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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Suicide is a permanent non-solution to an almost certainly temporary problem. You might as well just hit the rails if you're going to kill yourself. A man who is not afraid of dying (or fears dying less than failing) is the ultimate weapon and can accomplish literally anything.
    Let's for example say that a loan shark is going to break your knees… Option A is to kill yourself, option B is to do literally anything else, like bailing and starting a new life off the grid as a hobo. Worst case scenario on "anything else" is that you die, in which case that's what you were going to do anyway, right?

    Another piece of advice I can give is to become another mother fucker. Being EasyDoesIt isn't working out for you? Grow a beard, hit the gym, wear cool clothes and become Joe Explosionson. Do a different thing for a few months and see how that works out for you.

    Tl;Dr don't be a bitch and kill yourself.

    lol grow a beard, you give out some really half assed advice.
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Your response to that is much healthier than saying "OW" or cursing like you just stubbed your toe… which is what I do.

    or burning yourself with a lighter lol
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Sorry bro, your girlfriend's tits are gross and not worth saving. You can ask HampTheToker about it if you trust him though, he might have kept them for posterity.

    Also, I'm still in a very happy relationship with my cutie AKA HelloClarice.

    So don't be mad, you cuckold faggot, you know your bitch would be gargling my nutsack if I ever decided to come to town.

    still don't believe you. a couple months ago when you came into tinychat and I outed you for asking for nudes, you denied the whole thing, because you're a fucking pussy and a cuck.

    I know for a fact that he didn't OD on heroin and you're full of shit. pwp knew he was a heavy oxy user and thats how he went down. Dude you're such a fucking liar faggot
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Again, you're mad as hell that it took zero effort for me to see your girlfriend's tits, lol.

    pix or didnt happen captain faggot, you're the biggest cuck on this website who creams over internet girls. Didnt you actually have a failed zoklet relationship with a manish looking woman?
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Funny coming from the guy that doesn't realize I was wingmanning HampTheToker, who is an expert at extracting nudes from internet women, like he did with Grimes.

    again you're being a huge faggot try hard.
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    you're very welcome mr cat
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^funny coming from a guy who hit on my irl gf, yet failed miserably. You're a worm.
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you know what they say.. "birds of a feather..."

    riser you are a good guy, if you actually do ever come to the states I will let you bunk with my cat and I if you promise to not steal my shit
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    last night I went to the wavves / best coast concert, I got stood up by the torn asshole girl because " I don't talk to her enough"
    I end up getting another slammer to meet me at the show. She's pretty gnarly looking and I make her buy me a beer and a pig sandwhich. We make out for a bit.. afterwards, she then tells me she's got to go because her boss is having a suicidal crisis.. I turn around and one of my co-workers is there, we start chatting, and I say can you believe the product okcupid is churning out.. and point to the girl. she leaves.

    This girl ends up jacking with me because I'm jumping around like a fool, her boyfriend gets in my face, and my co-worker tosses him over the barrier and security 86's him while I say something retardedly cheeky like " bye feclica!" as his girl friend runs away.

    My co-worker and I end up getting into the vip lounge because "we work across the street" and start taking shots of whiskey between bands. I don't even know why im posting this, im just still drunk as shit even though its like 8 hours later, I'm going to pay for tonight.

    tldr : basically I paid way to much on my only day off to act out like an assclown, yet I still kinda had fun

  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    tl dr lol, inspector rudy!

    this thread is now about inspector rudy

  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Again cuckold faggy fails to make a relevant thread
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    No she stuck herself with the bill, then fat stuff stuck herself with the bill of buying a ticket. I got Vip because I work across the street. She said her boss was dying and she had to leave, I saw her borrow a cig from this guy while I was talking to a co=worker. I said did you know this slampigs boss is dying and we laughed at her before she left the show.
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    *slaps the shit out out of captain faggot for being a faggot *
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Iwas supposed to go to a show at stubbs with this girl but she canceled on me because I don't talk to her enough. She ends up telling me that she doesn't like me because I act like him to good for anyone and that I'm to smart for her.
    We were supposed to go the the wavves/ best coast show together.. she showed up, and ordered a pulled pork and chicken sammich, I told her she might as well order a pig and chicken sandwhich. She ent up standing thirty feet away calling "her boss" and told me he was about to kll himself so she had to go.

    why are some people such liars?
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Why are you being such a fag? ^
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^meh I shouldn't be mad, and I guess I'm not really anymore, I was just still tipsy when I posted that, and kind of taken aback how he reached out to me to be friends and I acted cool while the dude couldn't help himself but be a fuckass. At first I thought.. ahh yeah he's just a young guy who thinks he needs social posturing to try to validate himself to people. But I work with other younger dudes that are way more chill than he is, so I know not everyone that age is like that.

    Why would I want to hang with someone that invites me over, yet expects me to kowtow to them. I can't stand people like that.

    Like two nights ago at work, (I work by most of the bars and venues downtown) serving slices of pie. And some of the people that come are so obnoxious, they get a little alcohol in them and they think they can say whatever they want. This black guy with dreds and a V-neck (he's the token black guy out of his friends that acts like a white guy) ask me what slices I have and I tell him we are closing in 5 minutes and this slice is literally all we have left..

