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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump

    haha i cackled

    where it looks like a ducks ass, like the tail feathers sticking up

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-05T16:53:10.048366+00:00
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny Taken! Gonna have to dust off my wallet, that thing hasn't seen use in a while.

    lol remember that time I made a bet with that mitt romney was going to win or obongo was going to have a third term haha
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Well man I'm probably not the best person to give you advice on school as I'm just now realizing I need to go back to school lol.

    Are you suggesting that by switching schools the workload towards an engineering degree would be less? Cause I figure regardless what school It would probably be about the same.

    Or are you wanting to go to a different school where they have a completely different program that has nothing to do with engineering?

    I dunno how long you got on finishing your engineering stuff but It might be worth it to stick it out even if you are "mid-level"
    You seem like you're in good shape and after you're done with school you will have more time freed up for physical fitness.

    My dad was a manager of a design team for AMD for 25 years and then even got his own subcontract company out of it, and he would hire people that went to certain schools in california (not sure what schools)
    But as far as Texan school, he would only hire people from UT austin and Rice in Houston. (jerome goes to rice, its one of the best engineering schools)
    So I just wouldn't want you to sell yourself short if engineering is your thing.

    My dad and his co-workers all were really successful and had their shit together but seemed like they still had time to do fun stuff after they landed that job.

    I wish I could of been an engineer but I am smacktarded at math, like seriously.
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Since I got stupid drunk Friday and I've been cutting back drinking I didn't drink all day Saturday and it eventually became early Sunday morning. I get hit up by the girl I hit up on tinder a few days ago and shes like "hey whats up, what are you doing" and I just tell her I'm just hangin and she asks if I want to come over. So I'm guessing she basically wants some fat cock in her hole since its 2:30 am.

    She tells me she has some wine and some brews and I say cool I'll head over in a sec. And she tells me "she's nervous" and I tell her "dont be im a cool guy, I have a cat" just to be funny and lighten the mood. So I get there and we go in and I sit on the couch and she sits in a chair and she's drinking wine and over the course of an hour or so I dunno have 3 120z cans of lonestar which isn't a lot for any guy , so I'm just being chill and normal and not acting like a dick like I do sometimes.

    And she's plays a few records what not.. and she tells me how she just moved here and works at the heart hospital as a nurse. Which is a really nice hospital in my neighborhood. I tell her how I'm looking into going back to school to maybe be a nurse or just something in the medical field because I used to be a nursing asst at a hospital when I was younger. And she digs that and we are just talking about places we've traveled too and bands we've seen and what not. And I'm making jokes and making her laugh because I'm a charming strapping young lad In the prime of my life.

    And out of nowhere, she says "Doug I want to ask you something." And I say "sure..."
    And she ask "Are you a feminist?"
    And I say "uh I dunno..." (I saw this coming a mile away before I even got to her place because of how she looks in her pictures and with the social climate, in the jedi media) (she looks extremely jedi, but had a nice ass and tits the kind I like)
    And she's like "what do you mean you don't know?"
    And I said well what do you mean by "feminist" (totally playing dumb and just trying to avoid the question because I didnt come here to talk about this)

    And I can tell she's a little annoyed that I didn't just say yes I was but she's trying to be chill because I'm being cool as a cucumber because my pussy game is top tier at that moment and she didn't invite me over to not get dick lol

    But somehow she ties her gender rant into how minorities have gone through so much and it's just important that, me as a white male am a feminist and put those people before me.
    I tell her how I'm not white, my moms hispanic so I'm a minority.. And she basically says well but in the eyes of society you are white. LOL

    So again she ask me are you a feminist. And I just say "uh yeah sure.." all with no conviction just like I'm trying to blow the whole thing off.
    And she says Doug I like you and if you're really a feminist I want to be a proud one. She tells me that telling a girl that you're a feminist is a panty dropper. (so she's basically using sex to push her agenda which is pretty fucked up if you ask me m8, if anything thats not a panty dropper and makes you cuck)

    I casually mention how it was a loaded question that she sprung out of nowhere. (it wasn't out of nowhere for me, I saw it coming cuz I iz smart)

    And I just get all silent and now this entire "date" has turned awkward.. because of her.

    Basically she apologizes and tells me she's just crazy and she's been enjoying hanging with me. She gets up and goes to the and straddles and starts making out with me and she ask if I want to go to her bed. I end up fucking her silly there blood all over here and ball juice all over her and we are sweaty and it smells like ass. She instantly goes to sleep. And at this point its like maybe 4:30 or 5 in the morning And I so don't want to drive home on the highway at this time being the only car on the road so I figure I'll just nap with her for a couple hours til the sun comes up then leave.

    I go wash my hands and notice she has a bottle of vicodin by the sink, so I pop one cause I'm going to have a hard time laying still in a strangers house for a couple hours in the dark.

