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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    Lewy is what Robin Williams had.

    he wasn't waiting around for it to finish him off (or they say)
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Well. its a different world now. I see it. it's so obvious.

    I will get a smile like "hey, havn't talk to you lately" with some local business people I usually greet. just a few but I have made progress trying to be sociable all over again.

    but then it's a quick change to drab. like a light reflecting a brilliant color and then grey in their expression.

    I don't know if it's Post covid or Biden fucking things up and the economy or what's happening. Trump was a douchebag but gas was cheap. we rushed Green before Green was fully invented. it DOESNT EXIST BIDEN, YOU FUCKING PSYCHO

    And it truly feels like 2012 was the end of a lovely planet with days of obstacles. Sure some people like Robin Williams here was learning he had a crippling disease that slowly causes death

    Regarding Lewy body dementia: It is a progressive disease, meaning symptoms start slowly and worsen over time. The disease lasts an average of five to eight years from the time of diagnosis to death, but can range from two to 20 years for some people

    But now it's like everyone is dead inside.
    I am sick. waiting to find out if the numbers go up, come back down or stay the same for a while
  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    I never saw this. I heard he made a last video like a suicide video? then left a letter before killing himself.

    Robin Williams. I wonder if it's deep-fake though

    or is that an obvious?

  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls 4 U vinny


    You look Indian. I just figured out who you are. You're TOTSEAN
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    too bad Zok couldn't have his 4chan friend make up a discounted greendot loader.

    5 bucks for 500 dollar load! -_-

  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Don't make me post photos of your naked girlfriend during chat timez
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    I wonder if they paid totsean. He just created this site to try and somehow make money. I wouldn't be surprised if he wrote a tell-all of the seedy underground dialup boards of the 1990s.

    This isn't some weird brag shit "Im OG" its about telling the real truth and the weird connections of these people
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    Fuck is up with these leftist news sources. and Totsean clearly coming out of Pakistan (who harbored Osama) and moves to the Philipines and pretends he was around during the dialup but then tells me he only joined after 2002 or some shit.

    the dude gets chosen to bullshit this vice site and then tries to bury his bullshit with me saying "They just wanted to hear what they wanted I Guess" as to take heat off of him

  9. slide22 African Astronaut
    Also, what is up with this bullshit. it seems to purposly use buzz-phraze to derail topic

    8:46 project is about racism and evil white people it seems.

    8:46am is when Flight 11 was the first Airliner to strike WTC (North Tower first)
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    I'm so fucking tired right now. its not a normal tired. it's like a drain battery all the time
  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Wikipedia "Talk" page on totse proves me right

    scroll down about 3/4th to 5/8ths the page

    Dec 2005 by Digital Avatar regarding me

    I think many users are 14-year-old 'anarchists' who don't deserve anything but a bullet to the head.. They register at the site for all the wrong reasons and contribute nothing but ignorance and stupidity. There was a topic a while back that read 'I think users should have to take an IQ test to register on totse'. Frankly, I think a policy like this would make totse better for those of us who are actually intelligent human beings with half-decent grammar. --Staples
    That would require Jeff to actually give a shit about what happens on his board. He never has, and he never will. That's why TOTSE went to shit back when it was a dial-up board -- Jeff just didn't give a damn what happened on his board. It was just a place for him to hang out 'whenever', and he expected it to magically run itself. That only worked when there was a community of users who wanted to be there, and who were capable of shouting down idiots when they showed up. Once TOTSE got 4 nodes, then 8, and then NirvanaNet moved beyond the SF Bay Area and became a nation-wide network, the number of clueless fucks multiplied out of control. The signal-to-noise ratio became unacceptable, and the good folk left, which made the SNR worse, accelerating their departure. The classic flood/flamewar by Greenspam in its last few weeks exemplify everything that's wrong with that attitude. Ultimately, TOTSE will probably collapse again after Jeff realizes it will never be 'cool', most people have never heard of it (or him), it's not making any appreciable amount of money, and it's more trouble than it's worth. Until then, enjoy the downward spiral.– Digital Avatar 05:28, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
    Come now, its always fun to pwn the n00bs, although the cyclic thread titles in spurious is fucking annoying…remember that thread in S&A where the guy blew nasty diahorrea on his girlfriend? Comradeash 09:58, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
    If Jeff didn't 'give a shit', why has he continually operated TOTSE for over 15 years? It takes effort and money, son. Thanks for the brief history of TOTSE's operation, but that doesn't really do anything but take up space. You can read all that in the FAQ section of TOTSE. It isn't that hard to add a little coding onto the registration process. I'm not limiting suggestions of how to lower idiocy to an IQ test on the registration form. There are dozens if not hundreds of ways to manage this. A big problem is that, wherever you go on the web, there will be noobs. I dare you to defy me. I also find it odd that you take such a strong offensive to TOTSE. Albeit you seem to be an intelligent person (Judging by your language skills) you seem to display characteristics similar to those of a sociopath or an individual suffering from aspergers syndrome. This or you hold something against an internet forum. Were you banned from TOTSE or made fun of and are distraught? You don't like the ideals TOTSE stands for? If so, get over it. A pessimist like you should be used to being low. Get used to the world stepping over you :). Take it easy, -TNS
    Comeradeash, Yes I do, a classic.. Remember 'Need help with shit covered ass'? –Staples
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  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I guess I was already old


