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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Probably but pulp fiction is a great movie, made assfucking classy and artistic. It just wasn't some trash ass ho, no you CARED about who's ass was getting fucked and who was fucking it and I think we can go back to a time like that

    Dude I admit that is a great scene, i fucking love the song that goes with it, im thinking about playing it over the pa at work and start ironically humping the lone black guy that works there.. it may not turn out well considering he didn't the doug stanhope show I played about black cocks and being a faggot.

    by the way this a good scene
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^this, I say go big or go nothing, You're forgetting the next biggest democratic jedi ran radio show coast to coast AM, people troll that show all day and every day, tin foil cat hats and everything.

    I used to listen to it on youtube, and posted many comments about how they advertise "" which is basically a ""

    By the way scronaldo my cat just said he's going to vote for you, but his breath kinda stinks when he said it. =/
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    You shouldn't be wearing a trenchcoat, instead wear a cowboy hat and spurs. If you want to meet a naive entitled skank, just sit next to her 2 classes in a row, make small talk and speak up confidently in class about something. If you challenge a professor it makes them moist. You should have taken intro to religious studies. I'm currently posting from a third year stats course on a crackbook and it's boring as fuck. I wouldn't even go to class unless the focal point is talking to slutz. I've got a third year elective class about Canuckistan that's easy as fuck, I was going to try to get with this tall dark haired bitch faced girl who idolizes William Lyon Mackenzie King but she saw me with my GF outside of school last week. I trolled a native football player during a debate by saying my family has personally suffered more handship from the British Monarchy than his has. He sounded like he was about to cry going on about how his "voice isn't being heard" and I almost said "that's because most people don't know savages can talk."

    tl dr: use electives to exploit emotionally weak people: girls who lack confidence and guys who lack intelligence

    this is actually good advice
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Well a white woman sliced up a lot of niggers and gooks in Kill Bill

    Yeah, you're either stupid or a cuck or maybe both, the key fact is it was a "woman" that did it for "girl power" go back to your candy ass candy land blue narrative you fucking jesus christ loving faggot.

    Just look at how jediey and woman like how he acts, its no surprise that his latest movie was produced by the jedi's the "weinsteins" Just study it up. I liked his older stuff and my dad and I bonded over his films, but I hate to say it, he's part of the reason of the downfall of america , he's even a supporter of bernie "cuckhold" sanders.

  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    If thats a vertical foregrip then its put wayyy too forward for any reasonable use plus its fucking massive since you still have like 4 fingers worth of space on it. In any regard it looks like a bipod and is placed like a bipod so I am going to believe its a bipod rather than a grip which should be somewhere in the middle/nearer the mag. In any regard my edit is still correct. Your stance is shit, your shirt is unbuttoned and un tucked leaving the ability for hot rounds to slip down your undershirt, your hair is going to get in the way, your shoes are shit for anything other than going to the mall, your pants will distract any male partners in combat getting them killed you have random cords laying around, your grip on the handle is shit and your grip on what you claim is a foregrip is way too forward to be useful while shooting and you are a fucking midget.

    I guess your friend doesnt know how or where to correctly attach a foregrip (which is extremely bulky for a normal one) which makes him the dumbass. And that definitly was not the main issue. The main issue are hair, shirt, shoes and pants in that order. The retardation with the bipod you claim to be a foregrip is easily circumvented by just holding it like normal which you can do since the bipod is way too forward.

    shut up before I pistol whip your bitchass and then put my penis in your mouth.

    anyways.,, heres another hoax thats been implicated to take away our guns

    lol at the sam hyde looking mother fucker who "wept for 20 minutes" at 3;55
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    isn't a cuck someone who lets u fuck their wife?

    it has slightly more meaning than that, just like how faggot means more than the literal meaning of being a homo-sexual.

