2024-07-11 at 1:16 AM UTC
I miss my bf
Fox thinks shuttle is a glow and is trying to act innocent now by fake virtue signalling. He's been grooming the girl.
2024-07-10 at 11:29 PM UTC
We should set up a ted x talk
If I gave a Ted talk it would probably be how to think like me
All the put-downs. When you put people down it's because you think they're above you and you can't handle that because of jealousy.
I'm not gonna be friends with a female after they've shown their jealousy. I'm not looking for frenemies to sabotage me. Jealous women are too dangerous.
2024-07-10 at 10:13 PM UTC
I miss my bf
No boy is worth your teenage years.
2024-07-10 at 10:12 PM UTC
I miss my bf
I'll kill anyone who breaks up with me.
2024-07-10 at 8:26 PM UTC
Adopting a child
I'm not fit to raise a normal child but could if it was like me. That's too much of a gamble though so adoption is better.
2024-07-10 at 8:08 PM UTC
Adopting a child
A mini me wouldn't need to be talked to like a baby either. They called me serious because I wasn't amused at jokes.
2024-07-10 at 8:03 PM UTC
Adopting a child
Ig 3 and 4 wouldn't apply if my child was like me. I was quiet as a baby and toddler, speech came a year late.
2024-07-10 at 7:46 PM UTC
Adopting a child
I think adoption is the only option for me because:
1. I've never wanted to be pregnant and that won't change.
2. My heart is unlikely to survive labour.
3. I can't deal with a screaming baby because of my autism.
4. I can't deal with a toddler because of my autism.
5. I can't talk down to children so I wouldn't be like a mother, more like a mentor.
6. Teenage orphans are less likely to be adopted.
7. I can have conversations with teenage orphans.
8. Teenagers won't be minors for long so there's less commitment and I'm less likely to experience burn-out.
9. I can keep adopting and never be alone.
10. I don't have to stay in contact with a father I could end up resenting.
11. I will already like them. My own child could be a cold psychopath.
12. I will be giving love to people who need it most.
I think about sex on average every two weeks and it's been that way for years.
The only time I've felt really horny, like had to excuse myself horny, was on the day of my Nana's funeral. I didn't start thinking about sex until I was 16 even though I got my first period at 12. I wonder what's wrong with me...
2024-07-10 at 4:42 PM UTC
Irma Grese
My sister was waiting on a bus to school one day when some girl hiding in the bushes jumped out and hit her head with a rock, just because she was jealous of my sister. Jealous women are capable of anything.