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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^well yeah of course women all are like that to an extent but specifically lesbians can't/ won't even try to be civil especially when their in packs.

    like on the bus one time, this lesbian kept turning and looking at me and I would look back at her, then turn my head back, but she kept doing it so naturally i would look back then she started screaming "what the fuck are you looking at??!" making a scene, and I was like "you, you're the one that keeps looking at me.."

    And normal girls don't try to muscle up on you or get in your face like that, not to me anyways.
  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    And of course not all of them are, but the ones around here are so rude to guys just being guys. Like I don't have this issue with normal girls. Like I either get a reaction from them like I'm gawking at them/ hitting on them and I'm so not because I'm not one of those guys into lesbo chicks (my manager, every girl he likes and his wife are totally butch.

    That or i get them trying to muscle up on me because I'm skinny and they think they can take me, which they can't

    Awhile back I went to my neighborhood coffee shop and this girl was like "hey doug!" and i was like 'whaaa?" and evidently it was a girl I used to play house with back when I was 5 or 6 and she looked totally different all tatted up, chunky, duck ass hair cut and we spoke briefly and she told me her mom had died and stuff and just some small talk and I was like okay later.

    Then a week or so later I go back to the coffee shop and she's there with her lesbo friends and Im walking buy there table and I say "hey whats up katherine and she turns to me and in an obnoxious voice shouts "i eat ur mom errrr night fly boi!" and then all the girls with her start laughing at me and the whole coffee shop was looking at me like wtf.. and i was so caught off gaurd.. I was just like "haha okay katherine, whatever and got in line to get my coffee.

    And another time I was downtown drinking with this girl I met online and we were going from bar to bar and we went into this bar I'd never been into and I don't know if it was a lesbo bar or lesbo night or what, but I was basically one of the only guys there and the rest of the girls were full of tattoos, had rolled up sleeves with cigarrettes in them like their james dean / billy badass basically muscling up to me and some of these girls are like 5 feet tall and 120lbs with duckass haircuts

    and my neighbors are lesbos and the pretty one is nice to me but the other girl is very butch, shaved head has all these punk rawk patches sown in her clothes but she acts like she's afraid of me or something, I was walking to the store the other day and saw her, and was like hey whats up from the other side of the street and she just stared straight ahead and kept walking

    but what I guess I'm getting at is so many of them seem like they try so hard to be edgy and in your face.
    my friend in the next building he has a sister and I met her online (didn't even know he had a sister and that this girl even lived in that same building has him) and she invited me over to her place and *i was drunk* to come drink with her and she acted really sweet to me and looked average but her brother saw me smoking a cig with her and ent up cock blocking so i just left.

    But she hit me up the next day and asked me to come over and I did when I got off work and she was like shit faced and we were making out and she bit me so hard on my lip that i started bleeding and i was like hey what the fuck man? and she called me a wimp and she also has all these lesbo friends, but she still likes guys i guess. And the only reason why I've dealt with her after that incident was for drugs but she's just like so in your face and I would fuck her for drugs and one time i was like fuck this and didnt have sex with her and she got really pissed like she was wanted to fight. And if I wasn't on probation right now for assaulting a lady i would totaly put my hands on her and throw it outside. '

    They are always in ur face, i don't have this problem with other girls and not even with aggro dudes.
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Patriots owner, coach and top player is all friends with President Big Donny.
    Mike Pence will be at the game
    Globalist half time show

    "Tom Brady"


    This sporting event is globalists vs free men

    Also I was gonna put money on patriots but I think I might do falcons now

    I hope it goes down like this

    the patriots will win because they are the chosen ones and it is rigged.
    and i just looked up whos playing the half time show... surprise surprise the queen of illuminati pop lady gagher
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Lanny You guys are actually arguing over whose asinine right wing talking head media personality is better. Kill yourself niggers.

    are you okay dude?
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Track pants, stop snitching shirt and a sideways driver cap with a trenchcoat is my daily wear. And a big ass chain, and patches on the trenchcoat.

    dude that sounds pimp as a fuck, you got style brah
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^no, and I never met jeb bush but one of his younger cousins darin bush
    a friend took me over to his house to smoke meth
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^that band rocks, irish folk music for the win fam!

