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Posts by zok jr.

  1. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny Based on that you might also like skream*:

    and anal penetration!

    *The rest of that album has more bass wobble if that's your thing but that track was the standout IMO, or at least in the opinion of my 17 year old self.

    I like it, very funky.
  2. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Well idk if i have the brain for deep abstract things but i had to force myself to learn how to code through sheer force of will. And that's python, that's like coding on easy mode with cheats on.

    Thanks for unreinforcing my mental block.
  3. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht Programming is great but it ain't for everyone. Gotta have the right genetics, the right brain.

    Thanks for reinforcing my mental block.
  4. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Ya ya, in my other thread where i asked niggas what they be doing he said "Writing Shellcode" so i invited him to post the finished project to T&T so that i may run it in a VM and review it's functionality. Of course, Spectral completely ignored tyhe post. And it was even friendly, and i mean if he really CAN write shellcode more power to him, but come on, you can smell his bullshit from a mile away 9/11 times.

    He cannot, but of course you are already aware. Honestly we need him here to laugh a little and have some fun so no harm done with his lies.
  5. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny I drink pretty heavily. So far the only impact it's had on my career is positive since being able to work from home and get wasted or be buzzed at my desk have been major drivers in me not quitting or going on a postal rampage. For the last year or so I've mainly been drinking G&Ts and negronis (negronii?) although lately I've been drinking 2:1 irish whiskey to sweet vermouth and it's actually pretty damn good. I thought I wore myself out on whiskies when I drank nothing but bottom shelf bourbon for a month and experienced the worst hangovers of my life.

    Also trucks are good, do more trucks.

    Gin and tonic and negro cocktails that is pretty fancy. How often and how much do you drink though, just trying to get a feel for what level I am I feel like I am boss level alky but not sure.
  6. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Once you know the rules, it's easy. The only limitation is your vocabulary in a sense as far as syntax goes. But like with any language the internet is a pretty good dictionary. Also i like security as well, security and programming is a most formidable of combos if i do say so myself. Not that i am 31337 or anything. I just like malware and shit.

    The way I think of things like programming, art etc. are that either you have a talent/your brain can do it or not you can't really learn to be good at it but I am probably wrong and am just not trying hard enough.
  7. zok jr. Houston
    Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I don't see a music section.

    What is the absolute sickest most awesome song that really gets you going? post it here.

    I'll start out:

    (dunno if you can embed youtube vids here)

    Post last edited by zok jr. at 2016-12-05T07:14:41.842515+00:00
  8. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Well i would be happy to help out as far as i am able to. Alo what's not to like about programming? For real? You just pour your brain directly into the computer and as long as all the words and operations follow the rules the computer is going to do exactly what you want it to do.

    Such creation, such control, why be a network guy when you can be GOD.

    Yeah I feel you there I WANT to like it I really do but maybe my brain doesn't like to work that way I guess? My area of study is networking and security and I love it and am naturally great at it but programming is just hard and alien to me. Maybe I am not just trying hard enough and am discouraging myself? I don't know I guess I will soon enough since I will have to.
  9. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Actor quit that shit and do trucks.

  10. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Actor wear a rubber or don't sit on the toilet.

    actor you're the best glad you're still around
  11. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Thank you, i feel radiant. But actually i was just thanking Lanny for mentioning me i maybe did 0.01% of the work, comparatively and arguably Lanny is the reason i can code Python today. And that's the truth. Hence my remark with regards to my github projects.

    I have to take a programming class for my degree and will be taking python next semester I will probably be asking you guys for help so remember to halp a nigga out. (I probably won't actually ask for help.)

    I fucking hate programming though I had to do courses on sed and awk and fuck me I know they aren't really programming languages but I hate them nonetheless
  12. zok jr. Houston
    I almost didn't want to make this thread here as it is not technically better living but who else here is an alky? I guess I am a functioning one I don't drink until 8pm most nights but when I do I usually polish off about an eighth of whiskey, neat.

    What is your drink of choice? How has it effected your every day life both professionally and medically? I think I am young enough that I do not experience many negative side effects besides always wanting to drink and my professional life is mostly unaffected.

    Also do you do any drugs regularly? I smoke weed occasionally and that is it.

    Post last edited by zok jr. at 2016-12-05T06:46:12.040690+00:00
  13. zok jr. Houston
    I have the same problem that is why I have written off taking shits in public places at least I know my toilet is clean and when my dick touches the inside of it the only germs I will get are my own.

    Also it is just nicer shitting in your own bathroom.
  14. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Lanny ^I remember those things. Think I actually inherited one and it's in a box somewhere. Looks kinda cool but shows dirt like a motherfucker and isn't so great to type on. I kinda like the oversized escape key tho.

    I love escaping so I also enjoy the oversized key *gulps 8th whiskey drink*
  15. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Accrediting people is very important in the open sauce software game, i should to put on all my github projects: "With contributions from Lanny" No joke.

    Thanks to you too good work.

    *pats back*
    *back patting intensifies*
    *back patting turns to heavy petting*
    *heavy petting leads to unexpected pregnancy*
    *zok jr jr is born*
    *you're the mom*
  16. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by inb4l0pht Site needs more guides on meth synthesis, bomb making and hacking to get traffic.

    Although probably true I hope that we can make better content these days. I might make some thread on general hacking shit when I'm not so drunk though.

    Really what we need is informative guides and stuff on things in general instead of general shitposting which we have devolved to. Don't get me wrong I am one of the best shitposters ever but in order to attract outsiders we need to offer some sort of value.
  17. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by aldra


    reminds me of one of those old mac a1048 keyboards which I used to really like actually and still have one somewhere I think

    keyboards without a 10 key just look weird to me idk why
  18. zok jr. Houston
    I am gonna write "free finals answers" and this url on the urinal at school tomorrow expect some new faggots maybez
  19. zok jr. Houston
    ^^^^^ What in the fuck is this post actually and why is it here ^^^^^
  20. zok jr. Houston
    Originally posted by Malice Give yourself a facial then walk around with a sign that says: This is what a fibromyalgia patient looks like.

    omg cat fucker you are still alive too?? cool
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