    So the son comes up and I figure instead of waking her up and telling her I'm leaving I'll wake her up by fucking her so I start playing with her pussy and she likes it but pushes my hand away, but not very hard.. So I get on top of her and start fucking her and she's enjoying it and embracing my tightly and moaning like a lil whore. But at some point she shoves me in the chest, so I get off and I'm like are you alright?

    And she puts a pillow over her face but still her pussy is exposed, and she says yes. And I tell her I'm going to use the bathroom, I come back out and start putting on my clothes because she's putting me in a weird spot, like I don't know what the deal is, she's not telling me to get out, but she's definitely pouting as some kind of manipulation tactic.

    I tell her thanks for inviting me, later doll. And that was that.

    But the moral of the story is, I can understand why girls want equality but fundamentally they are different than guys. But a lot of young 3rd wavve feminist (she was 25) don't want a guy that stands up for himself in a respectful dignified manner, they basically want a cuck/chick with a dick who will pander to their mental disorders (i'd be willing to bet she takes a heavy dose of lithium every morning)

    You can be respectful to a lady, but to for a guy and girl thing to work in the natural a guy has to lead because guys are leaders and real women at their core want to be lead.

    And not that that doesn't mean you can't chase them to an extent, women looooove to be chased, (running up their stairs after them to the bedroom pinching their behind) so when they wake up with you in the morning they don't feel like whores and they say something, "ohhh Bill Krozbyler, you were quite wild cat last night! teehee!" as she playfully slap your manly chest.

    Buuuut noooo, I was shoved in the chest and saw a temper tantrum from a child, and now instead of her being a happy slut, I'm now "a dick" and she's one lonely depressed ho


    [oh yeah one side note that I forgot to mention that was fucking hilarious, when I was fucking her I thought about her calling me a white male, and I thought of aids skrillex and started laughing, and she was like why are you laughing? and I was like don't worry about it lol]

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-05T17:19:22.164419+00:00
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol, i'm not trippin I would have said the same thing. privacy cunt is just mad that when she came to texas for thanksgiving she said she would meet up with me and fuck me if I bought her 50 dollars worth of panties and I told her she's not worth that
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Dargo What absolute faggot wears skinny jeans?

    cowboys and rockstars do
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    i wear skinny jeans and they look good on me
    chicks check out my bulge all the time
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^he's not bosnian he's german
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by TreyGowdy Jeb's wife and kids are all getting deported.

    they already live in mexico you derpadew
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^arrrr me buccaneer
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by infinityshock I literally didn't read a single word of that asperger-induced gibbering from your syphilis-addled brain.

    but…lesbos are the way they are because the base instinct of a woman is to mate. when she consciously and/or subconsciously realizes no decent mate considers her acceptable she undergoes a neurological short-circuit which causes the self destructive behavior as a protective measure for society as a whole. the behavior is intended to be repellent to the 'herd' to prevent transference of defective hereditary material.

    is that why ur a gay?
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump i'se da by'e da bulid da boat, not.. ur's da by's dat sails er!, ow she gettin on dere cocky??. Band tis not irish by' it a Canadian folk music. I just dies at u, Bill Krozby. Lard tunderin' ders more slang in nfld den der is icecaps on da water!.

    We gotta keep the lingo bye's, shes easy to loose out here. I'm Gone right out of 'er!

    I know they are canadian but they are influenced by irish folk, matey!

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-05T02:51:37.280696+00:00
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    i have to wash my dick because i have a piece of foreskin thats still their where jizz can get under and smell bad.

    its basically a second dickhole that serves no purpose except for making my long schlong curve to the left, i could put a piercing in it, but I'm not like that
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ I smoked MDMA with Ross Perot's entire family.

    Originally posted by snab_snib meeting jeb bush isn't much of an accomplishement. he'd probably come hang out with you if you sent him an email.

    i never said it was an accomplishment, he's just a nice guy with a positive attitude, mmmmk?
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^don't think so bro
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR This made me laugh harder than anything else this year.

    i fucking hate lady gaga, like why do people like her? plus she doesn't even put out new music. I will watch the video because bill burr is cool though

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-05T02:05:31.525357+00:00
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon The Patriots will win because Bill Belichick is a God and Tom Brady is an unstoppable QB

    the nfl is a rigged hoax, don't believe everything you see on tv
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by reject It's because they want to be a man so feel they have to act "aggressive" like they think all men are.

    I've only known 2 openly lesbian chicks I think, that I remember anyway. One is like you describe, the other was chill and skinny and I used to drink wine with her after work

    Probably right, I don't even know why I made this thread just my co-worker always pointing out the most "manly" girls. And like of course you see lesbo all over these days but when i was at that bar that it was crazy to have these girls even shorter and skinnier than me looks like "fuckin' nerd, I'm gonna take ur date, nerd!" lol it was weird

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-05T01:32:24.157348+00:00
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