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Posts That Were Thanked by jerryb

  1. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Donald Trump My doctor never gives me good drugs.

    It's very difficult these days, nothing like it used to be when I was younger
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  2. Originally posted by Instigator
    center for humane technology

    may we see the written records of these ... advanced cultures.
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  3. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Bradley do u think a single niggainspace other than bitch ass paul wozny got a vaccination? I feel like we did a poll about this but I am also more or less very drunk and remember that fat 3 chin having child molester getting tripped boosted or some shit. Also ACP.

    I got tha jab because my moms is old and fat and wouldn't see me without me getting it (and tbh, I didn't want to kill her with TheVarus - that may not have been a genuine risk for most people, but it was for fat old biddies), but she's also got borderline personality disorder (I think) and she was crying because she "missed me" so my only options were making my mom miserable or getting the jab so she could see me despite the restrictions she'd imposed on that happening.

    I made her miserable for most of my life already, getting the vaxx to cheer her up was the least I could do. I mean, literally the least. "Risk a very small percent chance of a terrible outcome" is something I do for fun every time I smoke an untested batch of what is allegedly meth. Pump me full of the mutant juice, idgaf.
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  4. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk White people that cook without seasoning give us, that know how to cook with flavor, a bad name.

    Plenty of white people season their food, the whole bullshit about us not is just nonsense spread by stupid jealous niggers who can't cook anything besides fried chicken and collard greens
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    UK trans MP proposes sending Ukraine condoms, lubricant

    The two pranksters got Wallis to advocate for promotion of transgenderism in schools and express hope that the UK would have a trans prime minister. At one point, however, they claimed to have heard from gay soldiers in the Ukrainian military, who said they could really use a donation of sex toys from the West.

    “I think sex toys is going to be tough, but anything to do with hygiene or prevention of [sexually transmitted diseases] is a definite one, so condoms, lubricants, cleaning equipment, things like that, would be absolutely not a problem,” replied the Conservative MP for Bridgend in Wales.

    “Actually, I think if President Zelensky would be there to welcome the delivery of such a donation, that would be very significant,” Wallis said. “That would be a global moment of arms reaching out.”



    "hey Zelensky, we're sorry the missiles, artillery and armor weren't enough, but maybe these crates of lube and condoms will do it"
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  6. what the fuck is wrong with you people.
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  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    I retired before I was ever gainfully employed.
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  8. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley i make an account on most forums to talk shit until i realize i'm just mocking a toothless loser in a trailer park and his 400lb wife that wouldn't let me enter when I made an impromptu visit to his specific trailer

    My favorite part is where I'm holding a liter of liquor, had meth, had bud, I had my friend whose our best driver with me, and wanted to talk to the Administrator of such a great website as, however what i saw is more shocking

    This weird toothless gremlin looks out the corner of a window "a common strategy among the tweakinfolk" and im like yeah that's him

    so after about 2 minutes of just knocking like a cop, this 400lb easily the fattest woman int he world, idk how she gets out that little ass door (probably doesn't) and she opens the door and says "brady doesn't live here." and I said "Whose the guy starring at me through the window?" and i pointed at the window of his "office" and she says "That's not Brady!" and slammed the door shut and did like 15 tweaker locks as is standard. And I be in my car like two minutes later asking my boy "Bro did you see how fat that bitch is? Huge huge huge titties (that don't go past her beer belly)

    nice, bro. real fucking what i expected.

    my favorite part is where i knocked on the door a bunch of times, and when she answered without me asking anything "BRADY ISN"T HERE."

    kinda weird that you would just say brady isn't there as I have this weird shmeagel looking monster starring at me from the window corner , and haven't mentioned Brady. But they're dumb fuck hill billies with no teeth and 400lb girls and rail skin tweaker lookin kids under the age of 12 lol and i'm like what the fuck this is awesome, and he didn't think so, i was gonna get him really high and take him tot he casino with us but dude wanted to be a little scared bitch when bradleyb came to visit with a bottle of vodka and some lemonade, tweak, bud, money, etc but dude just a pussy that only really likes to fight online from his "office" which is also his bedroom lol.
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  9. Bradley Black Hole
    OP is a nonce living in a trailer park in upper wisconsin with a 400lb wife, a 12 year old daughter that's heavier than him, and then 3 males that are bone thin, mostly because he doesn't watch his kids eat, so she eats most of the smaller siblings food (often common in scavenger animals) while he sits there and smokes meth on his computer chair and bitches about not having teeth because "his body doesn't make enough enamel"

    pretty sure you smoked it off, broski, that's why you got no teeth you ugly fuck.
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  10. Imagine taking a vacation when you're unemployed
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  11. Originally posted by jerryb I've replaced tons of windows and window regulators, some like yours with the extra little side window can be a pain in the ass.

    Vinny wants everyone to DIY and go to junkyards, that's OK if your a poor nigga but a lot nicer to get someone else to do it.

    That's not a side's 2 pieces of perspex taped together lol...the perspex I had wasn't long enough as is.
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  12. Originally posted by Bradley I'm thinkinga bout vacationing to The Gambia to visit my penpal Edrisa,

    When he says "Get in the big pot"...get in.
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  13. Bradley Black Hole
    yall cant take a joke for real it was supposed to be funny
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  14. Bradley Black Hole
    Don't come at me cum in me bitch niggaaaaaa
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  15. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by jerryb Really had to think hard about thanking you. WellHung says I'm you so should I really thank myself. lol

    Perfect sanity is a myth propagated by straitjacket salesmen.

    In WellHung’s world everyone here is Tara…even me 🥸
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  16. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Ever replaced a car window yourself?

    Of course not. Rickshaws don’t have windows.
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  17. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Tiana Leigh will explain it.

    So pretty much the same trash with a different acent
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  18. Originally posted by jerryb Lucky they don't have hillbillies because all would be on the dole. A lot of them have a career goal of getting on disability. lol

    They have the equivalent..there are entire government housing estates where everyone is on the dole and getting their rent paid.

    They all smoke and drink and when asked "why do you waste money on smoking and drinking when you're on the dole" they say

    "It's the only pleasure I have in life"

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  19. Originally posted by jerryb Yeah seems the UK has a lot more for people in case they fall on hard times, only thing I don't like is the gun laws there. Of course you don't seem the kind of fella needing the dole check, some people just not good at the work thing.

    A friend of mine was on the dole from leaving school at 16 to about age 35...when they finally forced him to take a job as a tax collector. Lazy bastard.
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  20. Right back pocket for wallet, and yeah those ridge wallets and similar are for faggots. I use a traditional leather fold wallet like a REAL man.
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