    [FONT=Source Sans Pro][SIZE=16px]Faggot > An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Source Sans Pro][SIZE=16px]cuckold[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Source Sans Pro][SIZE=16px]A person (formerly only a man, but now one of either gender) who is the spouse of an adulterer.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Source Sans Pro][SIZE=16px]During the Clinton Administration, Hillary Rodham Clinton was sometimes sarcastically referred to as "The First Cuckold."[/SIZE][/FONT]

    This is part of a juden conspiracy, Robert Rodriguez is in on it too, just look at his "girl power" movie "death proof" is a huuuuuge cuck, just ask anyone here in Austin, TX.

  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Get a shitty retail job. That will fund all of your drugs + gasoline. I don't know why you think finding a job is so difficult. If you can't make it happen in your best clothes and groomed adequately you probably qualify the employer for a tax credit, so you should be able to pull this off.

    Thats terrible advice, retail is full of old women and people children. Get a job at a restaurant, I get free hydrocodone and adderall (my co-worker actually gave me acid a couple weeks ago), in fact its our goal for sxsw to stock pile drugs that we all split during the shift. plus you get cash daily for tips.

    retail is for faggots, just sayin..
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    chris hansen is the biggest normie on this website, the fact he he even used the word normie is cringey .
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^oh okay, well i guess that explains it. thanks for actually contributing to a thread unlike the rest of the nutter butters
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    What a faggot ass facial tat, does he not know that's a puerto rican thing?

    lol plenty of americans and mexicans do that you dipshit, nice try being a faggot
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Posting in a faggo thread
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    faggot1 an faggot2^^^^
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    and "cuck" to the list of buzzwords Bill Krozby uses without knowing what they mean

    you sound pretty frothy brah,(you guys are now entering the cuck zone, now moderated by Bill Krozby and partially lanny, please stand bye)
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    How come you edited your post and changed the things you watched as you were eating the pizza? Do you just tell stories that are maybe generally true and then lie about all the little details? I like ya Dougie but that seems to be sort of a recurring theme with you.

    Yeah, i don't know what your'e talking about. Anyways, yeah it can kind of be a chore, but I feel good doing it.

  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    He's made a couple movies about where white people go down, "inglorious bastards" nazis getting killed by jedibags. "dajango" black ppl killing white people.

    If he was really edgy he'd make a movie about a whiteman being enslaved by black people, and he shoots all the blacks and jedis. But thats' not going to happen.

    Tarantino even had an assfucking scene where a black man is fucked up the ass by the white man. Its kind of bull shit.

    Hey theres not much I can do here, most of you have low iq's throw logic out the window because it some how makes since to you how so. You've been dumbed. down, the most of you.

    They don't call it hollyweird for nothing. Lanny is the hugest cuck on this website.

    dont even start me on gun control
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    But why though? are people from america genetically inferior apes? or is it a cultural thing???
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    my dad used to live in tokyo in the 70's and he said they are all kinda like that except for the old ppl are pissed about the fake hoax atom bomb dropped on them.

  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Whats lacking about this site is that we have a lot less music discussion. At least and sploo make originals.
    Lanny and I had a couple good threads going on, on rdfrn, so I want to see what we can get going here. wow that rhymed I'm like a rapper tonight...

  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    When I was 16, (woooow I"m old!) my first girl friend and I were very hip kids that liked devo, and we went to a show at emos downtown, we smoked pot in the alley ways before going after my parents dropped us off (things are very different now and as an adult I wouldn't do that stuff) but anyways, we went to see this electronic show that had bands that were heavily influenced by devo. I even got a cd from one of the guys of the zom zoms, i was so stoned and I think that even at 16 I kinda freaked the guy out because i was so nervous and awkward.. he showed me his "devo" tattoo and said "i hope you enjoy the cd....." it was autism all around.

    we also saw a band called mission giant that was pretty cool from denton texas, all keyboards. very edgy

    there was also another band called yip yip,. they dressed like aliens for the show and played some crazy shit


    My parents ent up cutting the show short, as the zom zoms the headliner barely played 2 songs. They made us leave the club immediately, they called my girlfriend on her cellphone, (i didn't have one because kids having cellphones was still fairly taboo at the time)

    figured at least roshambo might appreciate what devo copy cats were doing a decade ago.
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