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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Is that Justin Trudeau?

    Yah Mon!
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor I’m not reading all that shit ⬆️

    And yes, 1984 was a good read.

    A Brave New World was a better form of oppression because like today, it was the citizen's eyes who watched everyone else and lots of orgies occurred.

    1984 Sex was outlawed.
  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra that was the SA and they got Rohm-pfushed for it

    whatever division it was. I know that the reason for this was the story of Roman Soldiers of Mentors and Protigeis. the Older roman soldiers would sleep with the prodigies and apparently the older soldiers would do a lot of raping to somehow show their dominance over the younger soldiers. not sure the psychology outside of Top Dog but this was something to do with their excuse for going full-blown faggotry on others.
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by lockedin SWIM is taking applications

    many of them are becoming a nuisance however the bible says to feed them and if you don't want to meet Peter at the gate and be told "I don't know you, move on" because you mistreated the poor

    the ones who volunteered to be on drugs and shit everywhere are most likely not apart of that spoken about "the hungry and homeless"

    they need to be forced into a dry-out program. some are sick and it's not even drug related. they need to be taken off the streets into housing or a health care system. and the ones who lost their homes to economic should be bumped up on the housing program and help find employment.

    there are different reasons why people end up homeless. however, the ones in the Tenderloin are almost all Junkies and should be forced into drug rehab.

    there has to be a program where former cops or and retired doctors who are bored and want to just work part-time for part time pay can go around with a bus and load these fucking people onto and brought to a paid environment. it would be so much cheaper than what is happening now.
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley

    You look like the FamilyDollar Store version of Yo Gotti.

    Rasist af, Yo!
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by curlyKellen

    Your Flussie mug on a finsky? lolwut
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson London blows, one of the last places I recommend people to visit when they ask me where to go and what to see in England/UK.

    Its one of those retarded places everyone has to put on their bucket-list and see the palace and whatever else its known for. I'm told Manchester is like going to Detroit. why would you want to go. its like Seattle where it's rainy or damp all the time. unlike San Francisco fog that moves in and out, it's more like Tuley fog that just hangs out and shits up the day and cold. but I wanted to visit it because of the music scene that once existed there. and maybe visit that "The Prisoner" village in Wales Portmarion or someplace like that. Ellis Villiage or something. it's like a theme park now. the guy made the place look like it's an entire city building half replica size structures that are mostly faux fronts. but it looks cool. I'm guessing Liverpool is another big letdown.

    I don't think people want to visit Europe anymore because of all of the non-nationalist outsiders coming in and making it all shitted up.

    Not racist. because it's not their country to be hosted in and fuck shit up. it is what it is.
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    I think you're supposed to grip the mattress really tight so if the tornado grabs hold of you, you use it as a sail and glide safely back to the ground.

    people who have survived (or not) have been picked up and thrown over a mile I'm told. imagine surviving that. that would be equivalent to the so-called Urban Myth a woman had surfed down 101 floors of the North Tower and was found alive. Apparently, there is a video of the building collapsing from the inside and found by the FDNY but was handed over to the feds and got lost.

    not sure if that's an urban myth but it was floating around for some time.

    the one thing that is true as far as the 9/11 thing goes is firefighters opened a closet door on one of the levels (like a maintenance closet) and a dead body fell out. no burns weren't crushed obviously because it happened before the buildings collapsed. just rolled out when the guy opened the door.

    makes you wonder if he witnessed something or just had a heart attack from the loud bang?
  9. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The closet.

    Bath-tub. Mattress on top. hope you don't have a glass door
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    " In very cold climates, the weather can get too cold. If the coolant is not at the right mixture then it can freeze and expand. The end result is the engine block will crack because it cannot handle the expansion – something has to give."

    Now vincent, you've been given MULTIPLE sources confirming it's the case…give us *1* source (other than some random clown) showing that it's a legend/myth…

    I remember a guy from London who we created music around 2000 we would add layers to soundtrack and him showing me a rare snowstorm out his window in a live vid chat with him on Yahoo or some server. that was a ton of snow. I wish I had the videos we shared and music. I think I have one song which was the first one but it sucked compared to the other ones we got better at making. I was even thinking of visiting London and bringing one of my rolands with me to hang out and practice but we had small kids at the time and my wife wouldn't have it. I told her we could all go but it wasn't in the budget.

    never even traveled outside of the USA. not even to Mexico or Canada but was on the border of both. once in El Paso and once in a Washington state town of Ferndale, Washinton

  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    LOL thats the 1980s early 1990s look at the computer monitors and the clothing styles and how people spoke back then.
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I’m going to space out in a cafe now and sip my Monster.

    Get a case of it and grind up Ketamine and snort it. it will be like a poor-man's 8 Ball
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Nope. It's MY gold plated "Desert Eagle" meth pipe lighter.

    So what if I TOOK it from you, then handed it back to you? then it would just be Your gold plated "Desert Eagle" meth pipe lighter.
  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Yeah a lot in concrete to build a "bathtub" to keep out the water content and a pump to keep it that way.

    I hope you guys dont get tornados there. where do you go?
  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If he's already paid to March, why would he shut the server down in January? Your story is not adding up, son.

    Maybe it will be a news years resolution and to move on. Sacrificing the last 3 months
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    David Carradine was murdered by his penis' request
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I think it will be Bradley D

    But its BradleyB not D
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    You closing down for real, Lanny
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung You did not adequately define/encompass the word 'this'. That's because you have trouble completing your thoughts. You possess Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. However, you choose not to consistently treat your condition. Alas, here we are. 👍🤟🤙⚘💖

    Actually since I was a first to followup, it is obvious its related to your threads question
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by lockedin i was skeptical for a long time of the narrative that wokeness is going to destroy the west, and thought of it more as a relatively benign mind virus sweeping through the population that would burn out soon, but i'm slowly moving into the we need RWDS camp

    Dude, I just see it as the end of a age of man. A time of the great latter days. End Times AF

    Maybe a few hundred years of retarded shit and nuclear wars
    No way a civil war would beat the new world order.
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