  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I've never been to a strip club, but I do go to a gentlemans club that is a spa, where they give you massages and beard trims and we smoke corn cob pipes in the sauna discussing manly things. like cars, cleaning fish, and investing in mutual funds
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    It just kind of sucks that every time we moved we lost so many people. Despite my drunken frothyness at times, I actually like everyone here. (except enter cause he's a lamer) But we kinda did it to ourselves not that the mods weren't usually fags. But a level of shit poasting is to be expected.

    Like take a guy like Iron john, sure he's a very compulsive guy, but he at least made coherent post that related to the subect. And the dude was actually right about a lot of things. It personally took me a while to get it, sure I was like haha yeaah jedis fuck them.. but seriously the more you look into it and listen to interviews from actual jedis on how they view their own plight, they kinda are out for themselves more than other religions. If you even look into their scriptures, they have numerous clauses that state they never have to honor a deal with gentile. And they definitely will put you threw a lot to be a zionist. They aren't as in your face as muslims or christians, but they are definitely more insidious because they are less wholesome and more concerned with currency, and those two things play off eachother.

  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    OOOOOH bill the cat, he is the living end!
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^u should take some more fake acid^
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by snab_snib yes, i recognize that you are speaking in good faith.

    i do not believe that captain falcon either actually trying, nor speaking in good faith.

    you don't have to suck milos dick to take what he says and does at face value, for what it's worth. or to appreciate his droll antics and clever socializing. or to recognize that he's a cultural asset, even though he's not literally hitler. and he makes money doing it! yeah screw that guy, he should be broke or something rather than making a living fucking with liberals! he might be active and successful in bringing right wing values to discussion in left wing hives and enraging them greatly(in fact possibly more than fucking anyone else, but that's not enough to be called a right wing activist. he's not hitlerally litler enough. for what i don't know. telling college kids that feminism is stupid and that republicans don't want to gas kikes, i guess.

    i just hope i don't get kicked out of the nazi club now.

    No yeah i gotcha, I'm just saying look a lil further than milo if you want to learn about things with out all the filler, like steve quayle or doug hagman.

    I hope things are different in a good way for everyone, personally I was raised conservative and so I guess to an extent I adopted there views, but now what I have been away from them for so long, the clintons, the bushes, the obongos were total pieces of shit and I hope that donald trump doesn't fall into that, but what makes him stand out isn't nessecarily himself but the smaller guys they laid the ground work for this to happen over the last ten years.

    Just like there was obama, bernie, clinton tards, theres definitely trump tards, and he could very easily stick his foot in his mouth, but to a degree there is something different about him that he's at least moving quick lol for better or worse.

    A lot of people worry about the wrong things that will always stay the same, we aren't going to be brought to a jesus state anymore than it already is, and blacks will always get shot, and gay people are always gonna be gay, and people will always abort babies.

    sure it might suck to be black or gay or a woman but in the end thats all secondary towards putting food in your mouth and having a jerb.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-04T08:58:07.761407+00:00
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    look to someone breitbart, started the huffington post but then left it because it was getting too saturated with liberalism and did his own thing, the guy is one of the most real journalist (and was even a hacker) but was able to back up himself up and protect HIMSELF because he was a student in law. He did almost everything himself and laid out the blue prints for guys like milo

    he even made anthony weiner apologize to him on air, and was hip to pizza gate almost 5 years ago.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-04T08:40:31.155413+00:00

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-04T08:41:23.210637+00:00
  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by snab_snib ah yes, wait for hitler.

    god damnit, why aren't things like my perfect idealized fantasy?

    milo is a greek! no wait, he's a jedi! no wait, i'm a jedi!

    jesus christ man, all that typing to say… nothing.

    you called me gay and said that milo is taking advantage of me because… actually i don't know why. because i don't like the people protesting him i guess?

    are you antifa? is that what's going on here? or just one of those radical centrist types who are too cool to have ideas which aren't just a formulaic rhetoric of neutralizing anyones intent?

    are you actually seriously acting all upset that someone who is the opposite of a right wing ideal is upholding right wing values in left wing hives and creating left wing butthurt?

    you're just not smart, man. think before you speak.

    sure it captain towelhead was hitting you with low blows, but you should probably listen to me and not get so offended by him. I'm actually trying to point you in the right direction instead of raghead on you lol
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    oh yeah and fag hags like him a lot

  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon He's not great at debating at all. He's better at debating than the lefties mongoloids he usually faces. But someone who has actually debated at all would rek him. He does a great job as far as appealing to his base goes though, but he's pretty poor at actually arguing a point.

