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Posts by Data

  1. Data African Astronaut
    America is the rainbow nation
  2. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Data Literally nobody cares about the Irish. Nobody cares about the UK. Just total nothing nations. Shithole countries.
  3. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra if I get on the bus it won't be an accident and I'll post my PI beforehand

    I dunno about accent, depends on who you ask. I don't seriously say shit like 'crikey' and 'shrimps on the barbie' though

    "Goin to the servo to get some cummo boyo, got a big rubber under the thong and a koala in the back"

    -Actual quote from aldra
  4. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Check for polyps while you're up there girlfriend!

    See? He can't even tell what's going on. He's senile, typing random shit at the library
  5. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump §m£ÂgØL don't you have a degree in biology?

    Cos it sounds like you don't know anything at all about biology.

    Says guy who pays for prostitutes
  6. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready It bothers me when the black man is destroying that asian porn pussy. especially the petite ones. of course even a chinese baby's head is the size of a bowling ball. the vagoo is very flexable. flex cable

  7. Data African Astronaut

    Regularly walks to gas stations

    Hat on but not straight

    Cigarette behind the ear. Always fresh.

    Calls police officers "Sir"

    Tattoo of his baby girl's name. Gets all his tattoos from friends

    First one in his family to both attend and drop out of college

    Natural Ice

    Big dirty truck with no gas

    Worked at a poultry farm
  8. Data African Astronaut
    Goodbye Everyone
  9. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Nobody can win a 6,000-year-old war with microbes. When these clowns say they are going to stop COVID-19, they are flat out lying to you. Coronaviruses can't be stopped; it's physically impossible. You ARE going to get COVID-19 and ALL its variants, eventually. It's not even a matter if, just when.

    "it'll be gone by easter"

    "After the election it'll disappear"

    "Plandemic hoax"
  10. Data African Astronaut
    The video has lyrics in it, semen skin.
  11. Data African Astronaut

    ^^^This is the scientific consensus FYI, aldra.
  12. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost HTS is sick but i'm fine I think I might be a super spreader

    Should've worn a mask.
  13. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra the question in this case is with the 'vaccines' themselves because outside of the ones used exclusively inside China, none of them are 'vaccines' in the traditional sense. the two main types available are essentially experimental vaccine with no long-term or large-scale testing, have exaggerated their effectiveness and are already reporting that the virus has mutated strains that they no longer cover… which is the reason we never bothered trying to make one for the common cold (another coronavirus).

    it begs the question as to why there's such a push for universal vaccination against a virus with such a low mortality rate.

    Seeing patterns where there are none.

    Typical conspiracy theorist/schizophrenic.
  14. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo You seem like the exact kind of bitch who gets pegged by a black dike with short hair.

    Oddly specific, anything to share?
  15. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "Your odds of getting hit by an asteroid is 1 in 250,000. Your odds of dying from Covid are 1 in 380,000. "

    See, focusing on the "dying" thing…again I had the shot to avoid serious or even moderate illness from it…what are the odds of that? quite a bit lower I expect huh?

    Just to bring this up again

    There are like 7 asteroid deaths recorded since the 1700's

    Fucking 7

    I tried to find where SpectraL got that info but I'm pretty sure he just made up a random ass number lol
  16. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra yeah I read that as well, that some genetic components of the COVID are exactly the same as those found in HIV indicating it's likely synthetic but others contested the claim and I don't know enough about genetics to really tell

    You really believe in whatever pop science you read, don't you aldra?
  17. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra the astrozenica vaccine isn't a dead version of the virus, it's a small component taken from COVID genetically attached to a synthetic adenovirus as a delivery system.

    that's actually something I've not found any real information on - all of the COVID vaccines are novel genetic treatments (either through RNA editing or the adenovirus graft mentioned above) EXCEPT for the Chinese vaccines - they're just regular dead trainer viruses like standard vaccines.

    Why is everyone else going so hard on experimental treatments? Do they even work better?

    They don't edit RNA you absolute fucking moron. Holy shit. Stop repeating literal propaganda. It does not 'edit' anything. It is no different than taking MDMA to stimulate a serotonergic response. Only in this instance they are triggering the creation of proteins so that your body can produce an antibody response. It is a chemical reaction. Your genes don't change at any point.

    We have scary science thing drugs for rabies and zika but sure, this is just TOTALLY NEW DNA DRUG
  18. Data African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost the first single be like

    1 2 3 5

    kill da bitch

    fukkcc da bitchh

    kill da bitcch

    fukkccccc da bich

    bich be fucin me

    tryna hussle me

    bich trina fuc me arownd

    get me wonder round town

    say i got u a lic if u meet at the spot

    2 hrs waitin not showd up

    gety thats good where can i listen
  19. Data African Astronaut
    Jigaboo has early onset dementia and basic communication problems

    This entire discussion would've never happened if he had just read your initial post clearly

    What a dumb old man lol
  20. Data African Astronaut
    Ghost , Number13 , Kev , Spectral, Bradley , cigreting , netstat , Bill Krozby , WellHung , AngryOnion

    all the dumbest users.
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