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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by fag While I agree that spankings are sometimes ok the science doesn't back it up, , spanking doesn't really teach kids anything you have to actually set a good example for them to follow.

    "The more they were spanked, the more likely they were to exhibit anti-social behavior and to experience mental health problems. They were also more likely to support physical punishment for their own children, which highlights one of the key ways that attitudes toward physical punishment are passed from generation to generation."

    lol i wouldn't take a study seriously from kids at UT, those guys are the biggest pussys
    and talk out of their asses. I know one of the professors at UT and he can be interesting to talk to, but he has huuuuuuge leftist views and strong opinions on anyone that isn't a liberal

    UT students tagged and vandalized their own school they paid to go to a few months ago over the elections.

  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Even funnier??

    lol im gonna guess europe but I can't tell for sure
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I just spilled some grape juice on my whyte wife beater
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist if someone says something then its a word.


    just like derpadew and gonts, but some people will disagree
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Some women are really ungrateful and prey on guys hoping they will simp out.

    I met with this girl once and she came to my place, and I smoked some of my weed with her, she wouldn't let me fuck her because I didn't have any condoms so she just sucked my dick, but she was so awkward and wouldn't look me in the face because she was insecure or something.

    A few days later she asked me if I could get some weed from my guy and sell it to her, so I bought a sac for each of us. I agreed to do it, got the stuff she cameover and I was loading a bowl and she refused to smoke with me because (she had to drive later) lol whut?

    Anyways a couple days after that she gets out of school and comes by and picks me up and takes me to her place (I didn't have a car at the time) and she offers me some brews and she bust out the sack of weed and none of it is smoked, whatever.. she hands me the sac and her pipe and I load it she takes one hit and quits and tells me I can keep smoking so I do.

    I end up asking her If I could fuck her up the ass and she agrees but she makes me put on a condom which fucking sucks, and I can't feel anything so I start power fucking her ass and its just not working for me and I pull out and take the condom off, she's bleeding everywhere, but she's not complaining, she goes and cleans up and when she comes back she gets on the bed and says "okay well now I want you to do something for me, I want you to eat me out"

    and I say "aaahhh sorry I don't do that with girls I don't know well" and she gets visibly upset and calls her roomie (some dude) to drive me back home and that was it.
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    lol heres the guy

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-05-17T20:40:40.119973+00:00
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 good move!

    its not even that I'm cheap or stingy or anything like that, but some girls I find out weren't even worth the trouble putting pants on and setting aside time to meet with them.

    I saw a girl for quite awhile as my side chick after I got out of jail a few years ago and she said she was down to come to my place and hang and she was straight up and asked if I could get us a bottle of wine, and I was like "yeah sure" you know because I love to drink wine and I'd do that regardless whether she was coming or not. She cameover I poured some wine and before I barely finish half a glass she was all over me, plus she brought good bud over all the time so it just worked out
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by reject Jk they pay for you anyway, cuck

    I don't see how that would make me a cuck, not that I always have girls buying me stuff.

    But one time this chick I was talking to online, kept throwing into the text conversation that when we meet up that we are not going to have sex the first time we hang, she just kept bringing it up... and it was getting kind of annoying because I never once mentioned anything about sex, I ent up telling her that I was tired and was just going to hang by myself because evidently both of us didn't have cars at the we lived opposite sides of town, and plus her being weird about constantly saying we aren't going to have sex.

    she begged to comeover and took a cab over, we were watching some horror movie and she kept going on about how she didn't get it... when there wasn't anything to really get it was friday the 13th or something. Mid way through the movie she got up and changed it and I just told her this really isn't working out and she should probably head out.

    She got really strange and started asking me why she had to go, and that she wanted to have sex with me.. so I had sex with her and afterwards she asked for money to take a cab home and I told her no way. And she started getting crazy and said that she could call the cops and I asked for what? she ent up getting a friend to pick her up that was there like in 5 minutes so she never even needed money anyways plus she had a job.

    like 9 months later she hits me up online again and I didn't know it was her at first and she was like "oooh yeah you don't remember me? we fucked at your place and you were a douchebag, if you want to make it up to me you can take me out to see a movie"

    I told her to get wreckt
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 He's pointing out that a date isn't a gift to women. Maybe we should all just make Dutch Dating a rule from now on. And if it ends up with sex, that too is bi-consentual.

