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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    wait so you are or not going to your job interview? maybe you should go to the interview, try to work the job, while doing meth until you get fired. more money.. amiright?
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^fucking this m8. He's a legend.
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I'm really glad because our law that allows students at universities to open carry on campus is now in effect. Austin Is a very progressive city, and many students here are exercising their rights. This is a step forward that goes against that finklesteined jedi obama and his anti-gun shennangins. I for one can't own a gun because of my felonies. But once I get them expunged, I'm going to get a Yugoslavian ak-47 (used to have one before my felonies, but the cops stole it from me, but left my pot plants.. go figure..)

    What are your state gun laws like?

  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Soulbutter is very handsome. And he's a good guy. I like him.

    Yes soulbuter is a very solid dude, very smexy =)

    But anyways, yeah I'm catholic, and I've actually been practicing my religion much more the last year. I even bought my daughter a childrens bible that I'm going to give her on easter sunday.
    I actually wear my rosery to bed and say a prayer in spanish that my grandmother taught me.

    I dated a girl temporarily that was a hardcore catholic, she told me she would blow me and let me fuck her ass, but I couldn't get anyone of that pussssaaaaay unless we got married.
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    they probably just ask you weird shit because they're tweakers and you look kind scrummy and tweakers avoid normal people especially when theyre on one and need a good pair of socks

    I resent you for that comment
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Vizier was a stand up guy. He even invited xxombie and I to road trip to his place and go to some of the punk clubs he frequents with him. Mexican punk/metal ftw
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^and you're butt hurt mmmmmmk?
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    At work, I work next to a bar where bikers frequent, my boss has introduced me to some of them, most of them are cool guys, some times I go into the bar and the bartender, always hooks me up with free shot of jameson. Though one time I had these two bikers talking to my boss in front of me, saying things , that lead me to believe that they know more about me than I tend to lead on... I was kinda weirded out about it, but didn't react to it.

    Any ways a couple weeks ago, I go to meet this girl at a barnes and nobles coffee shop, and I'm showing her some robert crumb comics, then I hear someone whistling... not any real tune just something really random and annoying. I let it go... and keep on with the conversation.. then I hear a loud weird coughing noise "ahherbadurbbaacougakwak" I turn around and one of the bikers I met is walking between the book shelves about 30 feet away from me, grinning at me, and shouts "what's the good word Dougy!" very inappropriately loud and everyone starts looking at me.

    I say "what's your problem??!" and then he shouts back "Doug You're awesome!"

    and he walks up and orders a coffee, and I feel very uncomfortable, and the girl I'm with ask me who he is... As he's leaving he shouts again "catch ya later bud!" and just walks out.

    What's up with this, shit? Anyone ever had stuff like this happen before? The street theatrics that are so over the top. I constantly have people coming up to me asking If I know where I can get a good pair of socks at this time of night while I'm at kinkos or just other weird things. The other morning around 430 am I was smoking a cigarrette on my balcony and my new neighbor just pops out of his door like some kind of weird puppet but doesn't even look at me, then pops back in his house like some kind of cookoo clock and closes the door. And I'm just standing there, like what the fuck was that about?
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I'm pretty sure I was 15 or 16 and it was awful. I got so sick. The first few times I tried alcohol I hated it. All it did was make me dizzy and throw up. I preferred weed. I was a big pot head (ugh!). Now it's the opposite, I much prefer alcohol to weed. I think the very FIRST time I tried it though, I was house sitting and I stole the people's alcohol with my friends and we played hide and seek in the dark outside.

    yeah same here I prefer alcohol to weed now, after I smoked weed for years. When I smoke weed I get to lazy, alcohol I still can get up and work, do stuff..
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    The first time I ever got "tipsy" was when i was like 10, I kept sending my lil bro to go get me cups of boxed wine at a neighbors bbq.

    Started getting shit faced almost ever day of the summer when I was 15. I would put my parents liquor inside of water bottles and hide gin and bourbon behind books on my book shelf.

    First time I ever got found out by my parents I was drinking was one time and one time only, School had just started I was still 15, i tripped mushrooms at the lake with my friend, end up going back home, drank a full bottle water bottle of rum, ent up waking up naked on the bathroom floor covered in vomit with my dad slapping me crying.

    I love to drink, but I don't do it nearly as much as I used to the last few years.
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    No offense to lanny for offering us this site. But there are very few members here.. even guys like darkie, don't post here anymore. Iron john told me about this site, and it actually has better mods than any other totse/zoklet spinoff. They have a chat room. Lots of lulzy threads/members, whats funny is some of the member are aware of intothesanctuary and think its funny everything thats happened to us

    It's just theirs nothing to do here, except make threads about how "Bill Krozby is a homo" or "captain faggot objectively is a faggot" (even though he is a faggot). And most of you are too pussy to come on to tc.

    It's a shame because rdfrn and intothesanctuary had a lot of potential but it was shot down by a lot of you cucks so quickly, then whine and cried when it was gone, about how great it was.

    The only people here that actually post threads here, that have nothing to do with hating on someone else is myself, sploo, and roshambo, occasionally actro and a few other people but thats very seldome

    Just wanted to throw it out there, especially considering know one here seems to be interested in a Bill , which would be more about music/art/ science/ conspiracy/ comedy.

    atleast rdfrn had potential and people that had ideas, most of you guys are content with guzzling bundy on your couch and listening trap music with no imagination or ideas.

  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    My mother didn't drink while she was pregnant, I grew up upper-middle class brah. The only thing I'm mad about is sometimes when I talk the words don't come out so good

  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Anyone here like stuff like this? I saw a show with this band called consumer electronics, and they had naked illuminati women while a dude bashes his head into the wall, kinda like eyes wide shut. It's kind of like electronic black metal. I like stuff like hair police, wolfeyes, and whitehouse. Figured it might be up sploos alley at least, I personally wouldn't listen to it all the time, but live or while tripping, would be a blast.

    the first band I ever saw live was

    einsaturzen neubaten or whatever

  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^shut your candy ass before I pistol whip your bitchass

  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Hey lanny I can't post any threads today... whats the deal can you do something about it, please?
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Hey lanny I can't post any threads today... whats the deal can you do something about it, please?
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Hey Bill Krozby, look out the window. You see that guy across the street in the white shirt? Say hi to my nigga.

    I did and he talked about you're gnarly baby mammers mug shot and called you a cuck that will hopefully one day grow a brain and a cock.
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^he is pissed, because he is a coward, He won't even post pics of himself or his fake wife. He's a fraud, and a muslim, but i guess thoughs two things tend to go hand and hand.

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