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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    I know I'm "Romancisizing this shit" but im just role playing.

    We should all have a NIS in Vegas with us creating a type of D&D game and have two teams. Saxon vs Celts and the Celts have to figure out how to dethrone the Saxons and maybe a Steal the Flag game.

    But NOoooo No one would show up.
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Here's My Anglo-Saxon self back in one of my passed lives sporting a chainmail skirt and man-purse, that scrub at my feet is one of you colonials in your past life.


    You Couldn't get past County Clare though. the Connors kept you back. but you stole our queen and imprisoned her.. Maybe I''m mixing up that story but something about the Irish Queen was put in the Castle's Turret and beheaded by her own cousin from England because the English Bitch (Princess?) was afraid of losing her title or some shit.

    Castle Dysert

    Saxons shitting all over Celtic folx

    [inserts angry emote not available]
  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster The other day I woke up around 6, had breakfast and coffee then laid down a bit to relax. Fell asleep and woke up at 8:30, thinking it was 8:30 pm and I had missed a bunch of shit

    I have been using benzos lately so that's probably why

    Then maybe you should stop abusing xanax or whatever you're on?

    they're really bad for the liver. do you get a bubbly sensation with pain in your right ribs? that's not gas. that's your liver and it's irritated and swollen. Non-Viral Hepatitis. Usually Drug related such as xanax, some ssri, alcohol mixing or too much opiate/heroin or dirty street drugs. it can also be mixed with HepB and HepC usually viral hep brought on by drug use and dirty icky unprotected sex.

    Fona knows what I'm talkn bout.
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Instigator And then you try and go down the up escalator

    Perfect Segue to a perfect old 80s tune you got damn gaslighter

  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "The Anglo-Saxons came from The Netherlands (Holland), Denmark and Northern Germany."

    Ohhhh The Hoity Toity Danish Folk and their commie free 4 years of college. basicly what California once promised before tacking on their socialist "Surfee" which end up costing just a few thousand less than out of state pay. 27k vs like 35 or some shit.

    whatever Cal Universities cost these days. the UWA or whatever Union is pickiting right now because the average low end instructor at Cal makes like 24k a year.

    seems insane. maybe they're only a few hours a day. but they want a raise and this means instate and out-of-state fees will go up.

    also they're privatising public trails given by the property owner back in the 1800s when Cal Berkeley was first created. so instate could have both trails without barriors to enjoy nature while passing next to the beautiful college and it's many beutiful European and Asian style architect over the past 100 plus years.

    now they want to close off more trails and told me "Because of covid you're not supposed to be on college grounds". and I said "This is a public trall. this trail existed before you and I were even conceived"

    they're tearing down quaint small village-like atmospheres. some like that of Holland and Denmark and building high rise apartments everywhere. so now all of the got damn streets are shadowed by high rises and it's colder and darker walking around with homeless already moving on the sidewalks next to newly finish construction and sure enough, the brand new buildings are getting hit with graffiti. I love older architect vs the newer glass boxes. but the good thing about box buildings is in the future when they're outdated, you can always add a faux facade to blend back into the original concept.

    where the fuck is my Taurine Im all out.
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian ive hung out with casper IRL a couples times and i still kinda thinks hes an AI lmao

    Ask Caspar to bring back the Podcast guy and his NYC LOL-Comedy Club story.

    "Deeleet Pwease"

    I never had a chance to post the photo of the ticket I purchased when I was there in 2019. that lady is a comedian and she's half Chinese and Half Jewish or some shit. Apparently, you have to either Be jedi or Lie that you're part jedi to get any chance of success.

    Also he mentioned something that a relative told me "If they just wanted to get rid of you, They would have a lady scratch your arm" (with shell fish poison)

    He said Deeleet had scratched his girlfriends arm and she died later. I can only assume he was joking and knew this and made it tongue-in-cheek but maybe she did die and he was unaware that the hustler was a part of a Great Commie Leftist Group to generate their CIA'esque fundings n stufffff

    they're mostly atheist false Jews.
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Thank god I'm 99% Anglo Saxon, 1% Viking.

    Were not the Anglo-Saxons from Norway? the invasion? or is it because the German who stole the Monarch from the 2 boys he kept in the tower and no one ever saw them again until a recent excavation founds bones of two small boys (like in the last 20-30 years?)

    I don't know the whole story but those boys were Celtic, not Anglo-Saxon. they became heirs to the throne. the entire original English Bloodline was changed out the moment this German fuck sat on the throne and declared himself King of England and no one dared challenge him

    and they had to change their name to Windsor or something something
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson *Chinese…Russians can barely afford the bus fare to the chippy.

    the Russians are good at duct-taping the shit out of stuff. they just space walk with a roll of duct-tape everytime space debri punches a hole in the ISS

    it sucks they kicked us off our own Project (or at least we started it, everyone else chipped in attachments)

    ESA is pretty bad-ass along with the Japanese. China doesn't want to share data. probably because they think Americans are so arrogant which is why they beat their chest back at us.

