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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^Yeah from what I've gathered canada's welfare system can cater to its citizens easier in that manner because they have a much lower population. Canadians have a lot less drive and motivation it seems, HTs has made fun of me for having a job on several occasions.. But things are better for me when I have one, I live in Texas so socio-economics are different here than they are in canada..

    But hey It's his prerogative how he'd like to spend the money his country gives him.

    I've known two neighbors I knew somewhat intimately who recieved government money for being mentally ill, and I kinda felt like they were wise in some areas of their life but total bullshitters in others. Both of these people literally had trash scattered around their place and would except me to smoke a bowl or throw them a beer, which I'm a neighborly kinda guy and I like to chat for a bit. I don't ask my neighbors for shit, not even my parents, sometimes a close friend because I know they got my back because I've had theirs. But this one guy came and asked If would smoke a bowl of some of my own weed with him, and I was more than willing to despite I was hanging out with my pregnant gf at the time, I asked him if he would go outside to smoke his cig and he started bitching so I threw a burnt corndog at him and he ran off.

    The other one was my neighbors sister who I fucked, who said I was juvinile yet , doesnt have a job, just stays at home all day, uses her govt money to pay for her apartment and go drinking every night at bars.. Yet was upset after I fucked her like the slut she is and just left.

    Her brother doesn't even talk to me anymore because he's a faggot also, he went way out of his way to tell his sister to not hookup with me because he's a petty fag, because he was losing his apartment and asked me for a couple of bucks , and when I told him I didn't have it, he acted like a jerk about it.

  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Starting your own business is definitely the way to go if you have a severe criminal record(any really) if you want to control, I mean really really control what happens to you/your cap on your finances. I don't know about people purposefully following you and fucking with you but in the very least it sounds like you live in a place where there are very odd/high as hell people around you. The girl driving by could just be a fluke but I would wonder why some dude is standing outside my residence at 5 am.

    Yeah, I do live in an apartment complex, but its only two buildings and I know most everyone, just weird he walked out like that and then just stared at me, then ran off like a weirdo. I didn't think to much about it at first but I did later.
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I think my last thread on this subject was maybe a lil over zealous as I was drunk. But I feel like theres multiple layers to this phenomena, it's done on a smaller basis, like with girl friends, friends, family, co-workers, but also on a basis done by the government, which has been proven to be true. But like for example, I just was walking to the beer store, I was thinking about this girl with pink hair, not 5 seconds later, a lady with the brightest pink hair drives by looks at me and starts clapping her hands, I was like omg wtf, she's letting me know she's watching me. I put my hand to my nose to scratch it and then scratch around my lips, then a car drives by and again the driver is staring at me, but this time holding the driver is touching his nose, then the next car that drives the driver is touching his lips.

    How would they know I'm having these thoughts and doing these things? Well maybe theres a less paranoid scientific explanation to this, cybernetics [ the science of communication and control theory that is concerned especially with the comparative study of automatic control systems (as the nervous system and brain and mechanical-electrical communication systems)]4

    , maybe just maybe they aren't reading my mind, or touching their lips to let me know something, maybe they don't even know me, maybe a lot of people are under a system where "we felt like we needed to go get a brew, felt like thinking about girls with pink hair, and also made a girl with pink hair happen want to drive her daughter off at her baby daddies house at that very moment and being playing paddy cake while driving"

    2 morning ago I go out to my car at 5am to go get some chicken, I get in my car and some weirdo is just standing out there staring at me, he turns around and runs away what a pussy.

    It's just to many coincidences and maybe theses perps aren't perping me on purpose. Well at least not all them, a year and a half ago I was smoking meth, and I pissed off my best friend and a bunch of other people, I ent up doing some speed with this dude one day, went to go pickup gatoraid after awhile, after he left I realized a painting I had painted of lenord cohen was put behind my fridgerator and several pairs of my vintage underwear were stolen. Someone came in why we were at the store and pulled some bs.

    Hell I've done it before I once drove a friend all the way to the north side town, then started acting shady, and when I mentioned he was acting shady he just got out of the car and I didn't get my shit. I went and entered his house through his back sliding glass door, I put a piece of pizza behind his television set, and poured chocolate syrup into his gallon of milk to make chocolate milk, then left. Then inserted a small photo of a black mental patient to his family photo collage, Knowing he wouldn't recognize all 3 things right away and whne he did it would severely fuck with him.

