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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 I signed up, they're literary gonna do an inspection , not sure what to do

    ^ what doesthis mean?
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Wow. I got 3 day ban on pol by FVEY jannie just like on Reddit for "Fake News"

    I mean it was an opinion

    So lame LOL

    Fuck Reddit, Pol 4cha new owner and FB

    Oppressive Cunts

    It's a classic first stage doing a vertical climb then second stage fires creating that swirly smoke around the plume and b3gins to pitch direction.

    Fuck me these people such

    Someon3 had to of witnessed it as well

  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The funny thing was some people went back there KNOWING all about the cameras…take a heffer back then and give a thumbs up to the camera halfway through.

    Did he record them

    People pay for this kind of thing

  4. slide22 African Astronaut
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Isn't that scary that we think that's funny? Maybe not at all. It feels like it's enabling to laugh at such things but, such is the way of the world.

    Stop virtue signaling ling
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Is this what you live for

    I bet you're well employed and live in a mansion

    Whoopty do
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    It's raining buckets.

    Free car wash with road grime, Woo Hoo
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    Dear Lord. Did the radiation from Hiroshima create such humor?
  9. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley wow that's so crazy, when did she upload those? She does have a nice forehead, very unwrinkled.

    I looks like a medical nursing school. Where cut and place a tracheostomy
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor

    OMG. It kind of looks like "ape" a former user
  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor Cheer up I hear Mik’s available

    Does he use one of those voice boxes like the character in southpark
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka

    That cup looks like an angry alien face. It spooked me
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley damn wozny do they fill your adderall perscription on the first?

    My friends kid is gonna run out cuz of a shortage but I'm glad you're able to concentrate on these thoughts this morning.

    Didn't sleep all night. My head is pounding

    There is a storm a brewing it seems

    I got up at around 4 or about an hour ago. I micro slept all night.

    I'm glad you're up Bradley. Now go to school
  14. slide22 African Astronaut

    Pretty sure there is an age of 13 for girls but 18 for young men. And it was for they to be wedded of their age group.

    Not a thumbs up moment for you nor wariat

    People died young back then as well
  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox Intelligent beings (at least as intelligent as ourselves) originating from outside the biosphere of planet earth, definitely exist 100%. I have no doubt of that. And I strongly suspect that the universe is infinite, as in there’s no beginning or end to existence as we know it, probably just endlessly repeating bubble universes popping in and out of existence stretching unto infinity in all directions in space and time.

    Now whether or not these other beings have directly interacted with our planet is another matter. I go back and forth on it. Probably not, but if they are here they’re most likely some sort of automated intelligent drones collecting data, not actual biological beings capable of any kind of diplomacy. And if that’s the case I don’t believe any government or any person has directly communicated with them

    The tic tac going into the water off of Orange County seems like a confirmation of decades of stories of lights at night which I witnessed with one of my daughters while having a balcony view of Catalina Island with her asking me what the light was that popped up then receded into the ocean. I just told her most likely a plane going over the horizon but it seemed to pop up and drop down several times over

    Regardless of what it was, it is known there are shelves off the coast of California in the shallower edges of the shoreline going out 100 miles and some believe there are underwater bases either dark op or Alien in nature

    They have witnessed off of the east coast as well. The east coast has no real drop off for thousands of miles. It's maybe 80 feet deep in most areas. However the pacific coast has 6-7 miles in depth at its deepest point

    Lots of places for a higher intelligence to create a base. Most likely massive pods sunk into the oceans prefabricated on a massive size mother drone back when we were living by candle light

    The other belief is hollow earth and fallen angels
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung And u just cant hide it?👍

    Y9u think it's a joke?

    Where will you be going from here on?

    It's time to expand our purpose in this world. In silence
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    My new internet computer is a tablet and a 150 dollar refurb to look like factory new 17 inch Chromebook

    its android but im not using it for rendering cad or anything that required high speed. I keep a new desktop I have offline for cad work now. I won't let the internet touch it. not even updating it .

    I wouldn't use Windows if it wasn't for the few software that only work on it's platform that I already purchased. and I use it with a 44-inch monitor so I can see the effect edges up close as possible

    it runs super fast on android and I use it for watching movies on in bed. it's UWHD too ultra-wide video so it's like a theater screen when I'm kicking it in the dark in bed and Gigi falls asleep. i just put on Bluetooth headphones.

    Freevee is cool
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost who needs women when you have…. the answer .. the key
    To escAPE

    his head looks to turn into an aligator mouth.
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by blaster master Yeah gotta be something cool.

    Maybe Sophie can like hack the FBI and I'll be the dude who goes on TV and said he did it.

    There is a movie about how Julian Paul Assange was first arrested in Australia (or wherever he lived in his teen years) and he was going on &totse dialup using the classic capt crunch whistle method.

    it's funny because it shows a very TOTSE-like monochrome (wildcat-like dialup host) and shows the naughty forums but not a perfect match. could of been CultOfDeadCow for all I know but im sure he logged in at least a few times if not a regular user

    also it was an Australian tv show so they probably didn't want to say the dial-up to keep other kids from trying to log in.

    I'm sure Aldra saw the tv movie but if not, look for it.

    He then went to work for the Australian Government i guess for a short while. Like the movie "Catch me if you can" kind of thing before venturing off

    He should have vetted what he released of the whereabouts of US and Allied soldiers and I'm sure he wouldn't be in the trouble he is now. that's what got him nailed.

    Wikileaks is a modern-day version of Weather Underground Org
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Another good use for hairspray is if you want to retard mold growth on a Jack o Lantern you spray the inside and out with Hairspray and add another coat.

    let it dry well before putting a candle inside. as a matter of fact the candle might burn off a coat but you can buy pretty realistic motive candles that are LED battery operated with flame flicking effect

    also if you want to preserve flowers you can spray them with hairnet spray as well. it's basically a laquer.
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