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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Collect SSI+work under the table=win. lol

    You dont have to. you can make 1350 on top of it before they take 50 cents to every dollar.

    which in the midwest is what 2200 a month before they take half your workpay.

    he could probably buy a quarter acre with an old manufacturer built on it in some midwestern areas, work and pay his low mortgage and have more time to do an online training course and make the big bucks.

    underwater welders is dangerous but make over 100 an hour I'm told.

    Bradly, go take welding and diving classes
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    we need more females on this site

    we need a stay at home/stream titty party with drunk NIS chicks and shirts off with the fat guys like us and play music videos and stay out of DUI trouble and still be entertained.

    I'm too old for clubbn so Show On!
  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley

    you illegally downloaded it (How?) and put it up on your page. you didn't link to it but rather you had a perfect data copy of it and uploaded it in high res which is creepy you lurked around and that raises a creepter flag on you.

    you're a creepy guy to me now. go away
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb No I'm not a totse member, never heard of it before lurking here. I've lurked off and on for a long time, before Bill Krosby died.

    Oh. maybe it was that new user Dr whatever his name is (or hers or they/them 56 flavors of what)
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Aldra is agreeable to the Axis Powers. Interestingly, he is unfavorable toward the Allied Powers, of which his home country is a member nation.

    he baiting you bro
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Aldra is agreeable to the Axis Powers. Interestingly, he is unfavorable toward the Allied Powers, of which his home country is a member nation.

    Because his country became a bunch of cucks to the Bush new Patriot Act Standards which were deemed illegal by a supreme court justice

    Australia has every one of us on a watchlist according to the Posters on their airport walls. anyone who speaks of Totse or on a forum where Totse (or Zok im sure) is red dot stamped

    outside of that it's an act because Aldra is a glow-spook from Alice Springs Pine Gap whatever
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb I think most of the Nazis died about 80 years ago on the Eastern Front. Whatever you call the jedis they have to much power in this country.

    Again, I think most of it started with pre WWII and it wasn't just Jews who were running Hollywood (or what would become Hollywood)

    it started with Vauville and Silent films and Stage actors getting into the new medium of "flickers"

    My understanding is it started in New Jersey and New York but too cold year round so they first tried San Francisco then moved the filming industry to LA

    I'm not saying all Ashkenazi are atheists. but it seems to be a huge percentage and a trend among them since either their families moved from Russia and were not religious jedis or if the new ageism started this trend. but communism has a lot to do with it. to be a true communist (at least in Russia) was to end all religions and separatists and worship the state.

    what does this have to do with film? They have saved and worked hard in multiple bank-like businesses and have the money to fund films which have a good return. often 3-4x on average with some bringing in 20x or more.

    sorry to mansplain the fuck out of this. but the bottom line is this.

    Nothing to do with Banking. They don't completely run it and theyre not the only people who bank-back or greenlight film productions. but for a small percentage of people they do have a lot of production companies and we can't turn our backs to this because "I'm afraid ill be called out as an Anti-Semite" when it's fucking obvious anytime you open a wiki page on an actor and see Mom or Dad or Both were "Raised in a Jewish family"

    this seems almost nepotism and cult like.

    and lastly, How can you be one of the hundreds of Jewish people in Hollywood or a musician, comedian etc and say "Im an Atheist but Culturally Jewish and then expect to have double citizenship in State of Israel and whatever country you're living in and then call someone an "Anti-Semite" because it's a fucking buzz word and Go-To

    You can't be a Semite if you're an Atheist and the logic behind this statement is 'If you don't believe in G0d, then how can you say you're from Shem in which Semite comes from. No God, No David, No Noah, No Shem, No Abraham, No Issac or Jacob

    HOW? stop using that fucking term if you're not even a practicing Jew

    Also the bloodline is Hebrews. not Jews. Jewish is the Religion. Israelite is from Jacobs lineage. Hebrew preceeded Jacob who was renamed Israel just like Abram was renamed, Abraham.

