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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^§m£ÂgØL you dumb fuck
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    fuckemos is great, they are from my town
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^lol, I used to hate the shit out of him, he's now my friend but thats a pretty funny picture.

    sploo I remember when you posted a picture a few years ago when you were in class and that young and had glasses. It's crazy how people can change so much
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    The only thing that cures an existential crisis is time and experience and acceptance that we all die alone.
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Why does everyone address Lanny formally? Like they are addressing an alderman or the Mayor. Lanny puts his pants on in the morning just like any other guy… errr… who pretended to be a girl on the Internet for literally decades. Don't you see how wrong this is?

    Because being a moderator, (especially a lone moderator) incites ass kissing in humans instinctually
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I work nights so I sleep during the day at 1pm after only a few hours of sleep the landlord comes over knocking on my door really fucking loud and trying to open the door despite me having it double locked. I open up the the door reaking of sweat, booze and I'm in my boxers, saying several people have complained about me play loud music at 4am. I am awake at 4 am considering that when I get come from work, but I'm definitely not playing music or playing my bass guitar, I do dishes and laundry, stuff like that, but I'm pretty quiet.

    I thought it was my neighbor lady because she's an uptight cunt but its not.. I can't go back to sleep so I go get my check at work go hang out with my neighbor in the next building for a bit, it turns out he's got a noise violation too. (where i live almost everyone plays guitar) I go back to my place and this faggot (i call him machete because he's an old beaner, and this new faggot that just moved in below me, are talking shit, smoking cigs, and drinking beer right outside my window, being very loud) I walk out and say what the fuck is the deal? And he starts telling me that he understands me because he's a musician too and he rolls up his sleeve to show me his guitar tattoo on his arm (the dude doesn't even own a guitar) but I make way to much noise when playing my bass (I only play during day time hours during my days off) and he admits to being a snitch and that he snitched me out to the land lady.

    He tells me that he came over to my place at 4 am the other day and pounded on my door to talk to me, but I just couldn't here him because I was playing my bass so loudy for 15 minutes, which is total bullshit. He said he was going to call the cops but instead he called the land lady. I tell him "i wish you called the cops, because they would know you're full of shit"

    He says I didn't want to call the cops because I sell dabs and I don't want them in my business. (when I met him a week ago, he asked if I wanted to smoke with him and I told him I don't smoke, but thanks anyways)

    Has anyone dealt with an idiot like this before? It's just downright amazing how people will go through such great lengths to discredit others just to save their ass. I see it time and time again on almost a daily basis and it sickens me.

    I'm trying to play it cool but I'm trying to think of the best way to handle this.
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I could never deal with such a bullshit. I'd end up being the relationship counselor for them. I always bring my own weed, too. Hmm..

    Yea, I don't fuck wifes and I try not to fuck girlfriends. Not worth the stress.

    I don't normally smoke weed so thats why I took the girls up on the weed. I've only smoked like 5 times in the last year.
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    The dude was probably just honest. It's really your own fault to fuck every skank with a hole. All of them are talking shit about you now. That's how sluts are. Don't be mad at your buddy, he probably didn't mean it that way.

    The dude wasn't honest when I mentioned her, he lied about her last name, He gave me his last name.. It's whatever but just the fact that he would give his last name as her last name and act all weird about everything.

    It's just down right amazing sometimes.
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I like slampigs cause I like to bone
    d s

    anyways opulus on the subject of cucks , during last december (this isnt a fetish of mine at all) but I actually met up with two different girls who lived with a "boyfriend" who let me come smoke his weed and bang his chick it was very weird, The first time I actually wasn't initially aware of what the deal was, I called up this girl who i met up with once before, I asked her to go to the store and by me stuff to make a sandwhich, she actually went to the store and bought sandwhich meat and rye bread. I show up and i see a pipe on the table, she says its her "ex boyfriends" weed and its cool if i smoke it.. I'm like okay... kinda weirded out, I start smoking while she makes me a sandwhich, I'm really shit faced and start saying make me a sammich bitch while I watch xfiles on her tv. She loves it. The dude ends up coming out of his room looking all depressed and says he's got to go to work..

