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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    (play song for maximum effect while reading)

    He was in the cat hospital for the last month, he was very sick with his FIV. He's on subutex currently and antibiotics and he seems to be doing just fine. This is just my thread to rejoice of his return, he's been my best friend for the last four years.

  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Hey, fuck you, fattie.

    michael myers, even though we have argued in the past , you are a good guy and I consider you a friend.
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^yeah but being a pedophile is a mental disorder, which is not good, fam. If you can't wrap your head around why its wrong you're probably a dunce. Sure you can have your fantasies, but anyone who acts on these kind of things is obviously a predator.
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Cats like the smell of farts, they are primal animals not bound by what society thinks. A couple months ago I went to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, I didn't turn on the light and literally sat down on my cat and pushed him in the toilet cause he was drinking out of it and I didnt see him, he scratched my asshole, and I yelled "goddamn it bubba!"
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ITT : The butthurt brigade fails again.
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^yes I tried abilify literally ten years ago, and all it did was make me feel like i had to move my legs constantly so I could never sleep. seroquel does the same thing. Gabapentin is the best drug I've taken to ease my moods.
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Bill Krozby, listen to me, I am not being malicious when I say this, I'm not saying this to mess with/troll you or any other negative reason. Sometimes I genuinely try to be helpful and assist people, give them advice/information. I am being 100% serious when I say this.

    You either have or are developing paranoid schizophrenia. I'm not sure if it's full blown yet, and the levels of severity can vary greatly, but I guarantee you you would qualify for a diagnosis. No one wants to accept something like this, but denying it won't change reality and it will eventually get to the point of disaster if it's left untreated.

    Look, you know how they say crazy people don't know they're crazy? This is one of those situations. It's not that bad, it's not at the point where you may be a threat to yourself or others, unless you decide to attack one of the people you think is stalking you, but this is very unhealthy and could become worse, could get to a point where you could hurt yourself or someone else, you may lose control and not realize how bad you've gotten, and could end up in jail or an institution; you don't want that. I know this seems like it makes sense to you, I know you may think that I don't know all the details, that if I was actually there, in your situation, I would agree with you, but I can guarantee you based on what you've written that this is not the case.

    Sometimes you need someone else to tell you that you are not okay, to give an external check on your reality and tell you that you believe you're experiencing things that aren't true. You're losing your grip on reality.

    Make an appointment with a psychiatrist and tell them this, what you think is happening. They have good options now to treat the symptoms, and the sooner you get help, the better. It's like cancer or really practically any other medical condition, outcomes are much better if caught and treated early:

    If you're using any drugs, stop. Cannabis and stimulants in particular can make this much worse. It sucks to have to stop using something you enjoy, I know, but you have to do it for your own good. A bit of alcohol is probably okay, anxiolytics could help, although nothing should be used to the point of abuse, it should be in moderation, or at therapeutic doses.

    If you don't believe me, talk to someone you trust, maybe someone in tinychat, someone's who's knowledgeable on this, about what you wrote in the opening post. If you think that everyone's part of some conspiracy against you, that they've been paid off or are just doing it out of spite, take a step back and think about whether this is really realistic, whether it makes sense. Police departments/law enforcement have much more important things to focus on, there's so much more going on that takes up their resources. Ask yourself, realistically, why would they put this much effort, spend this much money hiring so many people, this much time, just to stalk you? Or if not them, why would a random group of people do this? You have not and are not doing anything that would warrant anywhere near this much attention, you are not on anyone's radar.

    The severity of something like this usually fluctuates, you're probably going to have moments of lucidity where you feel calmer/less paranoid, more normal and less "out of it" or "off". If you ever feel you're having a good day, take that time to seriously think about what you've said/written and reconsider it, think about whether it really makes sense, how crazy it may really be, think about what I said. Try to see it from another viewpoint, think about it from my perspective and decide whether there's at least a fair chance that I may be right.

    I've been to psyches many times when I was younger and had either my own or my parents insurance. I'm diagnosed w bi polar d/o. I've been to jail and in mental hospitals tons of times. I've been clean the last year except for marijuana 3 times, and vicodin a few times, but I do drink almost daily.

    I've stayed out of jail for the last 2 years, the longest ive gone in my entire adult life. *knock on wood* And I'm currently working 50 hours a week making more money than i ever have. So I don't think I'm as messed up as you think I am, but I appreciate the help.

    And actually the police have fucked me around a bunch in the last couple years , and have threatened me. They almost sent me to rehab over testing dirty for mj once.. I even had some since knocked into me and left my gf of 3 years a year ago.

    Sure I used to do a bunch of drugs when I was younger, but I'm just not like that anymore. I've even cut down the last 2 months on the amount of compulsive sex I have. I was actually going to buy some phenibut this week and see if it will help me cut back on drinking so much.
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^no antipsycotics make me feel awful
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol, you gotta admit guys, even though you hate on arnox, he's obviously gotten under most your guys's skin and remains relevant.
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^i'll check it out. I watch joe rogans podcast but surprisingly have never seen that episode. And I guess I figured they were relatively cheap. I've noticed musicians in my city who were super scrawny and then got ridiculously huge out of nowhere.
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    Not really, just pointing out his common forum behavior. It seems like you're the one thats mad cause you took the time to use a meme to look like a dummy and "point" out my point. Nice try you goober
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Anyone here have any experience with this? Personally I am a victim of gang stalking. I've brought this up before, but figured I'd throw out what happened to me the other night. I'm at an all night kinkos to copy some paper work since my printer "mysteriously" broke.

    And I'm before going into the store, this fucktard perp in a truck circles around me, stops, beeps his lil clown horn and looks at me, then just drives off. While In the kinkos I a perp try to get my attention with a most asinine question, "uhhh I gotta question sir, where can I get a good pair of socks in this town??"

    Then they come back and ask me "uhh yeah one more question, where can I get a cheeseburger at this time of night"

    On my way back home, some dude in a sedan is just sitting in a starbucks parking lot, mind you its 330 am at this time, then just revs his engine and catches up to me at the light. It's ridiculous.

    How much do they pay these assholes just to be fucktards and drive around all day, being terrorist coward pussies. Even at work I had some guy come in and ask for 74 cents, I told him I'm not a bank and he just put his hands on his hips like a woman and just looked at me and said "seriously? wow just wow"

    I had to tell him, "hey this is pretty awkward now, can you just leave?" The nerve these people have
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    the last time I met Bill Krozby we went to the movies and talked about our problems
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^nah I actually have a pretty big dick and balls, prolly more than most people on this site. Thats what I'm afraid of losing If I did roids
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I've heard a lot of different things , conflicting things about them. Does anyone here have experience with them?
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    never heard of ariana grande, guess cause im not a faggot
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^gtfo grammar nazi~!
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Arnox as admin was perfect to be honest. Seriously, you can't make that shit up. The mormon dragon dude in charge of the criminal underworld. Haha. Will Ferrel will play you when we film this shit.

    I actually lol'd

    Risir and arnox you both are the living end as far as I'm concerned. maybe you two butthole buddies should get a room, amiright guyz?
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^the last time i met risir he told me held a head of lettuce between his ass cheeks cause he was wearing skinny jeans.
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