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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I had some older lady hit me up yesterday on this dating site, we chatted it out for a bit, she told me she works for apple from home, and would really like to meet me... (I should read into red flags more, but I've been trying to not have to much paranoia)

    We end up meeting at a bar I have only 2 brews because I figure this is going nowhere and I'm going to go smoke with my homie afterwards, I tell her I'm about to leave and she gets very concerned as if her world is falling down, she ask me to drive back to her place. She ends up not letting me fuck her (yet drinks my semen like a good girl) I get my clothes on and tell her I'm about to leave. She gets upset and tells me she wanted me to sleep over. I tell her I figured she didn't want me to, and that I'm going to go to the store real quick to get something to eat and I'll, be back, I end up coming back and we watching "ex machina" and I make jokes about the antagonist being a jedi propagandist, but that flew right over her head and figured I was a real racist. She starts faking sick and tells me to leave because she can't sleep with a stranger in her home while sick, and " sorry i doesn't play mind games" _cough cunt cough_

    So I start getting my clothes on she starts freaking out, "what if I said you can stay" and I say "sorry I don't play mind games"

    She starts yelling at me to gtfo of her house, and I say "this is a duplex dummy, and anyways you look like this gay dude I know, HTS, I'm outta here"
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Is this real or a special effect? Do you two faggots live together now? Also, Sploo got fat.


    Anyways yeah that guy I met up with was "man titties" from rdfrn from from the next town over. Him and his hott girlfriend and I went out for pizza, He told me that he was honestly afraid to meet me because of my "radical nature" and the grungey pictures he'd seen of me, but ent up saying I was cool.

    He was a unique guy for sure, he didnt, drink or do drugs, only listened to electronic/trap music, had at 18 had a gf he'd been with for 3 years that lived with him and his parents, went to college and was an artist. He was very level headed compared to how I was at that age and even compared to how I am now lol.

    We tried to meet up a couple other times, but for one reason or another it didn't work out.
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Beavis and butthead like a mother fucker, thanks for the shout out tho
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You are literally a delivery driver. You have no right to say you have been really busy at work unless your job requires more than menial bullshit.

    oh okay, I meant I have been busy with work.
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you're just mad because you know I would never have sex with you.
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I bought two powerball tickets yesterday... how do I know if I won?
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    mmmmm bbys I like it when you talk dirty to me
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Don't assume i don't want to teach you anything Bill Krozby. If you're just nice to me i'd gladly teach you some hacking techniques and tools. I even made this thread to teach people about SQL injection which is a way to hack a website. you don't specifically need kali linux just python or a windows based penetration testing framework. I'm assuming you're on windows? If you'd like to hack on windows i would higly recommedn this framework to you

    The webite has good documentation as well. Also when you have installed pentestbox drop this file in your "bin" directory and type it's name in your console/terminal to find a http/s proxy you can configure some tools to first connect to a proxy then to your target to protect your identity usually the argument goes a little like this, i'll use the tool commix for the example below it comes with pentestbox as well.

    commix --proxy= --url=

    What's even better though is using a http/s proxy in combination with a VPN here is a free one for you

    If you have any questions i'd be happy to answer them.

    i willl look back at this later, Gotta go back to bed

    thanks though
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    He's contributing actively so that's cool and there's a bunch of passive people taking part in those threads. Make a thread about what you're trying to do, those "certain things" and you'll get answers to your questions and coding help and whatnot.

    I honestly think we're on a good path here, but it won't be an overnight thing. Still, having 5+ tech minded (of a specific, totse-kind) is pretty damn good.

    Me, I'm not doing anything cool in this area at the moment, although if I finish some shit this week, I could go back to messing around with my SDR

    I made a simple thread about a problem with my laptop and didnt get any serious answers.
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I think its just a big coincidence. How would "they" plan/set that up? They had some girl with pink hair waiting around the block to drive past you just in case you happened to think something about pink hair lol.

    I explained how that could have been setup without that explanation, you goober.
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    wavves is one of my favorite bands, I've seen them live twice
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    well it seems like sophie really wants to set up a group but hes not willing to unite/ teach so in the end this turns in to a thread where arnox might as well post. I honestly know literally nothing about hacking except that I know it can be done by simple techniques using routers and cell phones. Hell If someone gave me some info i'd be willing to some certain things here in austin.
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    cece drake is my ex gf stalking me again.
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    OP would know a thing about sucking a thing or two

  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You probably wish you could rob a sperm bank because you're a cum guzzling faggot.

    lol just kidding, no but i'm interested in hacking as of recently, It's just I don't know where to start really.

    I've always been a fan of the show "the lone gunmen"
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    they dont care they get profit you dunce

    Some stores do care, people like authur treacher have made it where they now only sell poppy seeds behind the counter, some employees just out right scrutinizing you for even trying to buy some.

    I happened to want to make some poppy seed tea the other day to help my back pain for work and they were like "you know you're lucky you even got any we haven't been selling poppy seeds because people abuse them... " in a snarky faggot voice

    I asked them " so are you going to stop selling alcohol and cigarettes?"
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You people and your insatiable societal greed never ceases to amaze me how dumb you guys can be. The lottery is a stupid ppl tax. Nobodys even going to win lol
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    some people blow it on estrogen, some blow it on blow, some blow their parents money on spice. It's all relative I guess
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I thought I had responded to this.

    The negative effects of cannabis, especially high doses and from chronic use, are widely overlooked. Due to the way the majority of people think they simply fluctuate between extremes. They realize what the obviousness of the drug war propaganda, and then simply switch to the other polar end. Weed was ridiculously demonized, so now it's natural, it's not a drug, it's (just) a plant, it's good for you, medicinal, compare it to the effects of a commonly accepted legal drug, alcohol (contrast changes nothing about its effects, if you compare heroin to cyanide, it's going to look pretty damn good by comparison). People mindlessly accept anything positive they hear about it and hemp.

    As for your sleep, I don't know the mechanism by which it does so, but cannabis seems to effect sleep, sleep architecture. Reports regularly indicate that it may remove or greatly decrease REM (dreaming), possibly the ability to remember it as well, which could skew perceptions. A rebound effect is also commonly noted, which is likely what you're experiencing. Even if you don't remember vivid dreams/nightmares, you may still be experiencing very light stages of sleep with some activity, anxiety related, that causes you to awaken prematurely.

    I definitely does affect sleep, I've noticed that when I'd smoke I never had any dream recall, I guess thats where they got the propaganda phrase "pot kills your dreams" But it literally does.

    And yeah I have a buddy who tells me I need to quit drinking (which I should, but thats pretty much the only drug I do) He smokes cigs, vapes, and smokes weed all day every day. doesn't ever even get laid, or have a real job except tyring to sell stuff he has "picked" that no one wants.

    I even worked at a place where my co-workers, thought it was weird I wanted to have a shiner bock with my tacos while we were clocked out at a restaurant even though they all smoked weed in front of me before we left like some kinda cult ritual and I didn't say shit.

    I realized I like smoking weed every now and then, but I prefer to drink.
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