I slept so much, been hibernating since Saturday. My research chemicals haven't arrived yet and I'm only starting to feel semi-normal now but am tempted to drink again. It's that or more hibernation tonight.
2024-10-15 at 7:11 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
"Catfish have a hole in their heads, and people put their fingers in there and steer them around. People are like that. They have a hole in their brains, and you can steer them around."
2024-10-15 at 2:55 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
You only hate liberals because they're more educated and look down on you. When your brain has been hijacked so that you don't care about self-preservation and can dismiss the threat of war you need to be committed. When you reject any news that doesn't align with your programming as "lefty" you have entered psychosis and need to be committed because you're not living in the real world anymore.
It's just weird if I had a convo with me from the past, it would be a different person, and that means I died.
I don't know if I've been asleep or awake all night, all ik is I was far away.
Sometimes I just freak out at how I'm a different person every few years. Like five years I would not have seen me seeking power. I was happy to not give a fuck about anyone.
I managed to shower and make dinner. My research chemicals are due to be delivered in the morning and I'm wondering if I should sleep until then. I don't feel normal yet.
2024-10-14 at 10:19 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
When words associated with personal freedom are seen as bad to you then you do deserve to be a serf.
2024-10-14 at 10:06 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
When you want to take women's rights away then can't fathom why women don't like you, that's a sign you have the mentality of a toddler.
2024-10-14 at 9:29 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
I don't see you as a person deserving of respect, since you don't have any for women. I hope a hurricane gets you.
2024-10-14 at 5:39 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
By supporting someone so uncivilised you've shown you don't belong in a civilised world.
2024-10-14 at 5:32 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
I'll say this once. Acting ignorant isn't fooling anyone. We all know you're rapists and this is why women don't want MAGA supporters. You need to be killed or sent to Africa. You are not a person to me, you are a chimpanzee that is better off dead.
2024-10-14 at 5:15 PM UTC
For Trump supporters
If they're welcome at a rally then it's all of you.
I just woke up. The dream wasn't that bad this time. Giant killer crabs, stuck in a sunny parallel world with a group of people and it was all abandoned, someone trying to pressure me to have a threesome. I think I was making a product with the killer crabs, maybe a drug.