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Posts by What_a_Kreep

  1. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    They have bundy cough syrup at the dollar store here. I never got high on it before. I like to use it when I can't sleep though. Works like wonders. So does Kava, I like kava a lot for relaxation
  2. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    His career is not over, sport does not have Morals.

    Luke Mccormack - Murdered 2 children, given 7 years in prison, came out old club signed him straight up.

    Also don't forget Michael Vick.
  3. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Speaking of which, get on TC you wench.

    I can't at the moment. I gotta make up for being kinda drunk when SO came and I was being kind of an asshole I shall though, just give me like 2 hours. I wnna get some more 4loco too damn that shit fucks you up.
  4. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Kind eyes, muscular arms, and for personality wise funny, smart, not an asshole but not a pushover pussy either.
  5. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Maybe after she reads your post and showers and puts her face on and takes 20 pictures and then picks out the best looking one to post on here.

    Oh, you know me too well
  6. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I mean, I don't think I look fucked up. I'm on TC a lot so I guess you can decide for yourself if I do or not.
  7. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Drugs are bad for you.

    naw that's just a myth. Even if they are bad, they sure are fun
  8. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    That sounds really unhealthy.

    unhealthy, yes, fun, even bigger yes. Meth fucks up the body so much though, I'm glad I don't really do it anymore. I still crave it but I have alcohol and gabbapentin.
  9. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I didn't know that Kreepykay was a reference to ketamine.

    Do you still get high? Last I heard you did meth.

    I used to do a lot of crystal meth. Not so much anymore. I was sober for a long time then relapsed but just went on small binge. I haven't done crystal in about 2 months. I still think it's a good drug though. I just can't do it too much cuz i get out of control with it. I drink more than anything.
  10. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I remember starting a thread like this on RDFRN. But anywho, What_a_Kreep is a playoff of Kreepykay which is a reference to ketamine. Ketamine is a lot harder to get now.
  11. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    RisiR, can you snort gabbapentin? Not the whole pill obviously, it's way too huge , but how about a small portion of it? I just like snorting and slamming stuff lol. And slamming is kind of out of the question with gabbapentin but what's your opinion on snorting it?
  12. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    So, I liked how on zoklet we could see who was viewing a certain thread at that time. I don't see that here. And on RDFRN we could tag people, I kinda thought that was cool too. I also noticed an issue with the "who's online" on this site. Not trying to nit pick here but this is just some suggestions I thought of that could improve the site. Anyone else have any tips or suggestions that could also improve the usability of this site.

    INB4 insults such as "you not posting here bitch"
  13. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Me saying you're a drug addicted whore with loose meat flaps was also a wisecrack (to me)

    Good, so we're on the same page :)
  14. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I hate how my gabbapentin tolerance went up so quick. I have to take almost twice as much within just a few weeks. :(
  15. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I made a witty wisecrack, which is supposed to be returned with a witty wisecrack of the same proportion or greater, as per forum etiquette. Yours was just an insult, which is the improper response. If Clint Eastwood goes up to you and says, "Give me a haircut you lasagna munching dago", then instead of saying "why are you calling me names? Fuck you. Piece of shit.", the proper response is "get your geezer ass in my chair you dumb Pollack".
    Me saying you've never had a girlfriend before is a wisecrack (to me).. I didn't think of it as much of an "insult" as you say. But I guess some people are just more sensitive than others.
  16. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Aww, I made some drug addict whore butthurt. It's a good thing you're on birth control so that your loose meat flaps won't be excreting any more trailer trash.
    I wasn't really butthurt. You said something somewhat rude and I did so back. If anything you sound much more butthurt and angry than I do.
  17. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    They're the same person.
    uh, no.
  18. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Where was i rude? If i were that wasn't my intention, also g++ is the compiler for C++ so it'd be fair to say you coded in C++, also bash is an actual programming language to make shellscripts i didn't mean computer bashing or keyboard bashing silly. <3
    It's all good, I was being kinda defensive.
  19. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    yeah well don't lol too hard or your tampon might fly out.

    since being on bc i dont need those anymore. The shot gets rid of your period. you'd know that if you ever had a girlfriend.
  20. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman

    Didn't mean to post twice. Slow ass computer. But yeah, I'm new to this whole computer science stuff. I know it's probably basic knowledge to some of you but I hope to continue to learn more so I am not such a noob.
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