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Posts That Were Thanked by Elbow

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    So previously in my life (Age 19 [40 days], Age 26 [2 months]) I've used a nootropic known as Noopept.

    I'm goign to give you the shortest summary of the class of drugs I can and expect there to be gaps and incorrect generalizations throughout.

    Nootropics are drugs that "make you smarter" by increasing your brains effectiveness. This can range very widely with some things like Adderal and amph-stimulants also considered part of it. That's not the field I am speaking of.

    THere are another type of drug that SUPPOSEDLY* make your brian function better. The most common of them being piracatam and noopept. There's a couple others such as Phinbut & uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Midafil? I think? I don't fucking know

    The drug I am returning to is used in Russia as a shell shock / brain damage treatment as well IIRC a treatment for cognitive decline in teh elderly. Someone told me it increases some bullshit in the brain other people told me IT REGROWS YOUR BRAIN and another person who is probably the most qualified to give an opinion said they don't know


    Anyway, the reason both times I stopped taking them is because while they did increase my cognitive functions I no longer could get drunk. I would get physically intoxicated (stumbling, slurred speech, dehydrated/hung over) but I would remain physically present (About 10-20% of the feeling I'd normally get form 4 half and half mixers of vodka n juice) so being an alcoholic I quit.

    Well since i Don't drink and these supplements are dirt cheap I"m gonna buy another I think it's like a 3.5g bag and do 30mg twice a day, however I'mma eyeball all this shit so it ends up being closer to 40-50mg twice a day and I will report back. THere's some other things you're supposed* to stack with these. Some vitamins or something so I'll report back and hopefully htis makes me smarter.

    I would like to gain teh ability to ejaculate using mind control but I will settle for being able to read something once and memorize it rather than 3-4 times like it is now and to have more immedaite recall of short term adn long term memory.

    As for the energy and like boost and you know things that sound like speed/amphetamenes I'm not really pursuing that. That's a lot of the racetams draws for other people but I think it'll be good. There was a wealth of knowledge on this in 2012 the first time based on Euphoric Knolwedge, but that site was honeypotted & shut down.

    I think Erowid & Bluelight will be my resource for this.

    SO yeah share things related to Noopept, Noopept Stacks & other Nootropic drugs. Including recommendations and anecdotal reports. I will keep this updated as I go from being above average intelligence to EVEN SMARTER*.

    *All claims are 100% the opinion of BradleyB and other retards on the internet, FUCK THE FDA.

    Also I'm looking for a source. I know many forums frown on source seeking but since this is legal I hope it's ok. The last sauce I had was brainchems or some shit like that, i'm just looking for a reputable source. This si all still very early in my adventure down this rabbit hole (again).
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Elbow

    Wow. That's crazy
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  3. Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    because warriat threads are actually entertaining to read
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  4. ner vegas Space Nigga
    I don't know why it wasn't a permaban
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  5. Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Elbow Post pictures of your deceitful head, coward.

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  6. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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  7. Cope and seethe Elon haters.
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    Raptor 3 is absolutely amazing. It's so simple. The world is seething and contorting in fear and anger about how they did it. They're talking shit about how the plumbing and the wires are all internal to help with re-entry. That's horseshit. The inside of a rocket engine is not a place for wiring. They simplified the rocket engine massively, while making it cheaper and more powerful. My guess is they had a team of real high IQ young autists (not schizos) on board who really understood rocket engines, material science and high-energy fluidics and they worked really hard for a really long time and this is the result of that. Something that is pure divine intellect.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    English is my first language.

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  10. Raiment? Who are you John Word inventor of words?
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  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Fucking vile what they’re doing to those primates.

    Tool use and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

    And now these monsters are trying to inflict the same untold suffering on other species.

    It would be kinder to just genocide their species than condemn them to this fate
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  12. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    0:13 says, "breaking down the final barriers that separate us from them".

    If it had made fire without matches, which it has no understanding of, I would be way more convinced. All they have done is to teach it to use matches. Humans could have come up with fire much sooner if someone gave us a bic lighter 500,000 years ago.
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  13. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Wow, that's crazy.
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  15. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Caffeine, dust allergy, lack of fresh air, too much time chilling, poor posture, shoulder pain causing headaches, B12 deficiency.
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  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Pfft, I’d argue that criminality is more a signal of maturity than immaturity. What age group has the lowest crime rate of both sexes? Babies. Therefore the more crime a demographic commits, the more mature they are. I’m gonna go take a piss in public to demonstrate my emotional maturity.
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  17. Originally posted by Elbow Me neither, but I wanted to make the point that men get extremely retarded and then gradually become less retarded over time. This was the first thing that popped into my head to illustrate that point. At no point are men not retarded, but they become manageably retarded around 30.

    Mmmmm more like 50
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  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What can I say, I’m a contrarian and Lucy already stole the ironic “raise the aoc” position. What’s a nigga supposed to do?
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  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Elbow this is my favorite piece of art. it is immaculate. the skull. the cards. the gun. the liquor. the coke. the fucking nunchuks on the door handle. and to top it all off, jesus is stealing the poor guy's heroin.


    Clearly that man has never stayed awake for a week on meth and then listened to the beauty of gregorian chants after hitting a fat bowl of weed and allowed the spirit of Jah to flow into his soul
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  20. It's Walz. He's not retarded, like Kamala is.

    Well lads, looks like we may be fucked.

    Where's that couch fucking weirdo gone anyway? I need to inject him with my MAGA talking points for the vicepresidential debates.
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