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Posts by Chairman Takeshi Kaga

  1. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
  2. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    E G G

    S A L A D
  3. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse I’ve been trying to not eat any carbs lately it’s harder than you think.. been solid for a week or so now

    Maybe if you're gay
  4. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
  5. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny everyone hates dalits

    Nobody loves mongo^
  6. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
  7. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S how big is yo dik

  8. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Example?

  9. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Average Jane You’re a major butthole.

    No, you missed how nice I am: I asked you for something totally innocuous on purpose because I wanted it to be something totally harmless to post.

    My elbow be looking hella moisturized though.

    It's a good elbow pic.

    It's an even better mugshot.
  10. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nobody likes a dalitt.

    Everybody dislikes a mongo
  11. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut

    (Some intermediate messages not included)

    You're done Average Jane. We can be friends now.
  12. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein ❤️ You’re the bestest

    No, you are! 🫂
  13. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Oh and a link to find ideal dark sky locations:
  14. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein There’s an app ?! And I know the perfect spot .. and I’m excited to see it all .. when I get one I’ll post it

    There are quite a few. I have an Android phone so I use Star Tracker. On ios there are Sky View Lite, Star Walk 3, Star Chart, probably a bunch more.

    Looking forward to your pics!
  15. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    If you go to a nice dark spot, you can see nebulae pretty well. You can actually see the glowing dust clouds in Orion for example
  16. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Saturns rings 😍 I’m saving all that information so I don’t forget .. thank you

    Hope you get one!

    You also probably want to get an app that can spot night objects for you to zoom in on.

    The telescope I linked is a small and portable one but I would really recommend you spend a bit more and get a 5 inch telescope like the Z130 or AWB OneSky anyway.

    That's basically at the point where as an average stargazer you will never need an upgrade other than new eyepieces.

    Whereas smaller telescopes are alright but you might end up wanting a better one anyway.

    For example with a planetary eyepiece, on a smaller telescope you will likely have to use 6mm, which is fine, but if you use 4mm for a closer look then the objects will look somewhat dim. On a 5inch or bigger telescope, 4mm will look great still. But 5 inch is good enough for most viewing.
  17. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny too poor for the first, too illiterated for the second.

    mongo no like^
  18. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I had one before few yrs ago but couldn’t get the trajectory right to see anything I wanted … imma get another one soon

    Get one with a "red dot" aiming attachment, I have a Zhumell Z130 but they have smaller ones available with the dot like this:

    You also want a 6mm planetary eyepiece if you wanna see Jupiter's streaks or really see Saturn's rings
  19. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Whats your favorite intergalactic FUN FACT?

    I was thinking the other day that being an astronomer should be like the easiest job IN THE UNIVERSE because basically you just have to memorize all the stuff we know about the other planets and our sun and then maybe a few more things about the other galaxies and stars and then once you memorize that you don't have to learn anything new you just sit in front of a telescope for 24 hours a day looking around for things. EASIEST JOB EVER.

    One day after alllll the stars are burned out there'll be a super giant power black hole that gets orbited by zillions of other less powerful black holes and it will change the course of history.

  20. Chairman Takeshi Kaga African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Life really is beautiful, it gets crazy .. things are crazy .. but when you’re out and it’s soo many stars And you’re looking up at them with someone who loves gotta admit… life is beautiful and nothing else matters at that moment

    Hey you should look into getting a telescope, it's amazing for if you can go somewhere away from the city at night. They are also fairly easy to use once you do it for like 5 minutes. I have a feeling you'd really be mindblown by seeing nebulae or 4 of the moons of Jupiter or the rings of Saturn with your own eyes.
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