    You know what I mean? I'm not crazy, I haven't been doing drugs, I've been working, and I probably have a far more normal social life than most people on this site (not that that says a lot lol)

    I'm sure a lot of people here will rag on me and say this stuff isn't proof, yet you guys believe in things like evolution, or the Egyptians built the pyramids..
    Theres no proof that any of those things are real. My situation is far more tangible and believable.

    Do you really think these lower level armchair wannabe homeland security flunkies, are really going to go after real terrorist so they can eat? Hell no they are pussies and they are going to go after a young single guy, who's been in a lil trouble in his life because it's easy, I'm not even really a target I'm just a guy that's being harassed and stalked by fucking cowards.

    These people are nipple suckers of the government with no imagination or real talent and that's why they rely on their government job. They wanna knock one guy down that just wants to have a Bill Krozbydog stand and freelance it and not be forced to dig ditches the rest of his life because of the problems the judicial system has caused me.

    Everyone is going to want a Bill Krozbydog one day, but I'm going to let the perps know, "I gotcha Bill Krozbydog right here fuccboi"

  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^could be but I doubt it because touching the mouse brightens it up like it should. But why isn't there a setting to set when it dims itself, there is a setting for how much it will dim it self...
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I'm not gay, don't get fucked by men or fuck men and probably fuck more women then you do on a daily basis.. And I am not white.. I am Mexican...

    Plus don't you remember I have a daughter..

    I'm tired of people assuming I'm gay just because I'm cute, slender, smooth, and have long eyelashes and don't follow all the jedi media masculine stereotypes. I have wavves and wavves of "macho" men at my disposal that want me to fuck them up the ass because I have a huge a dick and I know how to fuck well. But nobody will call them gay until it comes out on the news.

    Bottom line, no pun intended but you can be gay and be super manly (you can be very femme and be straight), ever heard of the Spartans? Or how in world war 2 they had a thing called "asshole buddies" where when they were fighting the Nazis in the trenches they would coldly and callously fuck their buddy up the asshole just as a way of releasing much needed tension. Fucking men is a CHOICE for many prior straight men, because a lot of men appreciate the raw carnality sex to such a great extent they decided catering in anyway to a womans emotional needs and games is no longer an option.

    I can see that point of view because I'm open minded, but am not a homo, that's why I almost exclusively partake in slampigs because I have an insatiable sex drive.

    You are one of the most uncultured European nazi's I have ever known, know wonder why we whipped your ass's in world war2, I doubt you've ever even owned a suit in your life, Kurt Cobain would spit in your eye at your lack of knowledge of punk rock and general buffoonery.
    You kind sir are the faggot, good day sir!

  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    For months my computer hasn't ever dimmed the display it would turn of the display, but after I reboot my laptop today, It dimmed the display by 50 percent. Why is this? And also if there is a setting to choose after a set amount of time to turn of display, why is there no setting to dim the display after a certain amount of time? It just does it at some arbitrary time, where it may do it after 4 minutes or it may never do it for weeks? seems kinda strange
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You're a homosexual.

    Fucking men up the asshole is actually probably one of the manliest things you can do.
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^yeah quitting speed was pretty easy for me. Evehing heroin was easy for me to quit compared to the pot. Same thing with cigs. Alcohol is the drug I've had the most problem quitting. I associate it with so many feels. (even though I once did quit for a year several years ago)

    I guess I've just never had any good syncans that made me want to keep smoking them compulsively. It either felt like a weak ass weed high that left a lot left to be desired. Or it got me so high that I was incredibly paranoid and nothing was fun about it.

    I know that there are new kinds that do different things. For about most of the month of December I watched Bradley B smoke syncans out of a foil pipe.. nodding off like a heroin addict.. syncans never did that to me.
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Why would you watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes with your date?