    You can see the comedic gears in his nappy head revving up as he's about to start to act like a smart ass to impress his friends.. "well man if that's the only slice you guys got , I guess I'll take , hows your night man, or whats left of it, sucks you have to be stuck here? you look a lil tired bud, yeah so get that slice for me im drunk and hungry and want to go home!" and he just throws some money on the counter.

    I tell him you know what bud, im drunk, hungry, and want to go home too, I think im just going to have this slice for myself, throw his money out the window and lock it. He starts yelling wtf man whats your problem all raging and drunk and shit while I start eating the pizza.

    Some people are just downright amazed when you don't go along with their narrative.
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    About a month ago, I met this guy tinychat that claims he lives on the opposite side of town from me and we should chill sometime, he seems cool so we exchange numbers. New years eve, he hits me up asking what I'm doing, I tell him I'm at work, (I work at a pizzeria downtown) and I don't get off until 4am. He tells me he's downtown, so I tell him well stop buy the shop and I will throw you a free slice of pizza. He comes in I give him a free slice and we talk for a bit.

    A week later, I take a delivery out and go into this very nice high rise condo, and the dude opens the door and what do you know, its guy I met off tinychat, I'm like hey whats up man... I didn't know you lived here.. (he lied to me about where his condo was and turns out he actually lives just down the street from me..) He pays for the pizza and offers to smoke some dabs with me for a tip, I tell him I may have a potential drug test coming up so I have to pass for now, He says well yeah hit me up sometime and I will smoke you out when you can.

    A few days later I get a text from him asking if I could deliver him a free whole pizza, that probably cost about 30 bucks. I tell him I can't do that dude.. sorry man He says its all good..

    A couple weeks later, he text me around midnight asking If I want to comeover smoke and chill with him and this chick. I go over there and his place is very nice, and this chick is really hot and friendly towards me. We are chatting and smoking dabs.. the girl has a drink and spills it on his furniture on accident.

    He gets really pissed off and shouts "you spilt apple-tini all over my divan!" in a very faggy bitchy way.

    He ask if I want to go halvsies with him on a gram of heroin.. I say yeah sure sounds fun, and then he's like "ooh really... you want to get that much? that's kind of a lot of dope..., how about we just get a 50 piece instead?" I say yeah sure whatever sounds good man.

    The chick starts saying how she doesn't do heroin anymore, she's quit for good and it's bad stuff.. He calls the dealer and tells him he wants to buy a 50 piece.. then says "you know what , I probably shouldn't be doing this...." and ends up hanging up on his "dealer"

    The girl and I end up talking about exercising and how we are trying to find a reasonably priced gym to go to. He butts in with "i don't work out but we have a gym on the first floor you guys can use anytime"

    The chick ends up saying she has to go some friends are picking her up...
    I end up leaving shortly after cause the sun is going to come up.. we didn't get any dope, the chick is gone, and he's being really lame.

    He keeps asking to hang like every other day, but I sleep during the days and work nights so I'm kind of busy..

    He ends up inviting me over superbowl sunday to chill before I go to work. I go ahead and hang, we are smoking a ciggie on his balcony and a piece of ash falls on his balcony floor and he starts bitching, (yet he doesn't mind just throwing his cig butts down on to his neighbors property below..) we start watching full metal jacket despite me telling him I just watched the movie literally 2 days before.. I start texting this girl.. and he starts saying shit like "ooh man you're missing this part man you're missing the good part"

    I again remind him I just watched the movie two days ago..
    I end up leaving and go to work.

    About 5 days or so later, he ask If I want to come hang and smoke, so I go over around midnight buy a couple dabs off of him and smoke them, and we are just chilling.. something seems off about him and I ask him if he's alright, he tells me he took some Xanax earlier and he is fine , just feeling good. I'm like okay whatever. I'm stoned and we are watching tv and he says "you know what would be cool? lets go hang out at my friend johnnys house basically 45 minutes away..."

    I'm like seriously? we just smoked.. Im kinda drunk, and you're barred out, doesn't seem like a good idea driving down the highway fucked up in the middle of the night.."
    He keeps sayin common I want you to meet my friend he's a cool guy.."

    Then he says "well im gonna so you can't stay here, so you gotta come with me or go home" I tell him fine I'll go with you. As we are walking down to his car, he keeps telling me how expensive his car is, and how he doesn't do anything but sell dabs, and how I have a shitty job and work with hipsters and should quit..

    I end up telling him, you know what man? I think I"m just going to go home. And he starts freaking out and literally calls me a "bum" and starts to get all shrill voiced and loud, telling me that I act like I'm to good to be his friend. I tell him shut the fuck up man and keep walking towards my car, and he keeps following me telling me..

    I tell him "I'm about to deck you if you keep following me" So he just stands there still bitching while I get in my car and drive off.

    Why are some people like this?
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Yeah I like her a lot, she's such a doll
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^my threads are pretty good, and lanny wouldn't do that to me.
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Hey lanny can you make it to where I can make threads on this site again? I haven't been able to in the last four days.,,,,,,,,,,
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