    A couple weeks later I meet up with this girl that is from out of town and staying at her "boyfriends" place and I can come over and smoke some weed If I'd like, He's a total fatass, not even wearing a shirt when I come in, He loads me a bowl and I start smoking as a I use his girlfriend as a foot rest. For the next thirty minutes he desperately trys to not look at me and starts hammering nails into the wall to hang up a budlight sign. He asks if I could pass him the pipe and I said "its cashed" and he just walks out of the room muttering "I'm going to bed you're just going to fuck him anyway"

    It was kind of bizarre.
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^shut the fuck up before I stick my penis in your mouth
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    But everyone seems to know everyone???

    It reminds me of Pakistan where everyone marries there cousins and lives on the same street.

    Not sure where is more Inbred.

    Not everyone knows everyone, its just a coincidence,its just I work and associate with local musicians/ bar owners. Another guy I work with knows that I banged my neighbors sister a couple months ago and I never brought it up at all. I also have bikers that know intimate details about me despite me not knowing them prior.

    Though honestly in a few years I'm actually going to be very well known, I plan on opening a food trailer called "Bill Krozby dogs" where I have tattood sluts sell saurkraut sheboigan weiners for me at metal shows.

    oh and on a side note HTS is a cuck peice of shit!
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    How fucking small is your town?

    I live in Austin, the 11th most populated city in the US. "fastest growing city in america"
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    this thread is some top lel lol
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Over the summer I dated an older woman, ten years older than me. We had a lot of fun together for the couple months we knew each other, went to concerts and just hung out.
    At work today this guy whos about to be a manager, he's older than me, he's like 43, he's played shows with screeching weasel and I look up to him.

    He starts talking about how his friend won cupcake wars in DC. I say "lol really? I dated this girl, jenny that was in cupcake wars DC a few months ago that asked me to move to DC with her..."

    and he said "goddamnit Doug, you're that guy she would talk about, she never had anything good to say about you" and then he started calling her fat and depressed and how I shouldn't online date because i will only meet girls like her and how her house was trash, in front of my boss and the girl working, being really loud out about it and I was really embarassed.

    I got kind of flustered by the way he was acting and was totally thrown off i didn't know what to say and I honestly had to go to my car and have beer because everything felt really tense. The rest of the night he didn't talk to me. Has anyone here ever had something like this happen to them?, i feel all strange now the way he acted, especially because I liked him and he's helped me out a lot since I've been working there. He even got the cops to leave me alone when they were trying to search my car and I had open containers.

  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    jesus wept

    lol k, whatever man
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You should have the integrity to realize that you shouldn't watch anyones kids but your own and turn the opportunity down next time. 40 bucks and a beer or not.

    Also, Hellraiser, huh?…
    Why though? I wasn't working and my daughter was with her mother.. There is no reason why I can't be a positive influence on other kids.
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Even the American Sniper would call you a fucking faggot for taking this so seriously you fucking faggot.

    lol i was actually about to say that. well played sir, well played.

  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    They used to have great warrior cultures. Ghengiz Khan. The Samurai. Ninjas. All the old school martial arts, really. They invented gunpowder and had Kamikazee killers in WWII. Vietnam gave a whole generation of your people PTSD. I dunno, they are pretty badass.

    Yeah but they don't have chest hair.
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^you sound like a cuck
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Go to Nagasaki and take a Geiger counter. Go measure if it was a hoax or not, we have the technology.

    It was a hoax go study it up. Have you ever gone to nagasaki with a geiger counter? I don't think so. Something radioactive may have happened, but its not like the narrative that you believe.

    There was war there, but it was more guerrilla/gang fallout3 on pc war tactics than anything. You're really ignorant.

    by the way jfk never died from a gun shot wound

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