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fucking drunk as shit right now

  1. #1
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    last night I went to the wavves / best coast concert, I got stood up by the torn asshole girl because " I don't talk to her enough"
    I end up getting another slammer to meet me at the show. She's pretty gnarly looking and I make her buy me a beer and a pig sandwhich. We make out for a bit.. afterwards, she then tells me she's got to go because her boss is having a suicidal crisis.. I turn around and one of my co-workers is there, we start chatting, and I say can you believe the product okcupid is churning out.. and point to the girl. she leaves.

    This girl ends up jacking with me because I'm jumping around like a fool, her boyfriend gets in my face, and my co-worker tosses him over the barrier and security 86's him while I say something retardedly cheeky like " bye feclica!" as his girl friend runs away.

    My co-worker and I end up getting into the vip lounge because "we work across the street" and start taking shots of whiskey between bands. I don't even know why im posting this, im just still drunk as shit even though its like 8 hours later, I'm going to pay for tonight.

    tldr : basically I paid way to much on my only day off to act out like an assclown, yet I still kinda had fun

  2. #2
    You are my savior and hero
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    you're very welcome mr cat
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