    Clearly, Putin and his Oligarch buddies stole all of the defense/space program money which is why they're getting their asses handed to them and the citizens are getting sick and tired of his bullshit.

    to think many of you "Aryan" Americans were acting like Russia was the place to move to because "Muy Russian friends are Hella White"
    Slavics aren't Aryan. Slavics might not even be White. And Putin declared this himself saying "We're not one of you, we're not white"

    I hate to break it to you Aryan Whites on the innerwebs. You're not Aryan and no American is full blooded anything unless your parents just came here and even then, People in Germany and Austria and whatever other Aryan counties have mixed their blood lineage. Do you know how common it was for German Soldiers to secretly marry German or Polish jedi women because they fell in love and had them convert openly (not secretly) to Catholicism?

    I'll Man-splain the shit out of this for you "Aryan". You're a MUTT. Learn to love your fellow Mutt-icans except the Far New Left cunts. they're Animals to me.
  9. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley what was that one show lazytown with that girl with the pink hair on nikolodean when i was a wee lad of 10 or 11 i would masturbate to that show

    didnt she turn out to molest young boys or became a stripper. or is that just silly meme shit?
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian how many of you gs fagz remember that

    what year did this come out? the year you and your neighbor buddy was climbing on roofs and tearing the shake shingles off?

    did they play on 1st street by the rails?
    I'm watching you, Pumpkin Nose
  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley i heard spaceX is making space travel so that rich people in the elite cabal can take children up to space, spacemolest them, then fly down, kinda like an epstein island but with no laws or jurisdiction or age of consent for people that it could be any amount of dollars a go and they would have enough to go regularly.

    Read in between the lines dumbfuck, it's all related to child molestation by the elite & military industrial complex/defense industry.

    the scary truth to this vision of yours is they just dump them out in space and let them burn in re-entry. nothing left.

    But I dont think Elon is connected with this, or is he?
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley imagine you go to the best aerospace college, top of your class, go onto graduate school, get accepted into the space program, get hand selected for the next moon launch with 6 other individuals, go up there, and commit 5 homicides and take 1 hostage and begin a systematic rape, stand off, and refuse to come back, claim you're a soverign citizen, and just start making goofy demands about food items and bringing you more rape victims.

    No matter how it goes down you'll be FOREVER known as A) The first space murderer (kinda cool) B) The first space sex offender (not very cool) C) Set court/world precedent about WHAT THE LAWS FOR A NIGGA IN SPACE REALLY ARE

    & that's why psychological assessments are so necessary.

    I bet the Russians beat us to this. Maybe not the Moon but some beastiality commie style on a "dog that went missing" in space.
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny they will have first gay anal sex on the moon by first openly transgender ass-stronaut.

    Don't retard my thread with your degenerate filth you heathen.

    Besides, Someone's bound to do it under Elon Musks watch. Or as my bar buddy, Drinker Friend likes to call him "Elen Musk"

    what do you think Elen De'Generate smells like?
  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost replace suicide bombers with robots

    how is that better for the ecology?
  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor Jerry ✔️

    Race Car Driver El Sob #1 .. ..442 just to light them up for fun
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson They are not landing on the moon…

    This has no one on board, so Yeah, I mis-spoke. the Second launch will fly by the moon and keep going farther than any human has ever traveled before and then have them do a far slingshot back to Earth while viewing the moon for a short period rather than circumnavigate it like the Apollo missions pre Apollo 11 (as well as Apollo 13 because of a LM explosion failure)

    but in 2025-2026, they will land on the moon and kick a soccer ball around or some shit.
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra is that the one they made out of scrapped space shuttles

    Just things like the part that holds the O'Rings and the External Thruster tanks and the main tank frame.

    Sure, why not. it still works. it doesn't look as aerodynamic with the flangers or whatever they're called on the side of the external thrusters. I guess they're used to reduce vibrations but look weird hanging off the side of the tanks.
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra the feds stopped taking your calls years ago

    They would hang up on me too :(
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by troon sucks hard. you look really happy together.

    lol at sign

    This place is called the Clairmont Hotel in the Oakland/Berkeley Hills

    Famous people used to live here.

  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra In short: PHOTIC DRIVING is the effect where if lights are strobed at specific frequencies (usually 3-20hz, but higher frequencies have been tried too) in your eyes or against closed eyelids, it'll induce direct brain activity at the same frequency. Medical techs use it to test brain function in people who aren't responsive as well as to calibrate instruments, check for epileptic response and other things.

    What I'm more interested in, though, is the long history of reports of altered states of mind going as far back as the ancient Greeks suggesting that 'trance' states could be achieved through staring at torches flickering at certain rates. I'll post some articles and reports and stuff later, more just interested in the project than the theory at the moment.


    Basically just an Arduino Ethernet (ATMEGA 328) with a screw terminal breakout board to make connections easier and an LCD display/button panel (link)on top. I've connected two RGB LEDs and tied them to a pair of swimming goggles (I'll make the surfaces semi-opaque later, maybe with paper or contact or maybe white paint).

    BEcause of the GPIOs the LCD panel needs to function I had to wire the two RGB LEDs to D0,D1,D2 and D11,D12,D13. You cannot program an Arduino board via USB while pins D0 or D1 are in use, apparently, so to update the code I need to unplug those connectors, then plug them back in once the programming's done.

    All this does is flicker the LEDs at a specific rate, and you can use the buttons on the panel to either disable or enable the lights, or to adjust the flicker rate up or down without having to re-deploy or use a serial line or something.

    Code in next post.

    TM was a big thing on Totse

    and the hyperbolic/baric/ floaty floaty chambers of Transcendental Meditation and remote viewing.

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