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Posts by jerryb

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny on a long enough timeline the wrong part of the country will come to you.

    I'm a month away from 62 so my timeline is getting shorter everyday. I don't see a bunch of gangs relocating to rural Tennessee anytime soon so I'll not worry about it.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    Vinny why you always got to be opposite on every subject. I have no desire to kill anyone. Why do cops use shotguns when entering a house, because it works.

    Damn Jiggaboo taking weekends off, he's the only one that can keep up with ya. lol

    I do like ya vinny but unlike some here I got other shit to do.
  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    They live in the wrong part of the country. Here the police would take a report and send for the meat wagon to carry them off. Of course you can't just go around shooting niggers for sport but in self defense or breaking into my home I'd have no problems.
  4. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Oh wait i misread..a home?

    Fuck id die prolly

    Maybe it's a very very tiny home. Or a Barbie playhouse.
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny many people survive shotgun blasts.

    Sure they have, humans tougher than people think. I bet most of them where not shot a close range and probably with bird shot. Go shoot something vinny with a 12 ga. with 00 at 10 feet and get back to us.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how many home intruders have you shot.

    Zero, we don't have much crime here and thieves know everyone is armed. I've shot plenty of animals and have put down cows for people with a 22. Distance inside a house is very close and a nigga ain't going to survive a shotgun blast.

    To add, your average guy is not a trained SEAL operator, he will be scared and shaking. A handgun or rifle will increase the chance he will miss unlike a shotgun.
  7. jerryb African Astronaut
    Being serious the two people here I find with a good imagination and come up with out of the box stuff is Ghost and MMQ.
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    Best home defense is a shotgun and way cheaper than that. You don't need 30 rounds, 1 to the chest with a shotgun at close range will end it.
  9. jerryb African Astronaut
    It's pretty much a rule you can't have 2 women living in the same house. Rarely they get along and each expects you to take their side.
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I didn't say ALL americans ;)

    OK thanks, I feel much better now.
  11. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Do they have names or are they just outside cat #1 and outside cat #2?

    Yeah they have names my granddaughter gave them but I'm always forgetting them. But in my defense I'm always the one making sure they get fed and brought in during bad weather.
  12. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson “It is a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological, purposes. Affected by the Westerlies and with limited self-steering capability, the airship deviated far from its planned course. The Chinese side regrets the unintended entry of the airship into US airspace due to force majeure,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

    US believes China doesn't have control over movements of suspected spy balloon and it relies on jet stream

    uughhh ya think???

    …fucking dumbass Americans making themselves look even more stupid

    Now you done went and hurt muh feels , I agreed with you on the weather balloon and now you calling me a dumbass. lol
  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    Y'all got some pampered pets all fat and chilling. I stopped having inside pets because one son has allergies but I have 2 outside cats and haven't seen one field mouse since.

    I do let them stay inside during cold snaps and the fuckers get pissed when I put them back out.
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    Dang that's good money for doing nothing and if I remember right you are furnishing her a place to stay. Basically 1,600 to spend as you please.

    One friend of the family girlfriend grandma came here a couple months ago from Ukraine but I don't know what freebies she gets. The US not as generous as Europe usually.
  15. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson They don't, that's what I just said. I had mind before they allowed you to do it without the permit…mine is up for renewal and even though I don't really need to renew it I'm going to anyway because THAT'S THE KIND OF GUY I AM…(throwing my money around willy nilly)

    OK I misunderstood and a permit probably not a bad ideal if visiting other states that recognize them.

    throwing my money around willy nilly. Now lets not get carried away.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Can't believe Texas still requires a permit to conceal carry. TN finally got rid of permit crap, seriously the people living close to the ghetto nigs the ones needing a gun but are usually the poor and the cost of firearm classes plus cost of permit kept a lot of people not carrying or illegally carrying.
  17. jerryb African Astronaut
    I like the 2nd so I can take care of uppity nigs or white trash if needed. Contrary to youtube videos and internet the US is not even close to a civil war.
  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    I have to go with Jiggaboo on this one and call weather balloon. It would be a real shitty way to gather intel if it can't be guided, hell you can look at US military installations on google earth. lol
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Seems like it would be a pretty good scam. Even someone from say Moldova could skip across the Romanian border, a lot of the older ones know Russian. The average wage in Moldova something like $300 a month and Donald Trump say GG gets some good refugee bucks.
  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The horse is clearly faked.

    Not a pig horse so that leaves Wariat out.
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