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Posts That Were Thanked by jerryb

  1. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by jerryb May want to rethink the Ukrainian one. Read some DT threads first, don't know if ALDI will satisfy them.

    GG likes Aldi, and especially loves buying berries there. Dunno how Jiggs would be with buying $5 tubs of blueberries, as well as blackberries, raspberries, pistachios, fancy cheeses, salmon.
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat Novotelu rucked a 12 te ile bro. Talking about rajdom shit nowy rekategoryzacjÄ™ to seks od legal.

    I hope you're ODing
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    yee olde 99 cents vs a 1 dollar thingy.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny any one of them getting abboed

    what is with you and boongs today

    another girl friend at the time dated a part abo for a little while, he was a shit

    I remember on his birthday one time he got hammered and started slapping her or something then tried to go to bed so I dragged him out and stomped him. he didn't remember any of it in the morning and I don't think he ever found out why he was so fucked up or why a bunch of his stuff ended up outside.

    he got accepted into uni on some aboriginal scholarship (he was only like 1/8 aboriginal) and they made a big deal about it, ran a bunch of stories in the uni newsletter and I think even a bit in the newspaper about 'aboriginal achievements'. he dropped out within two weeks to be a blackjack dealer
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    expansion of heads

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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by totse2118 and they all probably own stock in every single company that all these government programs spend money on and it's not even an option if you want to pay for any of this, if you voted or not, the government already passed the budget and those companies got paid, the banks got their cut. You don't need to do anything

    as long as walmart and Marlboro are getting paid, that's all that matters to me. ill pay ten dollars more a year to make sure their owners have an extra decorative vase in their foyers.
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by jerryb Germany should slip some North Africans and Turks over pretending they thought they came from Ukraine.

    didn't they outlaw the extremely milquetoast AFD recently? they're not going to be doing anything good or funny until someone uses kraut space magic to resurrect the Austrian Painter

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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It's not though…if as you suggest the individual taxes don't matter…then why collect them? because they do part of the mass collective.

    Again same with voting…every vote counts even if you don't think it does…if no one voted or no one paid taxes we'd be in shit street, Tennessee wouldn't we.

    Caring about how your tax money is spent is reflected in how you might vote…and then multiple that by 150 million voters (or however many are eligible to vote) you have your answer why it matters.

    Ok that makes sense, but why then would these people poo-poo other matters under the same context? I am using climate change as an example. Why does person A get all in a big tizzy about taxes that have really never impacted their life in any significant way whatsoever, but then laugh at the person saying we should do our little part to help not alter the climate in a negative way?

    Is it just emotions? Just picking and choosing what to care about?

    Why should I take a person seriously who says one thing is a huge deal and the other thing isn't a big deal at all?

    Why don't we all just conclude that it doesn't matter? Why do we care about anything, mannnnnnnnn?

    what the fuck am I talking about I think I ate a big mushroom
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  9. Originally posted by totse2118 healthcare is "free" in my country but of course nothing in life is truly free
    it's cheaper to make your own drugs but people would rather be scammed by big pharma

    The countries with "free" healthcare generally have long waiting lists to get shit done.

    A few years back my dad had a hernia and was on the waiting list to have it fixed...22 months. My brother and I paid for him to go have it done privately, it was taken care of in 6 get what you pay for etc.
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  10. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Triggered lazy mil1enial who lives off gov handouts alert.

    I'm not the one trying to jump through hoops to defend a broken system i'm saying cut it all and I have for a while, disability, welfare, cut it all. Fuck the state, I don't get shit because I refuse to play by the rules of the system so i'm cut out, i'm not even allowed to use my own bank account and according to the government I don't even exist.

    I can still "file my taxes" though and apparently I will get money back because thats like something people do and I never do it but I work plenty of jobs and have all this money stolen from me that's supposedly owed to me. I just call it all forced economic interaction

    I have no economic ability to avoid it like a bandit on the road sticking a knife in your face either pay up or fuck off, sign the paper or get fucked. Zoomers love signing paper and will happily bleed the system dry and I root them on, fuck getting a job just sell drugs and scam the system it's all fucked anyways, but you should build value and skills and focus on a career and contribute to underground economy though, taxes will get you one way or another but it's best to avoid it all if you can

    at least that's how I feel about it all
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  11. Originally posted by totse2118 your taxes don't pay for shit, dumb nigger. It's your system so fix it yourself

    don't blame me, a non participant and forced into economic interaction with scammers i.e jedis

    my generation has no money you dumb asses can try all you want to bleed a stone but your system is crashing and burning and nobody cares except you, we are hash tag laying flat

    Triggered lazy mil1enial who lives off gov handouts alert.
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by jerryb All you young fellers need to man up, somebody needs to pay my future healthcare cost. Plenty of eager workers south of the border and street shitter land to take up the slack if you can't.


    first world politics, the shitpost

    I see you're familiar with the spic-nig cycle
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  13. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Vinny going around in circles due to lack of understanding

    "americans" believe they are the world
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i herd the ukrainian gov is now involuntarily enlisting every one who escaped including women.

    do you see the silver lining star trek.

    kek, they're demanding that Germany send their refugees back
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  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    i live off crackers and cocaine
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  16. Originally posted by jerryb May be some records, looks like some Arabs selling future Kangs.

    Problem with whitey is he is in to much a hurry. Advanced Kang culture believes you should have one project made perfect before going to the next. Soon as they get the sharp stick mastered then look out whitey they heading for the stars.

    my point being they have yet to have written languages.
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  17. Originally posted by totse2118 if you play in the modern economy and do business in the global zietgeist kike scam economy you deserve everything you get. I for one will never transact in FEDCOIN or any bank coins bullshit. Vote with your wallet folks

    this, forced economic interaction goy pay up or go to jail
    classic liberalism

    ^ From a guy who lives of Gov handouts
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  18. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Who here wouldn't have taken a trip to Epstein Island if invited?

    Depends how many old billionaires I'd have to have sex with.
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  19. Originally posted by Instigator

    Some real nog behaviour

    You think after a couple generations it would be bred out of them but, no?

    Bicycle is probably stolen too.
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  20. Simple answer...Mi1lennials are weak.
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