    We're all getting old. it's funny because some of you "OG" are more like 3rd gen totse/zok/iterations

    I was midway into first. 93 late year. pretty close to 30 years now. 29 for sure.

    I was on totse for 8 years before 9/11/01 happened. so i didn't just pop on and see that.

    there is a bit of history with me and totse and it was some guy (apparently died from a brain aneurysm) name Digital Avatar who got me kicked off. we were the first or only to be booted off &TOTSE 7 node dialup

    then I got kicked off with the same fucking name on (The first) because everyone voted me off.

    so I came back alt and it took them like 4 months to figure that out. too bad the archive pulled (on purpose) those pages. it was pretty dramatica shit.
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT waiting for my return email about a new puppy, its a blue heeler for 600 bucks

    wow, those are nice dogs. I'v heard them called Australian Collies before. but I think they're related to the Dingo. the wild Australian Dogs

    "Dingo ate my Babay"
  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost You can call yourself God , doesn't make you God

    We're all apart of God, Son.

    I never said I was God. or A God. But the truth is we should all be LIke God and create like God would want us to. Making us God's but not the God of Gods.

    We are responsible for all living things on this planet, Mister
  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Do u has a jerb?


    I just money ap and it's annoying as fuck. they reactivated me today

    but, they took away the "How you like last drop off" because I would put "Doesn't pay enough" and they had me go all the way to richmond twice (thats in California but the worse part of Richmond) and in 2 hours all I made was 35 bucks. the lowest I have made in a couple years.

    I bitched yesterday and it's obvious they're giving me shit paying and I can't complain now. they took that feature away.
    we'll see what it amounts to come next Tuesday because they usually compensate so its close to 30 an hour.

    So are you Gay, do you want men to fondle you or some shit? why you getting so personal with me?
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I do not believe white nationalists exist.

    I have met white nationalists before

  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost what if you killed yourself

    I saved you from a beating and now daddy gonna beat you with the buckle of his belt.

    Your days of insulting me are coming to a short end
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    My maternal family were the first 100 to homestead north Dakota

    And Fargo Boi told me " So fucking what, my family isn't from here"

    I thought he was special. But he's from that faggot ass Wisconsin. Like the dells or some shit
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Let's all sit around smoke a fat bowl of conjoined drugs and speculate on things that may or may not be

    Hold my beer while I make peepee in your pocket, norf dUhKoda Boi
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by blaster master Lol, my boss was like, hey what did I just see you smoke? that wasn't a cigarette. I told him it's a cbd pen and I use it to control my nerve pain from a mountain bike crash.

    Let's see what happens.

    I told you to stop thin veiling for attention.

    You remind me of my late brother who would want to see what it took to get fired

    Wtf man.
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