    Because it's a good horror movie?
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^ a lot of people have a mental addiction, and become depressed without it. They use it as a crutch to fufill their boredom. Personally , over the last 12 months I've only smoked maybe 4 times tops and I know longer crave it the way I did for years, and I get way higher when I do smoke and I don't spend tons of money on it.
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^she is employed shes a manager at a restaurant.. but restaurants for claiming they are going to do background checks but then dont.. I mean I work at one.. anyways Yeah I've never had such a weird meet up before, I know it sounds lame, but I just hadn't had sex in awhile, and she was down and I figured I'd just have a nice casual day fucking some pussy and sleeping in cause I've been really busy at work.

    I figured producing/watching child porn was more of a guy thing so it never crossed my mind that she could be like that.. Maybe she wanted to ditch me.. maybe she believes honesty is the best policy.. but it was just very awkward at that point and I regretted the entire thing.

    She was crying when she was leaving and asked me to call her to hang out again sometime. I immediately deleted her number.. Live and learn I guess...

    It's just the last year I haven't been hung up on have a steady relationship so I've just been banging sluts I meet online or from bars.

    I probably just need to let that side of me go, but even at work when I'm mostly "sober" I can't think of anything but wanting to go to one of the bars down the street or text some bitch to come over.

    And who knows what is really up with her story, all I know is I don't want to be associated with a sex offender, I have enough issues as it is that make me look bad
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Congrats on your next child. 'Im sterile.' I can't believe you fell for that

    Yeah I freaked out, I hadnt slept and was drunk when I had her come over
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Woopdee. I woke up to machine gun fire today. Twice

    No shit?
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^I lol'd
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I have been a TI for the last 6 years. I've gone through a lot, I'm thinking the best way to protect myself Is a counter campaign potentially with the help of the bandito biker gang who are hip to this technology, (what better way to fight a gang with another gang, ami right?)

    At 3am I wake up every night to the sound of a dog flossing his teeth / a rooster crowing, its not a real dog or a real rooster, but just a sound device put outside my window somewhere, (the sound of the rooster/dog is always the same, obvious farce)

    The other day I by chance dropped a salt shaker behind my refrigerator and to my surprise a painting I painted of lenord cohen was behind my fridge, wtf. That's on obvious red flag.

    But anyhow my real question and maybe sophie can help me with this, but I want to make a ham radio esque / microwave gun that I can install in my car to divert there strike and confuse them. I'm just sick and tired of the fucking identity games.

    It's just fucked up all the bullshit I have to put up with I'm always feeling, stressed, nervous, and guilty even though I don't do anything wrong anymore. Zok jr, used to talk with me about this kinda stuff and its just very strange that now he "died in a car accident"

  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Since lately I've been working nights at a new job I haven't had the usual amount of sex I'm accustomed to.. Yesterday was my day off so I set up an early morning meet up with a girl who also works nights, she took the bus over I put on the Poughkeepsie[FONT=helvetica neue] [/FONT][FONT=helvetica neue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tapes, one of my favorite documentary style horror movies. She wasn't very interested in the movie and was very dtf, so I did her a couple times, I asked her If she was on birth control and she told me she was sterile and couldnt have kids, so I came in her a couple times over the course of 10 hours (we just slept for most of the time)

    I eventually woke up and went to the store to get a brew, leaving her alone with my cat, yeah bad idea I know. I end up ordering us a pizza, cheezy stix, and a dr pepper 2 liter because we were both starving at this point and I'm a good guy.

    While we are eating, some how she finds a point to fit into the conversation that she just got out of prison, was there for the last eight years for a child pornography charge.
    She claims she got 8 years and her bf got 4 years for storing child porn on her laptop. Something is up with that story, but I just stared at her, and politely told her to leave and she started crying (probably because it was cold wet, and she didnt have a car)

    I was just down right amazed at that moment at how shifty people can be. I'd been a lot better off had she not mentioned that to me.

    Anyone else ever gone through something like this?
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    No half assed shit when I move in with you, got that? We will sling meth and you may have to prostitute yourself to finance my luxurious lifestyle. Also no fat bitches anymore.

    You would have to share a room with my cat, think you can handle that? Wow that rhymed I'm like a rapper tonight....
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Your excited about a dollar store stocking bundy..your already retarded

    Hey different people like different things. Though personally if you're going to do bundy make the most out of it mix it with some clamayto and drink it out of a goblet instead of chugging it out of a bottle like a flunky.

    Then actually go do something like jump rope or read a book about vampires.
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^im guessing you were molested at a young age?
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