy but I hate her and lover her fucking weird builds man its like a child you love and hate.

    Also what is that weird thing in the basement with audio jacks on it?

    Originally posted by inb4l0pht I somewhat regret getting the T460s over the X1 carbon. Would've had a thinner/lighter machine and better display with roughly the same battery life and a similar feeling keyboard.
    For some reason I have an x1 carbon 256gb SSD on my desk that has been sitting here for ages I guess I was drunk when I acquired it and idk why but its here. There use some weird proprietary PCIe style so its worthless to me and IDK what to do with it.
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