    Maybe he didn't want to be an accomplice to a violation of theater codes. Which could fall into a disturbing the peace and possible jail time.

    Old school is out for good.

    I always go dutch on first dates, unless like at a bar since I like to drink a lot and don't want to drink alone I might get her another beer on top of what shes already drank that she paid for.

    except now that I think about it I actually did buy that "cartoon cute" girl cheezecake a couple weeks ago but that was are agreement from the getco that she would let me fuck her if I bought her cheezecake.

    I've been seeing this new girl for the last few weeks and we met up for coffee the first time we ever hung and I got there before her and bought my coffee and when she met me at the table outside I told her to go get herself something.

    the girl that I used to see from DC she would take me out rollerskating because it was something she wanted to do that wasn't really my thing, and I paid for her to go see the band failure with me, and other times we just paid for ourselves, but I already new her for awhile just netflix and chilling before we ever went and did anything together.

    I typically like to do something small on a first date like coffee or getting some drinks (or just hang my place and talk and pet my cat), rather than going out to dinner and a movie because what If I don't like the girl and want to make an easy exit like "oooh okay well finished my coffee, cya i gotta get up early." instead of having to sit through a movie and dinner with someone I don't like.
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    Brandon Vezmar, 37, from Austin, Texas, sued his date last Thursday for $17.31 because she was texting during a movie. The specific amount, according to Vezmar, is to compensate for the cost of the movie ticket to the 3-D showing of 'Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2. Vezmar said his date's texting was a 'direct violation' of the policy at the theater and that his experience was 'adversely' affected by it

    In his petition, Vezmar got into the minutiae of his date's texting habits during Guardian of the Galaxy. She 'activated her phone at least 10-20 times in 15 minutes to read and send text messages,' he claimed, adding that it was a 'direct violation' of the policy at the theater and that his experience was 'adversely' affected by it. Vezmar says that he asked his date to stop texting, and then suggested she go outside if she was going to continue to do it. She then left the theater and drove away, which Vezmar says left him without a ride.

    Vezmar's date, who is not named, first found out about the suit when the Austin American-Statesman called her on Tuesday. She maintained that she was texting a friend who was having a fight with her boyfriend.

    'I had my phone low and I wasn't bothering anybody. It wasn't like constant texting,' she said.

    When Vezmar texted her afterwards and asked that she pay him back for the movie ticket and pizza, she refused. She cited her reasoning as: 'he took me out on a date.' She said she is also going to file a protective order against Vezmar because he allegedly tried to contact her little sister for the money he felt he was owed.

  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by mmQ I wonder who decided the butt was the best place for a spank. Wuts spank even mean? Does a spank need a butt ? Instead of smacking their rear end spanking should've been deemed as conking your child over the head with a rubber mallet.

    the word spank is an onomatopoeia
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I sure as hell did, my dad even fashioned a paddle on his table saw and asked my brother and I to come out to the garage and showed it to us and ominously put it next to our lunch boxes, thats stuck with me for years.
    when I turned 8 on my bday my aunt and my dumbass cousin cameover and he let our dog in the house and he had dirty paws and my mom got really pissed off and told my aunt and cousin to leave and as soon as they left she dragged me to her room and grabbed the paddle, she threw me on the bed and I was freaking out because she was acting crazy and instinctually kicked her in the face and so she turned the paddle sideways like she was going to hit me with the edge instead of the flat part and i rolled out of the way and she hit the mahogany head bored (lol) and put a huge dent in it.

    My daughters mom posted on facebook how she went to kohls department store with my daughter and my daughter was acting up and she wrote on facebook that she didn't spank her because there were too many "whyte people" even though shes whyte. Basically my daughters mom and her mom were arguing about it over facebook despite them both living in the same house...

    I only spanked my daughter once about a year ago inside of heb, she was screaming for no reason and everyone was looking at me and I felt embarassed, I told her to "cool it" but she wouldn't so I grabbed her arm gave her one solid spank to the ass and said "cool it" and she cooled it, didn't even cry or anything, so I see that as fundamentally a good thing, even though it was the least sexiest spanking I've ever had to give.

