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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    It's 5pm now and I need to make it until 2am and can only have two cups of hot chocolate until then. At 2am last night I ate two Bourbon biscuits.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Just had the raw egg, about 65 calories.
  3. Kafka sweaty
    I didn't know chicken came in cans. I would have cracked by now if I hadn't made this thread tbh. If I want to eat something it will have to be the raw egg which is off-putting.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    I feel lightheaded already, gonna need stimulants, sleep or that egg.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    I've been awake for two hours and am back in bed snoozing now because of fatigue. I managed to shower so there's that. I feel determined to not be boring today like these other posts I'm seeing.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by frala Went for a walk down by the bay this morning and grabbed some breakfast. Now I’m just doing some laundry and waiting for football.

    That sounds awful.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    I'm hoping it takes two weeks tops. It will be slower progress because I don't want to risk fainting and need energy. The plan tomorrow is to have a plate of Romanian potatoes. The day after that something smaller.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    It's 2pm, I just woke up and I'm having my ham sandwich now. If I feel lightheaded later I'll swallow a raw egg or try to sleep.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    Wondering if anyone would want to watch sick streams.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    أي شيء بهذه اللغة
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Thinking of streaming me sleeping on Twitch so my first time streaming isn't awkward. Annoyed I can't link my Twitch to my Discord because of people here.
  12. Kafka sweaty
  13. Kafka sweaty
    "I was in jail for a few years and one day in the visits hall there was a prisoner from the Traveller community who French kissed his father on the mouth to pass drugs in front of all of us and in front of the staff who immediately bounced on them both and lead them away. I don't do drugs but I can't imagine any amount of money or high that would make me full on French kiss my father or any other relative for that matter.

    Used to see girls getting "played with" while wearing seriously short skirts in the visit halls too which was common I ended up getting to the stage of asking my wife not to bring my 1.5 year old daughter to visits anymore because the place as a zoo and I didn't want her seeing that carry on. Plus one of the screws nearly sent my daughter flying one day when running to pinch someone else for passing drugs.

    I saw fake Xanex come into the prison that sent the druggies wild like nothing I have ever seen perfectly normal lads who as soon as they took these drug were running round carving good mates up with broken cerramic cups or literally riding each other on the wing in full view of the staff who just stood back and allowed it all to happen. The lads were keeping the drugs up their "prison wallets" and the blue dye of the tablets and shite would be up their backs and they didn't have a notion of who they were are where they were it was bedlum.

    My first night inside never been in trouble before... long story short I had a car accident in which someone died and I got 22 months and it still haunts me to this day and always will. So anyways I was a fish very much out of water scared shitless on my first night in jail in bits couldn't sleep with the stress and worry and the whole jail was just constant 24 hour noise of boys of their heads or coming off stuff and in bad withdrawls lots of people with serious mental health problems and just ballbags making noise for the fun of it. So lying there I heard a large bang in the cell next to me and never thought much about it. Because I was on the induction wing the screws would come round every hour or so and shine a torch into your face through a hatch in the cell door to make sure you were still alive... he done my cell and moved onto next door and suddendly the bell went (they all carry emegency personal alarms to alert other staff to come running for whatever reason).. I could hear all the boots and people talking for ages outside my cell door and there was a bit of space around the door like a few sheets of paper thick that you could sort of see out of if you kept moving angles or sides of the door. A whole pile of staff standing looking into next door's cell for ages then they locked it up and all went away. About a hour later more boots down the corridor and again unlocked next door and then all I could see was a bright flash of light several times around my door as I lay there in the dark and the cell got locked again... I got that someone had taken photos and thought maybe the lad had smashed his TV in a rage or something. Another hour went passed and I would hear this squeaky wheel thing coming up the wing and I got up and through my various narrow few points in turned out to be a hospital gurney and I saw the staff take out the young lad from the cell beside me and place him into a body bag and zip it up and wheeled him back down the wing... he was 23 years old and had hung himself also his first night inside the loud bang I heard must have been kicking away his chair or table. Sorry not a fun story by any means but will definately stay with me forever."
  14. Kafka sweaty
    I want to lose weight and need moral support, and the pressure of making the diet public. So the plan is to start tomorrow and consume no more than 700 cals tomorrow. I intend to only eat a sandwich and have no more than two cups of hot chocolate. This diet will be different because I want to exercise as well and that means I'll need more calories.
  15. Kafka sweaty
    I feel like I have amnesia and am not sure what I should be doing right now.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    It's raining, breakfast is in the oven and I feel off or different somehow and am not sure what it is, like my brain was reprogrammed while I slept.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Akira's face when she noticed Lain.

  18. Kafka sweaty
    I feel like I'm forgetting something or I lost a lot of time.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Idk what to make of my subconscious telling me to get off the bus, if it was me or not.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Grounding myself now, haven't fully woken up yet. It's 4pm, I look like Alex DeLarge because my eyelash extensions are only on one eyelid now. I still have to go out like this to get Monster. No idea where Akira is. It might be good weather for a walk.
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