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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    I’m good at matching colours tbh and a lot of my outfits are obnoxious
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley

    I dunno why but I found myself looking at this pic with interest for longer than I should, trying to figure out why. I'm not aroused or anything Wariat/ Wozny related, I just think the legs and feet look…too doll like. The colors and position of the legs/ feet are too good a match, it's as if she's just jumped off a display.

    How tall are you Kafka?

    5’6, already told you
  3. Kafka sweaty
  4. Kafka sweaty
    There’s a Tamagotchi app
  5. Kafka sweaty
    I remember me and my friend were singing shouting this daytime drunk poor neighbours

  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready This will look like All of America when the economy collapses soon

    It's sad we came to this. it's sad we have this now. but its small compared to what is coming

    Idk why I was expecting homeless people to run out onto the road
  7. Kafka sweaty
    My head feels messed up like I know I’ve blocked memories but they’re still affecting me and maybe it is too much to process. Life feels like a chess game, I think I need someone to be a positive influence. He said he doesn’t love his gf and is only with her for her money, that’s the only reason he got with me in the first place as well and also to hurt E but then he got attached but ig not too attached if he’s still selfish as fuck. Having an identity crisis, I never use slang, only started using it here. Next week I will be with my family.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I predict a care bear tattoo eating pills

  9. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Nice nice. My oldest would love most of the stuff I was seeing on Dollskill, and Yesstyle had some really good deals. The little bit I looked at the rest of them I saw some really cute stuff the the littler ones would look cute in.

    Thanks, brah. Not really sure who you are, or where you came from, or if you're a real girl, but you have good taste.

    On Yesstyle there’s a brand called Kawaii Fairyland. Just they have a lot of stuff. Yw.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Where did you get those leggings or tights or w/e? My girls would look cute in them.

    I got them from Dollskill but can’t find them there anymore. Other cute sites are Yesstyle, Liz Lisa, Sechuna brand, Etsy and Jane Marple Japan.
  11. Kafka sweaty
  12. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready that they used to take longer to build homes, it took a craftsman 2-3 years to finish them older houses because they put time in detail. especially with the exterior with carvings in panels. like Victorian homes. many have a lot of detail that never really showed. there is a misconception that Victorian houses had 5-6 different colors of paint. the old paint was lead base and dull. and usually 2 maybe 3 tones where used. drab green or a faded blue color with white trim and maybe black trim on some of the ornament designs. now you have like 5-6 colors using modern exterior paints. showing the true detail n the designs.

    most houses today are just stapled together. they wont last more than 50-60 years.

    You want to design houses? Can I ask how old you are?

    A few weeks before my dad died he said he wanted to make steel sculptures, one of a church, and asked me to bring him things like these books, soft drawing pencil etc. I told him I’d call round but never did, was too busy doing coke in Belfast. So ig I feel guilt and want to make a sculpture now. I don’t want to get too into it because it’s probably just grief, not my life path.
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready It's actually very fascinating. I mean you can go crazy doing virtual structural design with drafting or 3D software. but unless you have a proper brace for loads (load bearing beams and truss and all that) it will just be a simple house drawing on paper. it wouldn't stand in the real world killing everyone inside.

    yep, you should take some part time courses in the field and see if it interest you and continue on through college. you wont have time to be so depressed.

    I’m interested in decorative metalwork as a hobby but it will stay as a hobby. I got a lot of photos of metal from the Victoria and Albert museum I’ll post somewhere. What made you interested in it?
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Meikai Travis Bickle, simply on the basis that Ronald Reagan was nearly killed because of him.

  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Meikai Death of the author. Anyone who says "you missed the point lol lmao" can eat a dick. All of the characters pictured are widely beloved for fulfilling innate desires that regular people have, but which also go unfulfilled. Wanting to kill Robert De Niro is a normal reaction to his cringey fat tough guy act. The Joker fulfills that need we all have to see Robert De Niro get shot in the head. If the writer thought that was bad and intended for that to be the message, good for the writer. Their opinions don't matter.

    Who’s your favourite character?
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready why didn't you control the dream with nuclear war and enjoy the chaos that followed?

    I didn’t become lucid but I did get to kiss Britney
  17. Kafka sweaty
    I dreamt I was with Britney Spears, we were by a cliff edge and there was an abandoned building. Inside these curtain things and rave music, a few people sitting on sofas, bad vibes. Then in that village, in a pub they were taking forever to get my order, so I just left and waited at the bus stop. Idk it was weird in there, bad vibes again, old people and a dog running about. Then in Britney’s bedroom, we were planning to do something, then her dad came in, sat on the bed and started recording us. I confronted him but it felt so bad like he was going to kill me or something.
  18. Kafka sweaty

    When they find my corpse
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready LOOK I'm not an architectural design engineer. I didn't have an interest in it until later in life. like my 20s. Well I always liked old houses. but then when I took up 3D modeling around age 30. I became more fascinated with it. the reason you have so many of those columns isn't just for aesthetics. it serves a purpose in marsh land regions. soft soil. they would have to lift the homes on jacks and brace under the columns every decade or so. they're a mother fucker to upkeep.

    you should lose some weight too. all of that extra pounds be stressing you out.

    I’m reading Understanding Steel Design: An Architectural Design Manual. Just because my dad asked me to get him it.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Goth den with type o negative blasting, everyone spaced out in armchairs on crystal meth.
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