    My friend and I like to roleplay and last friday my friend was coming to visit me before visiting her parents in dc, she had told me that she was never spanked as a kid, so before she cameover I told her I left the door open and I was taking a shower and to just text when she got here and just come in. She text me so I hid in the bathroom, I waited a couple minutes and walked out of the bathroom wearing dad shoes and she was on her knees in my kitchen wearing a dress petting my cat, I pulled off my belt and grabbed the bottom of her dress and pulled it up to her neck, grabbed her neck and pushed her over with those fleshly hind quarters staring me in the face, and wailed on her ass and she screamed (no daddy no!!!!!) but didn't cry and after I was done she said "RUDE!"

    But the last time I had a proper spanking which im not exactly proud of but it was an interesting experience, like 4 years ago I was seeing this girl and she would comeover to my place and drink, one night we ran out of booze and she told me she had vodka at her place, so we drove to her place and I was so shit faced, she asked me If I'd ever heard of "femdom" and i was like 'ooh no i haven't, whats that?" and she told me she likes to spank guys and if I wanted to try it out so I was down for whatever at that moment, I got undressed and hog tied me up and busted out a paddle like a ping pong paddle and she started tanning my hyde, it actually felt good, maybe because i was drunk but the only part of it that hurt was she spanked my balls because I have low hangers. She took a picture with a polaroid camera of my red ass and put it in a photo album with a bunch of other guys asses that had been tanned.

    So how about you guys, did you ever get spanked?

  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Malice Probably being born. Thank god I can't remember it. Can you imagine how fucked up it would feel if you were fully sentient/self-aware, somehow? You spend 9 months in this pitch black fluid filled womb environment and suddenly you're thrust out into this chaotic world you have no knowledge of and are unable to comprehend.

    Life is not a miracle, it is a horror.

    I remember being born and it wasn't that bad, you're probably just really thin skinned
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Anyone here like planet of the apes? I've seen every single planet of the apes movie, my least favorite one was the one with james franco, the only good thing about that movie was the ceasar wore a sweater and james lithgow petted him. But what about you guys anyone else here like planet of the apes? They got a new one coming out this summer.

    I wouldn't call myself a fan boy, but just over the years I've casually watched them, except for one summer when I was 13 I went to the library and rented all the ones from the 70's so I've just always watched them when they come out in modern days.

    In my opinion its a lot better than starwars, I've never liked star wars for some reason, to much of a fantasy element that didn't float my boat. planet of the apes is a lot more realistic and closer to movies like dawn of the dead, in that it could actually happen in the near future compared to starwars.

    My favorite one was probably conquest of the planet of the apes from the 70's.

  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    And I mean in a terrifyer since, not something where you got busted with weed or got a girl preggers.

    One time about 10 years ago I was in the mental hospital and they gave me klonopin and I went to bed and the klonopin triggered sleep paralysis and I saw 2 dead nurses with their eyes cut out staring at me. I eventually was able to get up and I ran and spoke to the real nurses and they told me it would be alright and gave me a juice box and took me back to bed.

    Another time I was hanging out with a neighbor a couple of years ago and we did a few lines of whyte, his sister came over so we hid everything real quick while she was at the door. She came in and we had a couple of brews and she mentioned that the carnival was in town and asked If i wanted to go with her, i told her yeah sure. I told her to go get my cat and put him in my backpack at my place and while she was doing that I bought 20 dollars of the whyte from her brother. We went to the carnival and ate corn dogs and I gave my cat some as well. We wanted to go on the haunted house ride but it was already closed as we showed up late. I gave her the backpack with my cat and went and did some more coke behind a tent and came back and told her lets just walk in and we did. We sat in the ride and it automatically started up and the cart started moving along the tracks and the "tales from the crypt" music started playing over the speaker, my cat and I were both freaking out and so was she, I didn't know what was going to happen.

    so how about you guys?

  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Malice I actually didn't catch that at first. Well done indeed.

    I'm literally a handholdless 27 year old virgin who has never been in a relationship, and am damn close to being asexual at this point.

    I literally can't answer the test.

  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump You are all so fucking rustled that this dude younger than us all just blew our fucking minds.

    You are all such wheat whytes.

    he didn't blow any minds, he just spewed out a bunch of dribble and made fake quotes he couldn't back up
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yeah I forgot, you'll decompose in some leatherdaddy's basement after one night of cuckoldry sessions go wrong and the gag and cage finally kill you.

    nah im not a fag like you
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