    I'm sick and tired of these Euro Jewish people (and i bet most Americans have that lineage in DNA) to make these claims to block any questioning of why they succeed in Hollywood or Promotions. in a sense these (But not all Ashkanazi because it's convoluted and only Atheist cunts apply) people are just having a blast making Goyim cringe like the little bitch they are.

    and so If I ever get my shit together I will only do film production in the indie scene and wont sell out to WhoreYWOOD
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost wow WOQW

    Fuck you, I'll stab you dead in minecraft if I ever pay for it
  9. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Internet serious bidness. I get bored I just leave. No post telling I'm leaving.

    I love people that make a long post saying they leaving hoping people will beg them to stay. Just never come back, not rocket science.

    so you're an original totse member. is that what you said you were and not another alt account?
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka Jerry run for your life

    didnt I tell you this in Private Message? this place is evil. just go
  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley I call it spotshoting, a very useful hunting technique where if you hear something or see something, you just shoot in that general direction and then go walk over that way.

    Yeah good way to kill another hunter, retard
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Don't tell Wozny anything about your real life or your location.

    (slide22 is Wozny's current visage, he changes his name very frequently because we doxxed him as a convicted pedophile from Wisconsin)

    He will at best make fleeting inferences about you being involved with such and such

    at worst you'll be reported to the FBI like he did me.

    Get a new trope retard.

    Paul Wozny Sep 2001 case apparently dropped
    How come it took 20 fucking years to even go to court?
    Why did you choose that name to play insult? you're really attached to that
    is it a projection thing? are you secretly a pedophile like he was? if so, Why not be like wariat so we can have you exported outta here.

    why you trip so hard?
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Nothing. That's like asking "What's wrong with your banana" simply because you go and buy more bananas.

    My mother was a good cook before she went into the memory care ward.

    she said to use the bruised turning blackish banana to make the best banana bread (she would make with raisins and walnuts)

    so don't fucking throw them out. you can also put them in a blender and make a smoothy with them. when they're squishy and gross to eat, just man up and eat them. like 4 and drink an entire 2 lit bottle of Sprite

    have fun digesting that

  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ice cream, pizza toast and sweets huh…Sounds like the diabetes is well under control…

    Because we couldn't buy healthy food with no fridge ass dripping ice melt all over the fucking floor, Mr Jigjog

  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Bin necroing
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Is it lonely at the top?

    Ask your mom riding a bbnc
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    I'm not lying when I build my desert cabin, or even in forest country if i can get funds soon. I'm gonna Wall paper prints of scronaldo text posts onto one big wall, and retarded banter shit from the rest of you. But I'll wall paper one dedicated wall to scron

    It will be the Derp Den to smoke pot in and have quirky shit framed and placed over a Sr Suess looking mantle and fireplace with Dr Suess Characters as trophy hunted mounts
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Even wariat is too small pototoes he can't even rape the willing because he's too drunk/dumb/retarded

    this place will never be more than scron on like a dozen alts talking to himself as users stop posting or die. Lanny is half out the door and nobody has an archive, lanny will not save shit, it's all gonna be gone soon like kiwifarms

    except that place was actually "relevant" to the 1000 active users, yeah that small nothing site got shut down so whats stopping this place? Well for one you are all too gay and boring and unfunny for anyone 99% of society to give one iota of a glance or thought of your pathetic existences

    When I post on other forums I become quite well known and a memorable person, make lots of friends and meet cool positive people. That kind of stuff is not welcome here you have to be the biggest piece of shit like possible and then quit on a high horse to be seen as "kewwwwl"

    nobody is stalking candy rein, the cops all think you're fags, the government is scamming you, your doctor thinks your annoying, you don't know anything about shit and your opinions are all worthless, everyone you like is as gay as you and everything you like is stupid, nobody likes that.

    You all live in a psycho loser bubble of self reinforcing DHism plus the biggest leftovers of "old totse" the kiked of the kike, the rejects of rejects like pedophiles and mentally ill drug addicts (who are still less cringe than DHers somehow)
    thats the tale of date hotels in space and remember this place was a normal dating website for me and lanny to find true love before these sick pedophiles and sex junkies showed up, from what I rememeber.

    and all my friends like malice were so horrified they collectively triangled themselves to haley boop. I'm joining them ,fuck yall

    Big wall of WTF you just posted^
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley good one paul it's actually 50+ i looked into it for u

    do you get perscribed viagara?


    Is it real? It was random af
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