    The tipping point for me was his appearances on Joe Rogan's podcasts; the guy "oh no they don't REALLY think that [I'm soooo gay m i rite?]"s his way past literally every time someone disputes him. He never addresses criticism. While this further endears him to the king of people already looking to sort him, he just looks like a retard to someone who applies basic critical thinking to his dumb bullshit.

    You're a retard if you think it doesn't. You do the focus on the details enough, which is why you're so gullible; you think in broad strokes of convenient affirmation, so you're incapable of reading between the lines.

    Milo is another jedi and jedi backed method of control over mass opinion. He claims to be a gay Christian who thinks gays are wrong and not a real thing. With such an absurd contradiction of a public figure, they have managed to win over even the KKK types in modern society.

    This whole persona is tailored to take advantage of dumbassez like you. If Milo was a normal put together straight white dude spouting off about how Islam should be purged from the earth, gays aren't "real" and how immigration into Europe will lead to the fall of the western world, nobody would listen to him. But he's gay so he can't be homophobic. And he likes teh nigger/sandnigger dick so he can't be racist. And he's Christian so he's on our side, not one of those filthy atheists who get called Islamophobes (god, that term is shit), and definitely not a Zionist. And he's of jedi descent so he can't be anti-Semitic.

    And you people slurp that jedi cum like a thirsty camel.

    He's a great debater compared to who he's matched up against is what I meant, he's got his steady stream of facts and arguments lined up and he looks good to young americans because of his gayness.

    Just look at him on tucker carlson last night, he's such a dandy and he will suck whatever dick he has too to get people to side with him.

    and by the way him calling donald trump "daddy donald" is pretty fucking gross

    i think we can all agree, he's appropriate for the mainstream at this time and he did his job by both appealing and repulsing college kids , he won't be around much longer
    (he basically looks like he's about to suck off tucker carlson, who's a pretty gross guy in his own right)

  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^protest what? And yes I'd listen to him too. And hell I might even read his book just to confirm the writing style I'm pretty sure that is in it. It's going to be like reading 50 shades of grey.

    He has his points and he spits it out quick, he's very base.
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by snab_snib no… they are not comparable in quality, in character, or intent.

    i'm not a fan of milo just because i don't appreciate media and personalities in general, and certainly don't care to listen to some homo talk, even if happen to agree to them. but milo is head and shoulders above sarah silverman in morality, manners, and intelligence.

    You're completely missing captain fag and I's point bud. And sure I'll give you that milo is more intelligent than silverman (conservatives tend to be more logical and concise, than libs) but hey both wrap themselves in frivolous nonsense to prove a point, they appeal to the lowest common denominator of each side.
  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by snab_snib comparing milo to sarah silverman is insulting. they're not comparable.

    yes they are. they both pander each side of the coin that shares similar liberal characteristics. and they both resonate with younger people.. they're both sensationalist, they fit in with the joe rogans (friend of the jediess silverman) and the alex jones and (the young terds)

    I can tell you have very little understanding of pop culture, hollywood, and how it all ties into politics. And I take back calling you stupid for that, that means you're just some what ignorant. Just study it out a lil more man. You will see how it falls into place

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-04T08:11:01.251335+00:00
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by snab_snib you're a retard if you think that matters.

    you seem to have a big issue with focusing on trivia and completely irrelevant aspects of things.

    what milo believes in the secrecy of his own heart only god can know. it's not important for the discussion at hand.

    lol ur stupid

    milo is the rights version of say... the other horse face jedi, sarah silverman. they are both extremely trashy, milo has to mention in every interview or tv appearance about having sex with black guys and those are basically his credentials to back up his debate.

    captain faggot has a point

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-02-04T08:06:17.370832+00:00
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