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Thanked Posts by Zanick

  1. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Early last week, I was hiking on a nearby forest trail that I frequent when I happened upon a felled oak with a parasitic fungus festering bountifully all around its sideways trunk. Immediately it reminded me of photos I’ve seen of Laetiporus sulphureus, the chicken of the woods, an uncommon delicacy in the Midwest. Here are some photos I took of the fruiting mushroom:

    I don't normally do this sort of thing, but I knew what it was and that I probably wouldn't see it again any time soon. When I had no doubt that it was as I suspected, I returned to collect as much as I could carry, which amounted to about 12 pounds. I tried to cut a few inches from the base, where stem met bark so that they might fruit again before the Summer’s end, but in any case, this is a perennial mushroom and they’ll be back next year in similarly massive quantities.

    Were I to buy them from a market, this much might cost around $250, so you could say that I had a spectacular haul. I rinsed and scrubbed them several times before cutting them and storing them in the freezer, where they will keep for up to a year.

    Nutritionally speaking, I haven’t found much information other than this site, although I can’t verify its reliability. If these figures are to be believed, then the mushroom is an excellent protein source.

    Chicken of the Woods is a good source of potassium and Vitamin C. 100g of Chicken of the Woods mushrooms contain 33 calories, 6g of carbs, 3g of fiber, 14g of protein, 1g of fat, 150 mg of potassium, 10% of daily Vitamin C, and 5% of daily Vitamin A.

    Last night I sautéed the mushroom in olive oil alongside some peppers and onion, and I ate it with wild rice. You have to be thorough in cooking it, however, as I’ve read that undercooked Laetiporus can cause indigestion. It really does seem to taste like chicken, or at least how I remember chicken.

    I’ll keep updating this thread if I come across any more of it, or if I find any particularly good recipes. My understanding is that you can cook it however you might cook a chicken recipe, so feel free to share any of those you’ve enjoyed because I’m looking.
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  2. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by stupid noob I heard about that when my son joined scouts. I don't remember, do parents get to go? I want to go on that trip so fuckin bad, and I'm gonna encourage my son to go. He's a fuckin beast at camping, and loves every aspect of it, even the work part. He's gonna do great. Did you make it to Eagle Scout? I never got to join because my mom was too much of a lazy drunk whore to take me to any meetings let alone outings, let alone pay the five bucks a month or whatever it was back then.

    Yes, parents go too! My father came with us for the entire hike. Philmont is an expensive trip, especially for two, but it changed my life and I would've never reached Eagle had I not gone. If that's something you want for your son, I think going on high adventure trips like that will be valuable experience.
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  3. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by Cootehill That sounds pretty boss. Did you stop off for water and the like?

    We purified water from streams, which was fairly laborious. Still, setting up camp in a new place each night was far more exciting than regular camping.
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  4. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    My first car only had a CD player, so I have most of my favorite albums on secondhand discs. I'll list the ones I listen to regularly:

    Tears for Fears, Songs from the Big Chair, Seeds of Love
    Fiona Apple, Tidal
    Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Show Your Bones
    Aphex Twin, Selected Ambient Works Volume II
    Tricky, Maxinquaye
    Belle and Sebastian, Tigermilk
    Elliot Smith, Figure 8
    The Smiths, Louder Than Bombs, Rank
    Björk, Debut
    System of a Down, System of a Down, Toxicity
    Miles Davis, Kind of Blue
    DJ Shadow, Introducing…
    All of Nirvana
    All of Radiohead
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  6. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    You're dangerous, don't sit anymore.
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  7. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I would take every available form of male contraceptive, even if they are contraindicated when used in concert, but I'd refuse any woman foolish enough to approach me.
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  8. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by ohfralala Lol I miss Zanick.

    I'm still around! My life is hectic, for the time being, or I'd be posting more. Happy belated birthday!
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  9. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Hi Karen,

    Just wanted to update you on my week.

    The dazzling image of your perfect, naked body has scorched itself into my grey matter, despite my having never seen it. My psychiatrist said she won’t prescribe a young man pills to make thoughts of naked ladies go away, but it’s proven to be a distraction at work and elsewhere, and I don’t know how to get it out. You’ve left me with no choice, other than to describe to everyone, as best as I can, what I contend with regularly now that I am without you. I’m going to paint you, Karen, and it’s going to be the next wonder of the world.

    Still, while I possess ample inspiration, I do have to learn how to paint, and I need a suitable place to paint you in. I don’t have a house, but I’m going to labor until I can buy one even while I go to school for painting. Not just any house, though, it’ll have to be one fitting your magnificence.

    I’m going to get a mansion, on miles of green estate. With a privacy hedge all around the yard, and a deck of carved marble, with a tree rising up through the center, forming a canopy of golden leaves around your head all through every season, so magical in design that time does not cause us to wither, but only serves to fortify us against the world that would see us apart.

    There, under the golden canopy and upon the marble slab, I will paint you in your glory and in proportion upon on a brilliant canvas with oils that will never fade. I will sign my name at the bottom of your foot, and, while the paint is still wet, take a Polaroid and FedEx it to the architect of your body as ransom, bidding him come in bad faith to negotiate your safe release.

