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Posts That Were Thanked by jerryb

  1. Vinny need to learn the difference between grown and ripe.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Meikai yeah so uhh

    he actually did it

    im fuckin done

    Wow, and for my next trick I'll unalive vinny and save the world for Obbe's climate change destruction.
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  3. Bradley Black Hole
    but i did spend february teaching him one nigger a day for all 28 days and I would google like "successful niggers" and I would find some guy towards the end that owned a business, I would make him read everything, and then tell me a couple sentences about it, then we could play video games and I would tell his mom he got some edumacation that day, and he was a drop out cuz kids at school called him a nigger (up north wisconsin is white and native american only) and i tried helping ihm by telling him to say "AT least my parents aren't related." when they made fun of him for being nigger (lots of incest)

    n uh yea j penis aight i guess ,the nigger has an evil mean streak in him

    one time (i had birds still) he said why don't they land on my hand like you and my mom

    I said "You look like a moving fucking shadow." LOL

    and he said oh ya

    nigga was my amigo, we would go burglarize old factories (Not sure if it's burglary if they're closed for awhile) and get cool stuff to sell to buy weed, and then i found out he does meth and i was like wow j penis im so disappointed in you

    He said i dont' do it alot

    i said you got any

    lol and we'd be playing vieo games and walking around for days, i taught him how to do a bunch of shit i shoudln't have

    and when he was like 16 i met this tranny in the same town and moved out and stopped talking to him, leaving him with all of these bad ideas, and a couple of my plugs, and his mom just kinda gave up on him and i think it's fuckins weet that i fucked that kids life up because bgefore he was a bitch that people just shit on and hated himself and now he's a fucking gangster g J Penis all day!!!
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  4. Originally posted by jerryb Bidens are a gift that keeps on giving. The run up to the next election should be fun to watch, they're giving Trump a lot of troll material to work with.

    irregardless trump isnt going to win.

    he can not be allowed to win.
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  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    He lives in Canada
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  6. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley I didn't want to lose my medicare/medicaid because I work at a corner store that doesn't offer insurance benefits or any benefit other than you get to work by yourself.

    So I did a move from Bad Ideas, I copied my dead ex boyfriends identity, i already had his social cuz I do his taxes and I persuaded the guy to hire me based on "Here's a photo of my ID" "Here's a photo of my SSN" and i basically just asked a friend of my friend this website to alter the photos of my REAL ID* from my ID to a template Floridas Driver's License (old cuz he's dead, it's still current) and kinda bullshit the Social Security Card by inputting data. Only cost me 20$ to do it in the middle of the night when I started asking the good photo shoppers (not ghost) to do they magic on this site.

    My bad.

    But what you did was smart. You only fucked it up by being stupid. Solution is to stop being stupid. There's actually no need to carry a wallet anymore, you should be able to do pretty much everything on your phone. And you should have just explained that reason to the boss man.
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat do you even read anything i wuote. i was nor am anytime a pedophile.

    said the paedophile
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  8. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    welp better go panic buy a bunch of guns and ammo ill never use
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  9. Originally posted by Wariat anyone know why the ge of consent was lowered in 1998 in russia only to be rasied again in 2002?

    "Russia in 1998 lowered the age of consent from 16 to 14,[17] but in 2002 raised the age of consent from 14 back to 16.[18][19][20] Since then penalties have also generally increased. Vladimir Putin said that a party advocating lowering the age of consent cannot be legally registered (hence, be a legal party) in Russia."

    Nobody cares, shit for brains.
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  10. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by jerryb No shit, Lanny probably just needs to hand him the keys.

    Lol …. I think he’s smart enough to know ya can’t have the lunatics running the asylum.

    He lets scron have a million alts so it looks like the forum has a huge user base Why do you think no one’s allowed to delete their account?

    if a newbie stumbles in by accident Wariat’s depraved pedo posts and scrons insane ranting typically scares them off pretty quick.
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  11. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by jerryb I may be a dumb nigger retard but I'm not from DH. lol

    at least you know ur place
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  12. Originally posted by Haxxor If ghost suicided we’d lose 90% of the posters 😎

    Look who shows up just to stalk me. Get a fucking life hurr durrr but ur here 24/7 yeah 👍 how many alts bud

    Originally posted by jerryb No shit, Lanny probably just needs to hand him the keys.

    Why don't you just shut the fuck up Jerry you useless dumb nigger retard that should suicide. DH simp
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  13. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley Folks they say good things happen in 3s, we lost the most self absorbed user, and a pedophile, who will we be blessed with seeing a third departure from?

    Me? (homicide/stabbed)

    WellHung? (homicide/shot)

    Ghost? (accidental meth overdose/heart complications from meth)

    CandyRein? (black)

    Wariat? (homicide/stabbed)

    Trayvon Martin/Red? (Rejection from a secretary on Valentines Day resulting in prolonged suicide)

    RIPTOTSE? (killed for being a dea informant while using heroin)

    Alternatively post other users you expect will die and make sure to (include) how you expect them most likely to reach their demise.

    If ghost suicided we’d lose 90% of the posters 😎
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  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Made from and made of are completely interchangeable and both are correct numbnuts.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    girlfriend saw photos of old Polish architecture and asked if I wanted to go visit, I told her I can't because I would have to murder a paedophile
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  16. you spend too much on the fona -fone

    may I suggest Fona-FAX a voip telehpony free communication solution from SHADOW BANK FINANCIAL
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  17. Originally posted by jerryb Don't pay them any attention Fona, this is NIS filled with broken fuck ups. Some people hate to see someone enjoying their life.

    I'm hard on fona but it's out of love, we must challenge one another in constructive ways. I feel I am not being challenged fairly or constructively and we all need to press harder and get more tuff
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  18. justlaugth Yung Blood
    ho? (I'm sorry but I don't understand anything I'm new)
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  19. Originally posted by jerryb I've just a cheapo iron and gun. Most I solder is car wiring, many moons ago I was an electronic tech in the navy but about 90% of repairs involved just exchanging boards. Probably should have kept up with it, I could get up to speed on older stuff I guess.

    if you solder car wires a lot get those that are gas powered.
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  20. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Originally posted by Big the Cat 1 in 10 americans is raising another mans cum and going to work every day to provide a nice life for those kids who don't share the same genetic material as them

    wow it sounds like a gay couple , just have dogs lol it's cheaper. RETARDS!!!! hey at least you get to suffer together

    So sorry I fell in love with someone and that somehow affects you.
    Why do you even care what I do?
    Go be a faggot elsewhere.
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