Jade invited me to go to a concert with her, just us. It's a girlband and their lyrics are about hating men, so ik the place will be full of lesbians. I feel like she's suffocating me. I guess something's wrong because I'm too scared to tell her I'm not interested in girls anymore.
It's set to raise another 10 degrees today and I'm already sweating
2023-05-30 at 1:56 AM UTC
Don't come looking for me.
Most of the spam I sent him was to keep him away from his home as punishment.
It's so warm here. I wait until sunset to go out to get stuff.
Hella drunk nd hate being the only lit one
2023-05-29 at 10:08 PM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
Ask SBT-something. I asked him to write a program to compare the number of posts on days he posted <once with people he suspected of being his alts.
2023-05-28 at 1:10 PM UTC
Don't come looking for me.
Since a few people here are trying to track me down irl I am leaving. I will only miss Scron rest of you can die.
2023-05-28 at 1:02 PM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
I never said I was Nordic. Foh
Ok I'm going back to sleep, pray for me...
This is what chainsmoking does to you
I must have slept three hours tops
It was that some woman from my past was there and we had to walk somewhere to get something, it was a country lane on a cloudy day, but behind us was a lady in a blue dress, walking slowly but she was a jedi and had a beard, she could turn her head right round. We couldn't let her catch up to us or she would take me. It was a close call because I was on a kids tricycle and had to go up a hill, she was reaching out her arms. Woke up in a Victoian library, night-time, people I hadn't seen in years there but they were wearing the same clothes from years ago. I tried to scribble a letter about the blue lady but was dyslexic and the page was tearing up. Aaron said it was a problem with the ink. Woke up again, find Candy to give her back her pen. Try to go back to library or opera house but they were closing for midnight lunch. I walked with them to this shop to get stuff for her birthday party. It was white and creepy with these purple fairy/castle ornaments that were large. There's sad lil children there. We get into a car and it is like there was a cat crash on the whole street. I saw the victim was this skank who beat up my sister. She was in a wheelchair it was vivid. Driving over a bridge, tide was in, ocean was black but the raindrops were metres long and red so it was pretty. On the other side a green fairy garden. We get to the bday party. Bitch asks me to take off my long sleeves bcus of the furniture. I say I have a skin condition. Again white hallway upstairs creepy purple fairies cringe rave music. Long line for the bathroom, meet Daniel who keeps saying what he's gonna do to her "STAPLE METH INTA YAAA".