    He’ll meet me at the Louvre, where my painting of you is displayed for a whole month to millions of witnesses who made great pilgrimage just to behold you as a mere whisper of pigment upon walls yet far away, and I will execute him brutally and without conscience on its steps and steal away with you to some remote yet prominent dwelling in the mountains, where we will establish a monarchy everlasting through the maintenance of incest and bask together in the splendor of your nudity.

    I meet with my instructor on Thursday, I hope I like my classmates.

    With Love,

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  10. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Enter if my dad ever dies, you can be my new dad for practice until you produce a proper heir.
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  11. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    The doctor told us our mom has cancer. A moment passed and I found myself on the verge of tears. My evil sister decided to make a move and mocked my grief like a schoolyard bully. Instead of crying, my face hardened and my voice rose. I told her to kill herself and go back to Hell where she belongs, and I said it in front of everybody: the doctor, the nurses, our father; and her fiance even nodded in agreement. It's a good thing I'm a licensed minister, because rebuking someone in a hospital in the way I did would otherwise be difficult to justify. Cluster B personality disorder, grade A cunt. Phenibut and espresso.
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  12. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Another thing to consider is that you can't tell what people are just by looking at their face and you are in reality committing yourself to a very shallow method of interaction that will isolate you and make your relationships intolerable.
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  13. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I thought this might be a Bill Krozby thread, but I think I remember seeing him naked and he definitely doesn't have a gym membership.
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  14. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    OP, run this plan by your school counselor. They're bound by confidentiality so they can only help you.
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  15. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Today I made a pour over from some Costa Rica beans I roasted a couple of days ago to a light roast. They were harvested at about 6,000 feet in the highlands outside the city of Tarrazú, making this bean among the highest grown in the region. Coffee is the primary source of income for those who work in the mountains of the Talamanca Sierra, and the crop produced here is perhaps the most desirable in all that country.

    The coffee is nearly featureless but for a small number of very subtle flavors; it's like trying to see my reflection in a cup of oversteeped green tea. I know I roasted it well, so I decided that tweaking my brewing method might yield a better result. For my second pour over, increasing the temperature of the water and reducing its volume helped somewhat to bring out the acidity and floral notes I had been promised. Still, my light roast just doesn't seem to have a lot going on. I intend to take this bean to a medium roast the next time I get ahold of it and see if that doesn't change the flavor to my liking.
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  16. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Over the weekend I lightly roasted a coffee from the Karnogi district, grown in the Albertine highlands in the Western province of Rwanda which lies by the shores of the famous Lake Kivu. My city roast was enough to bring out the light ginger notes and the full-bodied caramels present in the bean, and the aroma was that of citrus and tea.

    My middle-man has instructed me that this particular bean produces complex flavor at any roast level, so I'm very curious to see how it would handle a darker finish. Unfortunately, I don't know when it'll become available again and may have to find other sources if it doesn't.

    The Gitesi cooperative sounds marvelous. The more I read about where this coffee came from, the more I want to visit. Here are some particularly alluring photos I found of the farmed area and washing station, as well as surrounding landscape:

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  17. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lets make this even more fun

    im going to pimp-out your mother in the hood to pay for my beer and cigarette money. after shes serviced a few hundred niggers and eventually one of them deposits a fuzzy monkey baby for a nine month festering within her fuckhole…you can kill your father in some erotic manner that involves you forcibly inserting assorted sized dildos into his various orifices until something important gets punctured and he assumes room temperature.

    send his carcass off to a taxidermist so you can continue his orifice plundering long after his expiration date.

    make sure to send me an invitation to the wedding…ill even bring you and your mum/wife a nice gift.

    It took you significantly longer to write this post than it took me to read it and conclude that you're a moron.
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  18. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I'm very proud to say that I destroyed my life with benzos and now get to enjoy the fun of rebuilding from a scorched foundation. Definitely use them in excess, you won't be sorry.
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  19. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    Reinventing yourself is very simple, if you know the right way to do it and follow instructions carefully.

    First, you have to find another man to be your new dad. Make sure he's compatible with your mom and then introduce them during her ovulation. Suggest they get dinner, and that night, wait until they've left on their date and then set up secret cameras and a baby monitor to record your mom's bedroom. You're going to want to remember this night one day, so make sure the angle is perfect for the cameras. Then all you need is a fork, and I'll get to why shortly.

    I should add that, if you haven't already been slipping fertility herbs into her food for a couple of weeks, this isn't going to work. So this burly father-to-be brings your mom home, hopefully very drunk, and you hide somewhere in the house where you'll hear them doing the deed, but where they won't hear your baby monitor receiving sounds of them having sex. As soon as you hear him come over the baby monitor, start counting down backwards from 100.

    When you get to 26, jam the fork into an electrical outlet. This will make your soul take the place of the one driving the fastest semen. After you've successfully infiltrated your whore mother's womb for the second time, give yourself a pat on the back! You've just reinvented yourself.
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  20. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I want you to consider that you did something you were afraid of, but you're still saying exactly the same things indicating the same insecurities are still at work inhibiting your feelings and your behavior. Obviously you did not satisfy the conditions for an internal transformation to occur, having sex with these women was useless to you. Try connecting with them first, and see if that doesn't change your perspective.
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